MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

I Tried ordering from there and it wont let me register why is that? It keeps saying invalid email address.
i will contact you.
If you guys had nolvadex, clomid, and hcg in the int and us store you would be a one stop shop, than you wouldnt have to get pct elsewhere also clen or albuterol would be a nice addition

@Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs caber would be nice, cialis would also be really good to
we will have cabergoline. its an extremely expensive compound. we shipped 400 mg of caber to Simec. will see results soon.
cialis - do not have such plans yet.
hcg we are going to produce it. it will take a bit longer as with other pct items.
we also will have exemestane, letrozole.
just spoke to our production team. oxy pills will be available only in may. need some equipment for them, which is ordered but will be delivered individually for us in the middle of april only. so pills shall be available in may.
Placed an order on the eu section. The status is "processing" for some days. Can you have a look at it and give me an eta? Kinf of need it in the next week. Same username as here. Thanks a lot!
Placed an order on the eu section. The status is "processing" for some days. Can you have a look at it and give me an eta? Kinf of need it in the next week. Same username as here. Thanks a lot!
Sounds like something that should be handled in a private message
What if you don't have a checking account and want to use bitcoin? I know bitcoin is anonymous but dam that just seems risky to me.
I am going to makw the jump to bitcoin but it's like everything else new, it's a pain in the ass til I figure it out.
What if you don't have a checking account and want to use bitcoin? I know bitcoin is anonymous but dam that just seems risky to me. I am going to makw the jump to bitcoin but it's like everything else new, it's a pain in the ass til I figure it out.
Bitcoins really isn't as bad as it sounds. I have considered writing a bitcoins for dummies (no insults intended).
There is a whole Meso Forum on bit coin. It contains a lot of information not talked about in this thread. For example, I see a lot of people say they are transferring bits from bank account to circle to wallet to drug dealer wallet. That places a lot of trust in the dealer's security measures.
There is a whole Meso Forum on bit coin. It contains a lot of information not talked about in this thread. For example, I see a lot of people say they are transferring bits from bank account to circle to wallet to drug dealer wallet. That places a lot of trust in the dealer's security measures.
Can you explain what you mean by this? I'm a total bitcoin noob, I've only made a couple of donations to AnabolicLab with it, but paid directly from circle app...... I thought I had it licked, but why the need for another separate wallet? To cover tracks somehow?
Can you explain what you mean by this? I'm a total bitcoin noob, I've only made a couple of donations to AnabolicLab with it, but paid directly from circle app...... I thought I had it licked, but why the need for another separate wallet? To cover tracks somehow?

The theory is it will prevent Circle from flagging your transaction as suspicious and closing your account. It doesn't cover your tracks at all. If LE flags the end point as a drug dealer, it can ID your circle account from that in a microsecond. The bit coin forum is worth following. I'm no expert myself.
Just to give credit where credit is due quick. I had tried to purchase bitcoins via PayPal through one of the sites on the Bitcoin tutorial. Anyway the site took my money and I never received what I paid for. They didn't respond to the multiple attempts I made to contact them. I let Frank know about it and he took the company off of the tutorial and offered to credit my account the amount I lost without me asking. I thought that was a stand up move. Especially since the issue I had didn't really have anything to do with basicstero, other than the fact that the site was listed as an option to purchase bitcoins.
You need 3 or 4 wallets. The first one is circle. 2nd is darkwallet. Darkwallet you tumble them into your third. The 3rd you tumble again into 4th and then use 4th to send to dealer. 3rd and 4th wallets are only accesed anonymously on dark net. That is only way for full anonymity. Now can you send directly from circle. Sure you can. Will le come get you? Highly doubtful but it can be used against you if you were to get busted. But for small personal purchase i dont see whats so hard about using circle. I believe my 7yr old neice could send some bitcoins.
You need 3 or 4 wallets. The first one is circle. 2nd is darkwallet. Darkwallet you tumble them into your third. The 3rd you tumble again into 4th and then use 4th to send to dealer. 3rd and 4th wallets are only accesed anonymously on dark net. That is only way for full anonymity. Now can you send directly from circle. Sure you can. Will le come get you? Highly doubtful but it can be used against you if you were to get busted. But for small personal purchase i dont see whats so hard about using circle. I believe my 7yr old neice could send some bitcoins.
Do they have to be darknet?
Why not just open wallets 3,4 with bogus email and name?
You need 3 or 4 wallets. The first one is circle. 2nd is darkwallet. Darkwallet you tumble them into your third. The 3rd you tumble again into 4th and then use 4th to send to dealer. 3rd and 4th wallets are only accesed anonymously on dark net. That is only way for full anonymity. Now can you send directly from circle. Sure you can. Will le come get you? Highly doubtful but it can be used against you if you were to get busted. But for small personal purchase i dont see whats so hard about using circle. I believe my 7yr old neice could send some bitcoins.

Is dark wallet still having issues with the new version? If so is there anyway to download the old version.
So in order to get that 40% using bitcoin, could I send money now bitcoin and still get it, or do I have to wait till the 40% comes out than pay using bitcoin?