Log of workout and cycle

Yeah I didn't mean to sound like a dick. Just ime drs don't really care and I don't really like em...at all.

It is hard to know what to say. Because I have told a doctor something and it backfired big time(they blew the confidentiallity aggrement out the window). This made me lose my trust with almost everything. So I am VERY careful of what I say and do now(at the doctors).
He wouldn't give me testosterone. But will take over the script once I get the initial script, since he is cheaper.
So I am going to another doc for the TRT then to him. I found two great doctors. I am lucky. It took ALOT of searching and pointless appointments to find these 2. Some doctors are just ridiculous.

OK that makes a little more sense, I thought one dr was doing all the prescribing. Yeah you're lucky, good job finding em. Lol Are they young?
It is hard to know what to say. Because I have told a doctor something and it backfired big time(they blew the confidentiallity aggrement out the window). This made me lose my trust with almost everything. So I am VERY careful of what I say and do now(at the doctors).

Yep. You gotta be careful what you say to anyone really.
OK that makes a little more sense, I thought one dr was doing all the prescribing. Yeah you're lucky, good job finding em. Lol Are they young?

They aren't young. One doctor doesn't even use the computer to put information in. So everything you tell him, is on paper written. lol. I have never seen this before. So he doesn't upload anything into a database. He doensn't us insurance either. Which is good and bad.

Back and Shoulder

4 Back(2 Lats, 2 Row)
3 Shoulder(2 OHP, 1 Lat raise)
2 Read Delt (pec Dec, bent lat raise)

All Reps 15-8 5 sets of each
1 superset- one arm bent dumbell row, with lateral raises.
1 drop set after 5th set of lat pulldown, 3 drop set

Good pump. I am really leaning out. Upper Chest is getting bigger. Shoulders are straited. Lats are getting wider. I am pumped.

arms- Biceps, Triceps, forearms.


3 benching
2 press
2 fly

I am officially odne with EQ. I finished on the 1st of march. It will prob be in my system for like 2-3 weeks. But I pinned 300 gm test E yesterday. I am going to lower my dosage in two weeks, to 400 mg, then 2 weeks too 300 mg then 2 weeks to 200 mg. And cruise there. I

I am thinking about running, DECA 400-500, and Test 400-500,again next cycle. Then I might add, EQ 600-700, or/ and DBOL. Also Thinking about doing proviron, next cycle. I want to bulk again. I am going to cruise for 3-4 months. My cycle was 5 months, lol. This cycle was so good. Why would I change anything. Just run it again. Gain the same amount of weight. Then I will cut.
Yea let me know, on the intraworkout. I feel like carbs, BCAA, creatine, and whatever you can get in your body, while you lifting during is huge for energy/muscle growth/pump.
Xtend Go is very good. I've used it twice now during workouts and both were solid. [emoji123] Taste is amazing for not having any sugar in it and the caffeine gives it a nice kick. Worth trying brother.


Bro...as a fellow recovering addict you REALLY need to take a break and atleast cruise while you're ahead! Every fucking page on here I see you mentioning doing a different narcotic or adding another aas compound. And did I read you KNEW you would do heroin again but 5 years down the road?

My advice...cruise now and get your sobriety in check or your nothing more than another statistic. Also, being on suboxone isn't clean. That shits just as hard, if not harder, to come off of than any other opiate.

Sorry my man not trying to knock you but you really need a reality check. I just read most of this thread and I literally picture you as a dead man walking. If not from relapse then from aas abuse.
Bro...as a fellow recovering addict you REALLY need to take a break and atleast cruise while you're ahead! Every fucking page on here I see you mentioning doing a different narcotic or adding another aas compound. And did I read you KNEW you would do heroin again but 5 years down the road?

My advice...cruise now and get your sobriety in check or your nothing more than another statistic. Also, being on suboxone isn't clean. That shits just as hard, if not harder, to come off of than any other opiate.

Sorry my man not trying to knock you but you really need a reality check. I just read most of this thread and I literally picture you as a dead man walking. If not from relapse then from aas abuse.

I hear what you're saying, but he's just about finished with this long cycle and I'd rather see him doing AAS than H. And I do agree that being on subs is not clean...he's been cutting those down. Also he stopped smoking, imo he's moving in the right direction.

Has AAS killed someone before??
I agree he's definitely in a better situation now and working on himself. It's no secret extended aas use can be detrimental to your health. From what I read it sounds like he's temporarily substituting aas until he picks up again.

I just feel cruising while he's ahead and working on his recovery would be a wise choice for him that's all. Being a fellow recovering addict I felt I should say something.

