MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Wow! Another sale!

It seems from the last sale you had, you barely survived. Packages being shipped late, no tracking numbers, items getting hung up it customs, etc....

I'm pretty sure there's some other things I'm forgetting to mention. It's funny how this supplier hasn't acknowledged my statement about stealth packing. It's also funny how my statement about igf-1 testing should be the only method of verification to test the validity of their hgh, not just a serum score.


When you order internationally (if in the US), your items will get scrutinize more heavily/intensely. Chances of getting seizure letter are increased. That's why domestic could/should be a better option. Providing you pay for AND GET STEALTH PACKAGING, your items have a higher success rate of making it. What most people fail to know is this "stealth packaging" is what customs is looking for.

Btw....for those who think I have an agenda with this supplier.....I dont. I just want guys here to be safe, keep their heads on a swivel, and get what they paid for

Good luck meso!
Got an email stated next promo Is presunably April 1st.. Only for Bitcoin purchases though,, it's a 40% off..that's All he said, so I'm not sure if the 10% for using bitcoins will be adding to the additional 40%.. Just thought I'd share the info I received
yes i confirm. we will have sale in our international store. We are planning to launch it on 1st of April. 40% off for orders paid with bitcoins. Only 40%, not 40 + 10%.
Most probably it will be running all month long until the 1st of May to give time to as many customers as possible to learn how bitcoin works.
Also @Pharmacom Labs , any reason there are no reships to EU anymore? I asked the helper in PM but he didn't know why.
Our company head decided so. Generally 2 reasons behind this.
1. Too many seizures in Europe. Tough customs.
2. Our european warehouse is the weakest link in the chain. No orders there. Now we don`t have much in stock, but even when we had there were not many orders there. Need to promote it.
Wow! Another sale!

It seems from the last sale you had, you barely survived. Packages being shipped late, no tracking numbers, items getting hung up it customs, etc....
You are not quite right. Yes there were delays. But delays were mostly due to chinese new year. This happens every year in February independent on do we have promos or not.
We took into account experience of last sale and improved our strategy.
All delays from our side were connected with the fact that our receiver could not receivers too many payment at oe day. Otherwise WU or MG would block them.
Soon we will fix it. Our site will change names of the receivers every say 5 orders. Automatically. In this case we will be able to evenly distribute payments between a lot of persons and not between only 2 of them like it was at last time. This will of course speed up the procedure. However WU can still block payments. It`s not because our receivers are flagged. This is just WU policy. There are often 2-3 blocked payments. If a transfer is blocked the sender just goes to WU office and resend payment to the same name and it works. We experienced this lot of times. Of course bitcoin is the fastest payment way. You will never face similar issues if you use it.
Guys it happens more and more often last time. Customers say that they did not receive anything, or something came broken, or they received not what they ordered... Yes, our warehouse can do mistakes. It happens. And we are absolutely ready to take responsibility for this. But i am feeling that people start to betray of our confidence. A couple of days ago i received a message where a customer said that one of the vials came broken. I asked for unpackaging video. He did not have it. He sent a photo. On photo that vial was really broken, but other boxes from vials were not in oil... for me it looked like he just sucked out most of the oil from the vial and broke it to get for free a new one...
A couple of days ago i received a message that one of our customers did not receive one vial... i asked for evidences. He had not. I checked records of our shipper. Our shipper always weighs parcels. We know exact weight of one vial and of one package of pills.Our warehouse packaged a similar order without one vial, which was presumably not in the package. The difference in weghts between the complete parcel and the parcel witout one vial was obvious. So, as per our calculations all items were in that parcel. That customer was insisting on a missing vial... but no evidences from his side and weight calculations on our side... what shall we do here? More and more cases similar to this one occur within last time. I ignored such things and we reshipped allegedly missing /broken items without any extra proofs in most of cases. But i am feeling that it happens more and more often now. So, in our ordering conditions there is one important item:
10. When you have received your package, you are obligated to make photos of the unpacking process in the event of any issue or dispute. Without this we shall not be liable for any complaints (missing or damaged items, etc.).
Photos are not evidence. Customers do not provide even photos. I am going to change it to video. We will require unpackaging video in case of any possible issues. Without this video we have right not to reship allegedly missing or broken items. This is an absolutely reasonable procedure, which is necessary now. You don`t have to show your face. You don`t have to show the address on the package. You don`t have to upload it to youtube or whatever. It`s private. But the unpackaging process video will be required in case of issues. If a mistake was caused by our warehosue we will immediately fix it and even provide you a bonus. But only after unpackaging video. This is a reasonable solution.
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yes i confirm. we will have sale in our international store. We are planning to launch it on 1st of April. 40% off for orders paid with bitcoins. Only 40%, not 40 + 10%.
Most probably it will be running all month long until the 1st of May to give time to as many customers as possible to learn how bitcoin works.

Our company head decided so. Generally 2 reasons behind this.
1. Too many seizures in Europe. Tough customs.
2. Our european warehouse is the weakest link in the chain. No orders there. Now we don`t have much in stock, but even when we had there were not many orders there. Need to promote it.

