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I always wondered what would happen. That's good to know but I'm still not planning on doing it lol.
It just feels like your lungs are filling up with alcohol. And then you get real dizzy. I was still able to google to see if I I dying while it was going on. Maybe lasted like 10 min. I really don't remember. I was scared at first.
What's fucked up is the nurses in my doctor's office never aspirated, and when they were teaching me how to give myself the injections, never mentioned it once.
That's because evidence based medicine no longer recommends aspirating for routine injections, particularly when they're given in standard IM injection sites. I certainly don't bother aspirating.
their test E 500 fucking kills me whether i pin in my quad or my glute. i'm gonna try .5ml subcutaneous next time around. i take my prescribed trt subcutaneous w/ no issues
not a good idea bro, lump for a week! wont feel great and say bye bye to abs or anything involving core w/o for that week!!!! warning
their test E 500 fucking kills me whether i pin in my quad or my glute. i'm gonna try .5ml subcutaneous next time around. i take my prescribed trt subcutaneous w/ no issues
I was just about to ask about the Test E 500 as mine arrived today. When cutting it in the syringe with grape seed oil, does it matter what order I place it in the syringe?
your heart is nothing but a pump that pumps liquid it does not matter if you hit a vein it will just pump it through , now if you have air its different but even that takes 2 cc or more to kill you .
Except that it pumps it through your brain and lungs. Take tren for example. If you just nick a vein you can cough like you're dying. It's happened to me. It can be minor or very scary. That's just a nick. If you were to push 100mg of tren directly into a vein and that hits the lungs who knows what that would do. Who knows what a concentrated amount of dbol inject or Winny or whatever would to if it passed through the brain or kidneys etc...
Not just taking the heart into account but the brain and organs as well.

Also, I remember reading that it takes more air than most people realize to stop the heart. It's like 5+ cc's. So those little air bubbles in the syringe aren't going to hurt anything. I don't even concern myself with that.
Except that it pumps it through your brain and lungs. Take tren for example. If you just nick a vein you can cough like you're dying. It's happened to me. It can be minor or very scary. That's just a nick. If you were to push 100mg of tren directly into a vein and that hits the lungs who knows what that would do. Who knows what a concentrated amount of dbol inject or Winny or whatever would to if it passed through the brain or kidneys etc...
Not just taking the heart into account but the brain and organs as well.

Also, I remember reading that it takes more air than most people realize to stop the heart. It's like 5+ cc's. So those little air bubbles in the syringe aren't going to hurt anything. I don't even concern myself with that.

scary idea injectin in a vein : /
Yeah takes shit load of airs to kill you.
your heart is nothing but a pump that pumps liquid it does not matter if you hit a vein it will just pump it through , now if you have air its different but even that takes 2 cc or more to kill you .
scary idea injectin in a vein : /
Yeah takes shit load of airs to kill you.
Except that it pumps it through your brain and lungs. Take tren for example. If you just nick a vein you can cough like you're dying. It's happened to me. It can be minor or very scary. That's just a nick. If you were to push 100mg of tren directly into a vein and that hits the lungs who knows what that would do. Who knows what a concentrated amount of dbol inject or Winny or whatever would to if it passed through the brain or kidneys etc...
Not just taking the heart into account but the brain and organs as well.

Also, I remember reading that it takes more air than most people realize to stop the heart. It's like 5+ cc's. So those little air bubbles in the syringe aren't going to hurt anything. I don't even concern myself with that.
Here interesting info.
I don't found a single fatal case from oils into a vein. But if I remember well, I found 2 researches:
- With dogs - fatal threshold 5 ml of oil per 1 kg of body weight (into a portal vein)
- With woman - 20 ml of oils, by dripper for 24 hours. She not dead, all OK after 2 weeks since this "research"
All oils injection (not only tren) into a vein may cause coughing and not only
But of course we should not do oils injections into the vein, and air also

Just for info :)
I was told by a nurse that aspirating is an old school technique. Also, that when giving shots, you would blow the vein out before you'd be able to inject that much into it, unless you went incredibly slow. She says stab and go, and to avoid glutes if you can.
yum yum
Imo the test e 500 is a great idea and hella convenient. Idk if it was due to being mixed with deca 600 but the combo have little to no pip. Some dragon pharma 250 has more pip.