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Have you ever cycled before or used dbol? The pump effect happens from the dbol and the more pump you get the less you can lift. When i use drol the pump is so bad after one set my arms are dead and i cant lift. When you use dbol its a good kick start to see gains. Keep lifting and try and work through it even if its alot less weight.
hey thanks bro! that was i was hoping to hear. i think to get the most out of it im going to do an am/pm routine. yes this is my first round of aas. i was originally just going to go with the test at 500 a week but because the dbol was pretty inexpensive so i threw it in as well. i have definitely been surprised that i am getting pump everywhere.
If you're knocking veins you need to learn to move slow.

pin slow, inject slow, wait a bit after all oil is injected, pull it out slow and straight, not with aggressive force.

Calm down, it's not a race.
I pinned 1 cc of mix 2 today in the delt and when my wife took the pin out blood litterally squirted out a few inches. I guess i knicked a vein on the way out cause i always asperate and there was no guessing nothing went into the vein cause there was no cough from it but it did make me real lightheaded for a few minutes. Has this ever happened to anybody else?
Yeah I had this happen in my guad a few months back! Kinda trippy seeing that blood squirt out of my leg. Vein on surface I guess. Long story short...there was no problem. Just a little messy. Haha.
I have a question for the masses that have used dbol. Im on day 6 of pharmacoms and my 3rd pin of test e 250. Using 2 amps a week split. My question is with the dbol do you normally lose endurance at first? Im taking 40mg ed and after day for i noticed i am getting pumped fast (normally my second set) i feel fantastic but i cant lift as long as i did before because failure is coming faster. I have read in many threads it takes between 1 to 2 weeks for strenght to increase. I am up 5lbs with the same diet i have been on 2900cals and macros at 40,40,20. Any info is appreciated.
That's why most of us uses steroids)
I cannot walk more than 1 km on my current cycle :)
I'm I the only one who thinks that the pharmacom helper is useless, if you are just gonna give generic answers to the questions you are being asked, Frank is better off hiring a monkey.
I'm I the only one who thinks that the pharmacom helper is useless, if you are just gonna give generic answers to the questions you are being asked, Frank is better off hiring a monkey.
@Pharmacom Helper is very limited in what he/she can do, but the one thing they can do is let Frank know of an issue ASAP.
Yeah I had this happen in my guad a few months back! Kinda trippy seeing that blood squirt out of my leg. Vein on surface I guess. Long story short...there was no problem. Just a little messy. Haha.

Bro ive been pinning for 9 years but ive never had shit squirt the way it did, or any problems like this in my thousands of pins that ive done. I just dont know what happened cause i have a tattoo where i pin all the time in my delt and its always been fine and its wjere my dr told me to pin b12
Bro ive been pinning for 9 years but ive never had shit squirt the way it did, or any problems like this in my thousands of pins that ive done. I just dont know what happened cause i have a tattoo where i pin all the time in my delt and its always been fine and its wjere my dr told me to pin b12
I wouldnt sweat it, a doc gave me a cortisone shot in my left delt one time and blood shot 4ft across the room when he pulled the needle out. Just one of those things that can happen if you stab yourself enough times[emoji1] has never happened before or since and i been at it for a minute.
how soon give me an idea.
I suppose that in this type of business no one can provide you real data. And I hope that you understand why. Frank does not tell me when it will be, soon - that's all

I'm I the only one who thinks that the pharmacom helper is useless, if you are just gonna give generic answers to the questions you are being asked, Frank is better off hiring a monkey.
My salary: 5 bananas per week :(
And if serious - Frank and me already wrote for what reason I'm here.
@Pharmacom Helper is very limited in what he/she can do, but the one thing they can do is let Frank know of an issue ASAP.
Exactly. Maybe in the future I can give more info
Aspirating is for faggots
Dude that's a fucked up statement. No wonder people flame you. If you're experienced enough and don't then that's fine but for guys that are new to this its a good idea until they figure out where to pin. It only happened once but I drew blood and was injecting 3cc's. If I would have not aspirated it would have been a bad day for me. Don't aspirate if you don't want to but your statement is bullshit.