You are not quite right. Yes there were delays. But delays were mostly due to chinese new year. This happens every year in February independent on do we have promos or not.
We took into account experience of last sale and improved our strategy.
All delays from our side were connected with the fact that our receiver could not receivers too many payment at oe day. Otherwise WU or MG would block them.
Soon we will fix it. Our site will change names of the receivers every say 5 orders. Automatically. In this case we will be able to evenly distribute payments between a lot of persons and not between only 2 of them like it was at last time. This will of course speed up the procedure. However WU can still block payments. It`s not because our receivers are flagged. This is just WU policy. There are often 2-3 blocked payments. If a transfer is blocked the sender just goes to WU office and resend payment to the same name and it works. We experienced this lot of times. Of course bitcoin is the fastest payment way. You will never face similar issues if you use it.

Is pharmacon a European ugl?

If so, I don't see how the Chinese New Year has any bearing on why package's moved slowly. The only way this is possible is if pharmacon is based out of china, or you're getting raws from there. Only items from or to China was affected during the Chinese new year...

No other country had issues with postage during this time...


I know guys who were able to have funds picked up during/between those holidays
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yes i confirm. we will have sale in our international store. We are planning to launch it on 1st of April. 40% off for orders paid with bitcoins. Only 40%, not 40 + 10%.
Most probably it will be running all month long until the 1st of May to give time to as many customers as possible to learn how bitcoin works.

Our company head decided so. Generally 2 reasons behind this.
1. Too many seizures in Europe. Tough customs.
2. Our european warehouse is the weakest link in the chain. No orders there. Now we don`t have much in stock, but even when we had there were not many orders there. Need to promote it.

You are not quite right. Yes there were delays. But delays were mostly due to chinese new year. This happens every year in February independent on do we have promos or not.
We took into account experience of last sale and improved our strategy.
All delays from our side were connected with the fact that our receiver could not receivers too many payment at oe day. Otherwise WU or MG would block them.
Soon we will fix it. Our site will change names of the receivers every say 5 orders. Automatically. In this case we will be able to evenly distribute payments between a lot of persons and not between only 2 of them like it was at last time. This will of course speed up the procedure. However WU can still block payments. It`s not because our receivers are flagged. This is just WU policy. There are often 2-3 blocked payments. If a transfer is blocked the sender just goes to WU office and resend payment to the same name and it works. We experienced this lot of times. Of course bitcoin is the fastest payment way. You will never face similar issues if you use it.

The problem ordering from the EU store, is the prices are pretty much the same as other domestic phamacom sellers. So it's safer ordering from the country you live in, for near enough the same price.

People in the EU are still ordering from a different country, so may as well go International store for far better prices. Both stores are from another country after all.
Is pharmacon a European ugl?

If so, I don't see how the Chinese New Year has any bearing on why package's moved slowly. The only way this is possible is if pharmacon is based out of china, or you're getting raws from there. Only items from or to China was affected during the Chinese new year...

No other country had issues with postage during this time...


I know guys who were able to have funds picked up during/between those holidays
They were European, they moved to china though.
Guys it happens more and more often last time. Customers say that they did not receive anything, or something came broken, or they received not what they ordered... Yes, our warehouse can do mistakes. It happens. And we are absolutely ready to take responsibility for this. But i am feeling that people start to betray of our confidence. A couple of days ago i received a message where a customer said that one of the vials came broken. I asked for unpackaging video. He did not have it. He sent a photo. On photo that vial was really broken, but other boxes from vials were not in oil... for me it looked like he just sucked out most of the oil from the vial and broke it to get for free a new one...
A couple of days ago i received a message that one of our customers did not receive one vial... i asked for evidences. He had not. I checked records of our shipper. Our shipper always weighs parcels. We know exact weight of one vial and of one package of pills.Our warehouse packaged a similar order without one vial, which was presumably not in the package. The difference in weghts between the complete parcel and the parcel witout one vial was obvious. So, as per our calculations all items were in that parcel. That customer was insisting on a missing vial... but no evidences from his side and weight calculations on our side... what shall we do here? More and more cases similar to this one occur within last time. I ignored such things and we reshipped allegedly missing /broken items without any extra proofs in most of cases. But i am feeling that it happens more and more often now. So, in our ordering conditions there is one important item:
10. When you have received your package, you are obligated to make photos of the unpacking process in the event of any issue or dispute. Without this we shall not be liable for any complaints (missing or damaged items, etc.).
Photos are not evidence. Customers do not provide even photos. I am going to change it to video. We will require unpackaging video in case of any possible issues. Without this video we have right not to reship allegedly missing or broken items. This is an absolutely reasonable procedure, which is necessary now. You don`t have to show your face. You don`t have to show the address on the package. You don`t have to upload it to youtube or whatever. It`s private. But the unpackaging process video will be required in case of issues. If a mistake was caused by our warehosue we will immediately fix it and even provide you a bonus. But only after unpackaging video. This is a reasonable solution.

