Log of workout and cycle

2/7 Superbowl Broncos won. I really thought the game was weak. Not entertaining at all. Tha panthers sucked. They CANNOT CATCH THE BALL. Cam threw it perfect everytime and they dropped everything. They should have utilized Ted Gynn JR more.

Back and Tris

4 back
4 tris
3 forarms
2 abs
1:30 min workout

I have a hangover on 2 fucking beers. From the superbowl. That's how little I drink. LOL
I quit smoking cigerrettes. It has been 2 weeks. FINALLY I have no urge to have any. I did smoke a bunch of pot though lol. Looks like I am skipping my drug test! I slept all day, no lifting, Just growing. Tomorrow I will resu,e my program.
It has been a couple of days since the gym. Will be going back tomorrow.

My liver enzymes were up to ALT and AST. 100 and 45 from the oral winny.
Blood pressure 140/70. This has been the case for 2 months.

These are not too bad. So it will go down when I am done with oral in like 1 week.
Not to bad but my doctors knows whats up. With the steroids. He asked me where I got them I just said at the gym. But I did say that they are tested for contaminants and mg amount. lol. He told me straight up he will not report anything that has to do with my steroid use. I will be going on prescription TRT. In a couple months.
Back to the gym, 40 mg winny pre 20 mg post, 20 mg adderrall. lol never again. Got an adderall script though I would give a try. It isnt the best for lifting. But my school work, it is helping.

Lat pulldowns-80x15,90x15,100x12,110x12,120x10,130x8,140x6
Hammer machine lat pull-180x15,180x12,200x10,200x10,225x6
One arm bent row-55x15,70x10,70x10,70x10,80x8
Wide grip cable pull row-80x15,90x10,100x10,100x8,100x8
Pec dec rear delt-85x15,85x15,115x10,115x10,125x8
Cable reverse fly-35x15,35x15,35x10,drop set from here 35x10,30x10,25x10

Did really slow contraction reps.
300 mg EQ and 300 mg Test E.

I weigh 196 I fasted for a day. Just going to maintain around here. or at 200.
Finally got my routine back.

30 mg winny orning 20 mg taking tn.

Pec dec-115x15,115x12,115x10,130x10,170x10
Smith incline bench-135x15,135x15,155x15,165x12,165x10
Iner chest fly-80x10,80x10,80x10,100x10,100x10
Dip machine lower chest-(Love this)- 170x15,170x12,190x10,190x10,200x10

Great pump. Had great form, and controlled movements with a good squeeze at the top. Probably a 3 second count both ways each rep. All exercises and weights NO CHEATING!!!

O yea I weigh 202 again up 8 pounds after that fasting day. 2 days ago.
Arms and Traps
4 bi workouts
4 tri workouts
2 trap workouts

Hammys 4 lifts
quads 3 lifts

350 EQ 350 TestE 50 testP
Fuck me when I did legs I did a squat and instantly felt my shin near my knee hurt. My first squat, on this machine where your toes point down, on a incline/slant. This puts alot of pressure on you knee and shine. I did it first instead of last because someone was deadlifting and bars were full. I reagrrivated some tendonitis problems I had in the passed. Also I was not wearing my orthodics which was a mistake. If I just did my normal routine and wore my orthodics I would have been fine. Also this was my first leg lift in a week. Which is also my fault. So I will just be doing upper body. On leg day doing exercises that don't cause any pain to the area. Which there are enough to get a good lift in.

I am done with winstrol also. My kidneys are definatly feeling it after that run. I had a little hiccup in my cycle that was 1-2 weeks. But going to go back to normal.
2/18 Back and Shoulders 5 workouts each 12 repsx5sets
2/19 Arms Bics,Tris,Forarms, 5 workout each 12 repsx5 sets
2/20 Chest and calves 6 workouts chest, 5 workouts calves. same rep and sets.

Back Lats and abs
4 workouts lats, 4 works inner back 5 sets 12 reps
3 abs workouts 20 rep 5 sets

Feeling good and getting bigger. Liking how the EQ is workin. Lean and mean.

Going to cruise after this on just Test at 125 mg/week

I am 205 I guess the couple breaks I have taken I have put on some weight. But I got more vascular and lean. Definatly.