Stay strong brother. Still waiting on those before and after pics!
I agree he's definitely in a better situation now and working on himself. It's no secret extended aas use can be detrimental to your health. From what I read it sounds like he's temporarily substituting aas until he picks up again.

I just feel cruising while he's ahead and working on his recovery would be a wise choice for him that's all. Being a fellow recovering addict I felt I should say something.

Stay strong brother. Still waiting on those before and after pics!
I hear what you're saying, but he's just about finished with this long cycle and I'd rather see him doing AAS than H. And I do agree that being on subs is not clean...he's been cutting those down. Also he stopped smoking, imo he's moving in the right direction.

Has AAS killed someone before??

I am cruising now. Doing my 200 mg injection today. Then 200 mg friday. I will be doing 400 mg instead of 600mg for 1-2 weeks. Then 300 mg/week for 1 week. Then 200 mg/week for 1 week. Then 150 mg/week until I get bloods to see where my level is at.I think tapering off AAS. Is better then just cutting your dose to a cruising point. Just like anything else you do. I am done with my cycle. I will post pics today/tomorrow.

I am down to 1 suboxone. So it is a 1.4 mg sub. Not the 5.7 mg.
Zobsolv 5.7=8mg. 1.4=2mg

I agree with you also MCFC. I will not be using dope. I don't count being on suboxone sober at all. It is an opiate/opiod. I was just being honest with you guys. I will continue to do so. What you said is not going to change what I am doing. But I appreciate the input. I have a great schedule/idea of my next 2 years. Then a general outlin for 5 years down the roas. I know you are not bashing me. I am not sensitive to hearing critizisim like many.

Took the weekend off. My knee is 100 percent better. I am lifting legs today after my classes.

Quads and Hammys

Hexagon bar
Leg extension x2 the amount of sets This makes my quads beast
Hammy curl

200 mg injection Test E Pharmacom still.
Here are pics. I am not sucking my stomach in. Thats how it looks when I flex my abs lol. Took these quick. But you get the jist. At 200 lbs.
Pic 11.jpg pic 123.jpg pic 12.jpg IMG_9487.JPG

This is my end of cycle pics.
Looking pretty ripped there. Cruise and prepare for your next blast. Most importantly just make sure to keep at it in the gym. IME it makes beating addiction a lot easier. Good luck brother.

Chest Press

Amazing lift did a new routin. Same rep and set scheme though.

200 mg test E

I did back and traps


-Lat pulldown- 130x8x5
-Row with barbell- 2 platesx10x5 fist time and it is the best. It is vertcial between your legs. And your bent over.
-Wide grip row cable- 55,55,65,65,75x15x5
-Lat pulldown hammer machine- 140x8x5
-rear delt pec dec- 115,120,125,135x15x5

-Shrugs- 4 platesx15x5
-Shrugs sitting- 2 platesx15x5

203 pounds I am getting bigger!!! I am cruising after my app. tuesday for bloods. I am injecting 200 mg 36 hrs before. I will be getting my other bloods back. I think they were in the 3000 or high 2000. I forgot.
I got some of that green super food. And a bunch of vitamins.
Trying it out.

Legs and traps
2 hrs
Quad extension double 5 sets
Quad ext. single 5 sets
Hip thrusts 5 sets
Hammy curl 5 sets
Glute work 5 sets
Glute exten. 5 sets
Leg press 5 sets
Abductor 5 sets
Adductor 5 sets

Stand 5 sets
sit 5 sets
rope 5 sets
barbell 5 sets

I set 1 PR on hip thrust and I did it 5 times lol.
I had a strong intensity and high volume..
I felt invicible lol. I Had tone of energy. My legs are gooing to hurt tomorrow though.

First time doing barbell in 4 years.
Smith incline
Pec Dec
Flat Back
Reverse grip

My legs are still sore from that amazin workout.
Same with my abs. Like hurtin sore. But it's nice.

Back and Biceps
4 workouts each muscle

The bloods were done november 15., Got another lab of bloods yesterday 3/16.
I got bloods from mind cycle of this one. It was in november. When I was on 500 mg TestE. Pharmacom

Blood bork 1.jpgblood work 2.jpg bloodwork 3.jpgbloodwork 4.jpg bloodwork 4.jpg bloodwork 4.jpg

I took a little break from lifting. I am getting back into it today. I have been eating ALOT.
I am cruising at 200 mg a week. I definatly feel a difference. My sex drive is down a little but not crazy. It has been since march 1 my inject of other compounds besides test. I am at 200 mg a week now. I will be doing this for a while. I feel like I am smaller.lol. But I am the same weight, and actually my legs are more cut and bigger.