I was thinking the same thing, many of are honest but there are many dishonest sobs in this game who ruined it for all of us. I think requiring photo intervals or video is not bad idea since everyone got video phones, depending upon how many of refund request you get.
What a coincidence...

Or maybe they're from China, set up a shop in Europe, AND MOVED BACK to china.
I'm not sure. I remember when I first started looking into this sort of thing, and thinking they were from the eastern bloc for some reason. It wasn't until this thread popped up, then Frank said they were shipping direct from China.
They are Chinese based with some shipment places in some eu country's and the us.

And it's to bad that so many people are trying to rip your off. You have great products. Would be a shame if you left the EU.
I'm not sure. I remember when I first started looking into this sort of thing, and thinking they were from the eastern bloc for some reason. It wasn't until this thread popped up, then Frank said they were shipping direct from China.
There lab is in Washington,lmao
god damn talk about kissing ass..

I was thinking the same thing, many of are honest but there are many dishonest sobs in this game who ruined it for all of us. I think requiring photo intervals or video is not bad idea since everyone got video phones, depending upon how many of refund request you get.
@Pharmacom Labs so we have no choice we either use bitcom or look for a different source because their will be no discounts for moneygam, your going to lose a few customers , I'm sorry that ill be one.

yes i confirm. we will have sale in our international store. We are planning to launch it on 1st of April. 40% off for orders paid with bitcoins. Only 40%, not 40 + 10%.
Most probably it will be running all month long until the 1st of May to give time to as many customers as possible to learn how bitcoin works.
Guys it happens more and more often last time. Customers say that they did not receive anything, or something came broken, or they received not what they ordered... Yes, our warehouse can do mistakes. It happens. And we are absolutely ready to take responsibility for this. But i am feeling that people start to betray of our confidence. A couple of days ago i received a message where a customer said that one of the vials came broken. I asked for unpackaging video. He did not have it. He sent a photo. On photo that vial was really broken, but other boxes from vials were not in oil... for me it looked like he just sucked out most of the oil from the vial and broke it to get for free a new one...
A couple of days ago i received a message that one of our customers did not receive one vial... i asked for evidences. He had not. I checked records of our shipper. Our shipper always weighs parcels. We know exact weight of one vial and of one package of pills.Our warehouse packaged a similar order without one vial, which was presumably not in the package. The difference in weghts between the complete parcel and the parcel witout one vial was obvious. So, as per our calculations all items were in that parcel. That customer was insisting on a missing vial... but no evidences from his side and weight calculations on our side... what shall we do here? More and more cases similar to this one occur within last time. I ignored such things and we reshipped allegedly missing /broken items without any extra proofs in most of cases. But i am feeling that it happens more and more often now. So, in our ordering conditions there is one important item:
10. When you have received your package, you are obligated to make photos of the unpacking process in the event of any issue or dispute. Without this we shall not be liable for any complaints (missing or damaged items, etc.).
Photos are not evidence. Customers do not provide even photos. I am going to change it to video. We will require unpackaging video in case of any possible issues. Without this video we have right not to reship allegedly missing or broken items. This is an absolutely reasonable procedure, which is necessary now. You don`t have to show your face. You don`t have to show the address on the package. You don`t have to upload it to youtube or whatever. It`s private. But the unpackaging process video will be required in case of issues. If a mistake was caused by our warehosue we will immediately fix it and even provide you a bonus. But only after unpackaging video. This is a reasonable solution.

Sucks, either way whether it is scam source or reverse scam customers -- they ruin good things for the rest of us.

Completely foolish to ruin a good thing for one vial. What is it even worth? maybe $20-$40 after all the discounts etc; just no point, not even worth the addition package risk to get $30 value.

Sorry to hear this Frank @Pharmacom Labs, get a feel for the story and if they are questionable and the story seems odd then just tell them to get lost. Your real customers will understand and be supportive of what you have to do.
@Pharmacom Labs so we have no choice we either use bitcom or look for a different source because their will be no discounts for moneygam, your going to lose a few customers , I'm sorry that ill be one.
I don't think he's saying that brother. I think he's doing this as a way to get people to try bitcoin. Look at it this way. A 40% off sale may be incentive to get people that otherwise wouldn't try bitcoin to try it and once they try it they will see how easy it is that they will continue to use it. Frank wins because they don't have to use pick up agents or at least less of them and we win because we don't have to worry about being denied. It gets rid of issues on both sides.
I was very hesitant to try bitcoin but I made myself try it and it took one transaction for me to realize that it's the way to go.
I don't think he wants to not do business with MG or WU users. He just prefers Bitcoin. I'm sure it's a way to reduce overhead and also reduce current issues which means more profit and happier customers.
Bitcoin is really easy. It takes one transaction to figure it out. I can place my order and pay all at the same time. I don't have to leave the house and go to the store and fill out paperwork and potentially get rejected and then do it all over again blah blah blah.