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Read through the last 40 pages just now... what a cluster fuck... my vials of bull semen arrived awhile ago. No problems. Packaging wasnt as discreet (in the way I thought it would be) as I preferred, but it worked. It's g2g. Started drinking it a few days ago. Already seeing a transformation in the mirror. Best semen I've ever tasted.
Read through the last 40 pages just now... what a cluster fuck... my vials of bull semen arrived awhile ago. No problems. Packaging wasnt as discreet (in the way I thought it would be) as I preferred, but it worked. It's g2g. Started drinking it a few days ago. Already seeing a transformation in the mirror. Best semen I've ever tasted.
Im taking 15mg of cia and 1000 to 2000mg of saw palmetto (1 cap equals 1000mg) Like a hour after i take saw palmetto i piss like a race horse thats been binge drinking beer. Should i just up the freq of saw palmetto though? Cause right now before i take anything i go frequently with a light stream and sometimes tricking stream
Damn...I added tren to my mix 2. Loved it. Send them on over...[emoji39]

Shit, I got dragon test e and cypionate hardly ever been touched, used once and twice and never again, the PIP was a killer, eventhough the gear is legit! Sitting right here and I dunno what to do with it either!
Im taking 15mg of cia and 1000 to 2000mg of saw palmetto (1 cap equals 1000mg) Like a hour after i take saw palmetto i piss like a race horse thats been binge drinking beer. Should i just up the freq of saw palmetto though? Cause right now before i take anything i go frequently with a light stream and sometimes tricking stream
Well the only way to know for sure is having a doctor stick his finger up your ass. I was hoping to save you from that experience. But if your having difficulty urinateing that is the only way. I thought you were just peeping frequently. I thought it could be from drinking to many protein shakes. Well you really are drinking too many by the way. I'd say 1 to 2 tops in a day is sufficient.
seriously though, I think I'm one of the lucky ones. Got all of my vitamins, took roughly a few weeks. Little to no pip so far other than a fuck up in my left quad that wasn't relaxed enough when I pinned and I jerked as I pierced through the muscle tissue. Pinning 2cc's does not cause pip and I'm already noticing gains and strength from adrol (4lbs in 3 days, lifts went up 30-60lbs depending on which lift it is)

I've only ever run gen shi. I'll report back on here after 6 weeks or so which is half way through my cycle and let y'all know how things are going. May or may not get mid cycle bloods depending on how my body reacts to aromasin. I know what it does when it's elevating...probably a waste of $60 to do that, rather just wait till after cycle. Thanks again Frank. Sorry to the guys that got seized or are still waiting. I jumped on that sale immediately and was in quick contact with him, was one of the first.. maybe that's why I had no problem.
I pinned 1 cc of mix 2 today in the delt and when my wife took the pin out blood litterally squirted out a few inches. I guess i knicked a vein on the way out cause i always asperate and there was no guessing nothing went into the vein cause there was no cough from it but it did make me real lightheaded for a few minutes. Has this ever happened to anybody else?
I have a question for the masses that have used dbol. Im on day 6 of pharmacoms and my 3rd pin of test e 250. Using 2 amps a week split. My question is with the dbol do you normally lose endurance at first? Im taking 40mg ed and after day for i noticed i am getting pumped fast (normally my second set) i feel fantastic but i cant lift as long as i did before because failure is coming faster. I have read in many threads it takes between 1 to 2 weeks for strenght to increase. I am up 5lbs with the same diet i have been on 2900cals and macros at 40,40,20. Any info is appreciated.
@drgreenthumb628 this has happened several times. Chances are you either nicked on going in and passed through or you moved to much and nicked it then. You'll be fine none will go in vein. I personally know guys who never aspirate and never had problems. In my eyes I still do for caution but the chances of getting a 23g 1" needle to land right in a vein is very small. The light headed was a response from seeing the blood spurt. I learned the hard way to never pin after smoking or on empty stomach I've almost fell the fuck out several times.
@jbeg1985 the crazy pumps is the best part of aas imo. Dbol is one of the best for that. Wait till them back pumps start hitting you. After watching arnold talk so highly about the pump being so highly sought after I use it as a measure of effectiveness of my form and weight choice. Let those muscles pump and if need be switch to a different muscle and come back to that muscle later in workout. Be glad you can get the pumps some cant.
I have a question for the masses that have used dbol. Im on day 6 of pharmacoms and my 3rd pin of test e 250. Using 2 amps a week split. My question is with the dbol do you normally lose endurance at first? Im taking 40mg ed and after day for i noticed i am getting pumped fast (normally my second set) i feel fantastic but i cant lift as long as i did before because failure is coming faster. I have read in many threads it takes between 1 to 2 weeks for strenght to increase. I am up 5lbs with the same diet i have been on 2900cals and macros at 40,40,20. Any info is appreciated.

Have you ever cycled before or used dbol? The pump effect happens from the dbol and the more pump you get the less you can lift. When i use drol the pump is so bad after one set my arms are dead and i cant lift. When you use dbol its a good kick start to see gains. Keep lifting and try and work through it even if its alot less weight.