MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

besides looking bad ass, what benefit do amps have over vials? They cost slightly more, are difficult to pop. What do you do if you need say 1.3 mL?
I only chose them because of the ease of having them. I only use 1 amp twice a week for 500 test e a week. Also i dont have to buy two different types of pins. When i bought my gear i bought enough for a year. So it just ended up being easy. But for my free bonus i got vials of test c so i will have to get draw pins at some point.
Just curious saw using bitcoins you would get a 40% off on April 1st, any other deals or discounts going on for non bitcoin users?
I got bloods and now I can't get any credit for them!!!!! why is this pharmacom????
i will provide you store credit. but we really decided to stop giving stop credits for blood works.
@Pharmacom Labs so we have no choice we either use bitcom or look for a different source because their will be no discounts for moneygam, your going to lose a few customers , I'm sorry that ill be one.

I don't think he's saying that brother. I think he's doing this as a way to get people to try bitcoin. Look at it this way. A 40% off sale may be incentive to get people that otherwise wouldn't try bitcoin to try it and once they try it they will see how easy it is that they will continue to use it. Frank wins because they don't have to use pick up agents or at least less of them and we win because we don't have to worry about being denied. It gets rid of issues on both sides.
I was very hesitant to try bitcoin but I made myself try it and it took one transaction for me to realize that it's the way to go.
I don't think he wants to not do business with MG or WU users. He just prefers Bitcoin. I'm sure it's a way to reduce overhead and also reduce current issues which means more profit and happier customers.
Bitcoin is really easy. It takes one transaction to figure it out. I can place my order and pay all at the same time. I don't have to leave the house and go to the store and fill out paperwork and potentially get rejected and then do it all over again blah blah blah.
this is exactly what i meant. we will except both WU and MG. i meant only that during the next promo 40% off will get only those customers who pays with bitcoins. you will be able to pay with MG and WU but you will not get the discount.
Bitcoin is easy to use nowadays compared to a few years ago when I was buying shit off of the silk road. There's a website called that makes it simple. My question for @Pharmacom Labs is are you gonna have oxymetholone pills in stock? I've never seen it in stock on basicstero.
unfortunately it will be not very soon available.
Adex and ROA we have now. In plan also clomid+toremifene, may be some other drugs will be in future.
What do you want to see ?

If you guys had nolvadex, clomid, and hcg in the int and us store you would be a one stop shop, than you wouldnt have to get pct elsewhere also clen or albuterol would be a nice addition
If you guys had nolvadex, clomid, and hcg in the int and us store you would be a one stop shop, than you wouldnt have to get pct elsewhere also clen or albuterol would be a nice addition
I was really hoping they would add hcg to the int store. Im going to use the domestic store but yea one stop shopping would be sweet.