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Dude that's a fucked up statement. No wonder people flame you. If you're experienced enough and don't then that's fine but for guys that are new to this its a good idea until they figure out where to pin. It only happened once but I drew blood and was injecting 3cc's. If I would have not aspirated it would have been a bad day for me. Don't aspirate if you don't want to but your statement is bullshit.

Ive done this shit for a long time and you never know if ur going to hit one or not theres always that chance no matter how good or long you did it, not aspirating is just stupid it takes all of 5 seconds
Ive done this shit for a long time and you never know if ur going to hit one or not theres always that chance no matter how good or long you did it, not aspirating is just stupid it takes all of 5 seconds
true. However i usually don't. But no one should try to be like me,lmao

well usually only do not when i hit delts well cause its damn near impossible esp with a full to the max 1ml barrel
What's fucked up is the nurses in my doctor's office never aspirated, and when they were teaching me how to give myself the injections, never mentioned it once.
Used as a preworkout? What dosage? What kind of boost are you getting?

Just one 10mg tab had me at the gym for 3 hours, energy was unreal. Stamina like I've never had. The first 30mins I thought I was going to die blood pressure was for sure up. However I had a fantastic workout if I wasn't already killing my liver with acutane I'd of taken it again today.
hey thanks bro! that was i was hoping to hear. i think to get the most out of it im going to do an am/pm routine. yes this is my first round of aas. i was originally just going to go with the test at 500 a week but because the dbol was pretty inexpensive so i threw it in as well. i have definitely been surprised that i am getting pump everywhere.
Start a cycle log. Interested in more stats and following your progress. Dbol on the first round can be tough. Many underestimate how potent the good stuff can be. Def a good cycle at any level if youre smart about it tho. Good luck amigo
Got an email stated next promo Is presunably April 1st.. Only for Bitcoin purchases though,, it's a 40% off..that's All he said, so I'm not sure if the 10% for using bitcoins will be adding to the additional 40%.. Just thought I'd share the info I received
Used as a preworkout? What dosage? What kind of boost are you getting?
Would halo help muscle building. If lets say you use 10-20 ed when lifting. You would lift more weights for longer duration and heavier. Which when used with other compounds, would increase hypertrophy right? It also increase muscle density.
I got bloods in, from november 16th 2015, Just got them, took a while to get the doctor to print it out. This was mid cycle, and I was using Test c 250 mg 5 weeks in, two pins a week=500 mg/wk. I was on Deca for 7 weeks 300mg/wk, 2 pins a week at 150 mg. I was taking Injectable DBOL, 40 mg preworkout, was on it 2-3 weeks. I just frontloaded 800 mg EQ, and then was taking 400 mg/wk, split into 2 pins 200 mg/wk.
Here is the link to my bloods. All those doses were what I was doing the time I took these bloods.

Log of workout and cycle

I got another lab of bloods 5 days ago. Using 600 mg of test E a week. Also 700 mg EQ/wk.
I stopped the EQ 1 weeks before the bloodwork. So it is still in my system fully.
Dude that's a fucked up statement. No wonder people flame you. If you're experienced enough and don't then that's fine but for guys that are new to this its a good idea until they figure out where to pin. It only happened once but I drew blood and was injecting 3cc's. If I would have not aspirated it would have been a bad day for me. Don't aspirate if you don't want to but your statement is bullshit.
Nothing too bad happens. You could of handled it. I have had it happen before. It doesn't feel great, but it's not gonna kill you by any means.
Start a cycle log. Interested in more stats and following your progress. Dbol on the first round can be tough. Many underestimate how potent the good stuff can be. Def a good cycle at any level if youre smart about it tho. Good luck amigo
Currently im on day
Start a cycle log. Interested in more stats and following your progress. Dbol on the first round can be tough. Many underestimate how potent the good stuff can be. Def a good cycle at any level if youre smart about it tho. Good luck amigo
yes i have to say i underestimated it. with that said i am on day 7 40mg ed, test e @500 split twice a week. i only max lift once a week and i am up almost 20% across the board except for incline bench (trying to recover from a shoulder injury) my weight is up 5 lbs and that has come in the last 3 days with no change in diet. i have noticed my hunger is starting to come up. i had to modify my routine on my high rep days and instead of doing 4 to 5 sets im doing 2 or 3 just increased reps in my sets because the pump is a killer on this stuff. my recovery time is insane though, i have had no issues going twice a day and i have only been sore the day after on leg day. i will bring a note pad to the gym with me so i can actually track my numbers.
What do you guys recommend im on tren test nd mast and im on var for first time. Would i be better off with say 40md ed for 8 weeks or 80mg a day for 4 to 5 weeks?