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we all are waiting, it'll come if it was an isolated incident it would cause concern, this is part of the game that comes along with what we do...
See i tried that but the atm wouldnt let me put in his numbers it only scanned qr codes. I was hoping to do it the way mentioned above
You could always screen shot the qr code, or take a picture of your comp screen with your phone. That worked for me
All you people need to chill the fuck out. Despite being told explicitly that packs basically would not ship in February, you all keep clogging up the thread wringing your hands and bitching. Fuck. If your pack doesn't arrive in a couple of weeks, then you can start asking questions. Try asking frank via this magic thing called "PM." This is not Amazon, there are no delivery drones bringing you your pack.

And then when your shit does arrive you'll be posting every last detail, the exact day it shipped, the exact day it hit us customs, the exact day it showed up at your door, what you ordered, how you paid, when you paid, it goes on and on. Get a grip and use some common sense, please. If it doesn't need to be said in the open forum, why say it?

Seriously. Two words: order domestic.
Not trying to speak for anyone here because I don't have a pack that hasn't showed...mine showed but I ordered well before the holiday.. I think most are getting anxious because frank is known for responding to people within 24 hours at the most... And that is usually stretching it, he almost always responds to anything I have sent him in 12 hours tops...

So when numerous members have went 2-3 days without hearing a word from frank it makes people scared...we all know how busy one can get during a huge sale like this, but we also know that huge sales also equates to bad sales.... I have dealt with Frank numerous times and he is not one to skip out, but for those members who might not know him or might not understand the process I am sure it scares the hell out of them...

Does it get old reading the same shit?? Hell yes it does but it takes more effort to post and bash that person that it does to ignore them and move on and not clutter this thread with useless jargon.... The idiots that post stupid questions are going to be idiots after you've responded to them so why even try?

Sometimes a simple pop in and say hello from frank would work wonders for the idiots wondering where the hell their pack and their savior frank is...
Not disagreeing with you but for someone new and not used to this stuff, which is exactly the riff raff that comes with huge sales, they have no idea what to expect othet than what 400 pages of research have to offer them which shows frank replying to everyone quickly.

Just trying to get all you vets to look at their side of things. Soon as the sale is over and they get their products, the idiots will go back to the shadows and we won't see them again. Just be patient with the idiots the way we ask them to be patient with Frank.

Fuck it, put em all on blast... At least it makes for fun reading.
This situation is far from business as usual for Frank. They just took an entire month hiatus from all sales and start back up afterwards with the sale of the year so it goes without saying they're probably all busy as hell trying to fill tons of orders. This Frank disappearing thing happens every once in a while as I'm sure his entire life isn't spent on meso and he probably has other aspects of his job to do, and every time he does everyone flips out. Then he stops in and meso breathes a collective sigh of relief. Repeat. Take a clonopin, smoke a bowl, hell, go get laid and I'll bet he'll show up eventually
Why don't y'all just use the contact us page on their site. I used it before and it is probably where frank forwards all his PMs to anyway.
Anyone on Tren A recently ? Iam on day 14 of 300mg test / 525 tren per week and have zero sides and just minimal strength gains. It seems alot of people experience the same eventho. anaboliclabs are posting top notch results.

Edit: Was on 600mg Test for 12 weeks before alternating to the current stack, Test E twice a week / Tren A ED

anyone ?
For me personally tren ace really starts to kick in weeks 5-6 with great strength increase and size. I'd give be patient and give it a little longer. Not everyone has bad sides. I just get some insomnia and a little irritatability from time to time. That's usually occurs several weeks in. Good luck;)
Thinkin about tryin the EQ 300 but why does the price jump from $75 per vial to $82.50 plus shipping in my cart?
Confucius say," Shut the fuck up and be patient, stop crowding this thread with anxious worrying." ooouuhhhh