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Except that it pumps it through your brain and lungs. Take tren for example. If you just nick a vein you can cough like you're dying. It's happened to me. It can be minor or very scary. That's just a nick. If you were to push 100mg of tren directly into a vein and that hits the lungs who knows what that would do. Who knows what a concentrated amount of dbol inject or Winny or whatever would to if it passed through the brain or kidneys etc...
Not just taking the heart into account but the brain and organs as well.

Also, I remember reading that it takes more air than most people realize to stop the heart. It's like 5+ cc's. So those little air bubbles in the syringe aren't going to hurt anything. I don't even concern myself with that.

In the history of steroids if you honestly think nobody has pushed an entire ml of AAS intravenous you are gullible AF.

Secret- it does next to nothing
careful there are newbies here we must protect the poor dumb fucks who do not research and go off of what a "wkm" says whatever the fuck that implies or means (which is next to nothing) but plenty of heros here... gotta respect their admirable efforts bro.. lmao
In the history of steroids if you honestly think nobody has pushed an entire ml of AAS intravenous you are gullible AF.

Secret- it does next to nothing
When I'm injecting substances into my body that are said to be for intramuscular injection I like to error on the side of caution. It takes one second to aspirate so why not. If you don't want to aspirate, that's cool do your thing. If I'm a pussy for doing it then I'm a pussy. Who gives a fuck how I inject gear. No ones in the bathroom with me but me. If its not dangerous then maybe you should just mainline your gear from now on. I'll just keep aspirating. But thanks for the info. Peace.
When I'm injecting substances into my body that are said to be for intramuscular injection I like to error on the side of caution. It takes one second to aspirate so why not. If you don't want to aspirate, that's cool do your thing. If I'm a pussy for doing it then I'm a pussy. Who gives a fuck how I inject gear. No ones in the bathroom with me but me. If its not dangerous then maybe you should just mainline your gear from now on. I'll just keep aspirating. But thanks for the info. Peace.
hmmm mainline gear? great idea bro!!! faster gainz maybe??
This is exactly what you said:


We know exactly what it will do. Not much
I did not say in the history of steroids no one has done it. I don't know if someone has or hasn't. I said who knows what will happen. I don't. I don't know personally anyone who's done it nor have I had anyone tell me that they know someone who's done it. That doesn't make me gullible it means I lack the knowledge of it. Do I think it's possible? sure. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to do it intentionally. My point is that guys that are new to injecting AAS should aspirate to error on the side of caution. It takes one second. Why are you taking such a hard stand on something so minor. just do you and I'll do me. If you disagree with me that's cool. Who fucking gives a shit.
I always aspirate. In The glutes never had blood coming in but in shoulder yes and in quads once I had to change pin 4 fucking times because 3 times I had blood coming in while aspirating.

So yeah unless you do glutes or VG I would damn aspirate.