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so because bitcoins are not convenient for me I will not get 40 percent off while others using bitcoins will.
On ur couch from ur phone, they recieve money instantly! Convenient is an understatement, plus u dont have to wait for dong zang in china to take his sweet ass time pickin up the money, then takin more time to drop it to frank. Btc wallet to btc wallet equals package at door! Plus 40% discount in april!
so because bitcoins are not convenient for me I will not get 40 percent off while others using bitcoins will.
It really is easy, I understand your apprehension, but it's safe and easy. Create a circle account now and move over $300 so you are ready to go.
Ironwill, it actually is probably easier than giving money to your wife once you figure it out. You can get a circle account on your computer or phone. You buy bitcoin at circle and send it to your wallet of choice(i used electrum). At that point you make a bitcoin transfer from your wallet to the source and they verify it...done. You don't have to leave the house and it is far easier than navigating past crap posts in the underground.
Using bitcoin ended up being easier than I originally suspected, and I now plan on using it for any future orders. It is certainly cheaper, faster, and more convenient than using WU or MG!
If you guys had nolvadex, clomid, and hcg in the int and us store you would be a one stop shop, than you wouldnt have to get pct elsewhere also clen or albuterol would be a nice addition
For nolva - I don't sure. In the future will be also caber, hcg (when we don't know, works on it). Clen, albuterol - no
Cool, I look forward to seeing some competitively prices and accurately dosed toremifene.
you can be sure that all will be OK :)
For nolva - I don't sure. In the future will be also caber, hcg (when we don't know, works on it). Clen, albuterol - no

you can be sure that all will be OK :)

caber would be amazing, the first ugl to my knowledge that would have it.

you should look into raloxifene frank its way better than any other serm and is so hard to get that many ppl would just step by your shop for the raloxifene
Yes, this is why I keep my funds in the form of USD until the time comes to make the transfer. With my luck the value of bitcoins would have dropped.

Real-time Bitcoin Price Charts

thanks BD

hey bros the volatility of BTC goes up and down so much but its almost best to buy coin at night or during the weekend, when its at its lowest.You'll notice its higher right now. Also different companies charge a higher conversion Coin isn't as bad but Circle does have a higher rate than what its actually worth. Just my .02