Log of workout and cycle

I am still at test E 150 mg a week. I have been doing this for 4 weeks. I have not lost that much weight so far. Probably around 5 pounds. So I am at 195. I am going to weight 14-20 weeks before I cycle again. I don't know what to cycle. I might try tren out. Or just do deca. Depends where I am at in a couple weeks.

I am still on 2 mg subox.

I fucked up a little last week, taking xanax I took ALOT! I killed my script in 3-7 days. It was 60 .5 mg I am not getting a new script for my own good. I am back to where I was before this mini incident. I am glad I caught myself before I went any further. That was a close one.
I am running Tren and Mast actually. I will be running Pharmacom mix 2. Which is Tren 75 Mast 100 and Test Phenyl 75. I got 5 vials. So it will be
Tren 375/week= 10 weeks
Mast 500/week= 10 weeks
Test Phenyl 375/week=10 weeks

I am pumped. Will be doing it when I get it as a recomp.