4 biceps
4 triceps
3 forearms

All the sets were 5
Reps were from 15-8

chest and calves

Hammer machine sitting
Hammer machine laying
Incline machine
Dip for chest
Pec dec flys
inner chest flys

Sitting calves inward feet
sitting calves outward feet
Sitting calves normal
Horizontal calf normal
Horizontal calf outward

Wow I had a good pump. Found a great preworkout besides adderrall which I stopped taking. Caffiene but take i while going to the gym. So it hits me mid way through so I get a burst of energy when I am getting burned.

I will be doing legs today. No squating just extensions and hammy pulls. Unless it starts to hurt then I am doing back and shoulders. It feels much better my knee.

I have quit cigs finally. I have been smoke free for 1 month maybe a little more. I did have 2 hits of pot though lol yesterday. I was high as fuck. off too hits. geez...

I have cut my subs use to 1 and 1/4. So I am slowly taering down and feeling good.

Quad extesion 10 sets
Leg press 6 sets
Hexagon bar 5 sets

My legs are killing me lol. I had a knee problem so I went light but it worked out well.

Shoulders Back
Lat pulldowns 5 sets
Lateral raises 5 sets
Shoulder press sitting smith 5 sets
Hammer press shoulder 5 sets
Hammer lat machine 5 sets
Cable row 5 sets
One arm dumbell 5 sets

300 EQ and 300 Test E Pharmacom. Almost done with cycle. cruising at 150 for 2-4 months.

Arms Bis,tris, forarms

4 biceps 1 bicep dropset
4 tricep 1 tricep drop set
4 forarem 1 forearm dropset
2 abs

Amazing pump. Im looking real lean, at 204. Vascular too. Definatly put on some muscle. I am really liking EQ.

I pinned 300 mg test E and 300 mg EQ today. Going to the gym soon. Doing Chest today.

Will be doing 6 chest exercises.
Maybe 2 abs workouts.

5 sets and 15-8 reps

I have one more pin of EQ. People telling me I am more vascular. Also since I have been focusing on arms they have grew definatly. Also I was focusing on hammys and they are growing nice. My shoudlers are wider. Upper chest is still not where I want tit to be. My back grows the best and easiest.

I still have not smoked a cigarette. I am so fucking happy I stopped. Coughing up some gross stuff still. But I feel much better. I also have been taking 1 and a quarter sub. I might go 6 days on and 1 day off on my subs. To get used to the feeling of withdrawing again. I think there is no way around withdrawing. Even on this little idy bidy bit of subs I am taking.

Should I make another LOG thread when I cruise or just continue this one forever? Make this one go into my next cycle also. Or do different thread for each part, and just add links for thread at the end of each thread?

I did incline chest yesterday. I did 225 incline smith machine for 10 times. The most I tried on flat bench staight bar was 155. I got it up once. 3 years later this is the first I tried again. I might incorporterate it in my routine more. I did this last too. My chest is SORE.

Nothing that will hurt my knee. It is doing 10x better.
O yea I am starting to take .5 mg of ADEX every3 days. I am getting my refill. I LOVE HAVING A PRESCRIPTION FOR ADEX. 25 dollars for 5 refills of 30 pills. .5 mg. I am going to refill them all and I can always have adex. This is so helpful. I will soon get on TRT also. But honestly using ugl for TRT seems more convienent and better for the price. So I might just get on TRT and just use ugl. Save my Vials of script test to sell or just save them. Just to allow myself to not feel guilty every time I get bloods and then having to explain myself to the doc why my levels are where they are at.
Wow I had a good pump. Found a great preworkout besides adderrall which I stopped taking. Caffiene but take i while going to the gym. So it hits me mid way through so I get a burst of energy when I am getting burned.

Xtend makes a intra-workout drink that has bcaa and caffeine in it Xtend GO. I may pick one up...I let you know (if you want me to) if its any good. Saw it at GNC.

I still have not smoked a cigarette. I am so fucking happy I stopped. Coughing up some gross stuff still. But I feel much better. I also have been taking 1 and a quarter sub. I might go 6 days on and 1 day off on my subs. To get used to the feeling of withdrawing again. I think there is no way around withdrawing. Even on this little idy bidy bit of subs I am taking.

Happy to hear this and how you're handling your subs...bout got em kicked. I never smoked cigs, but I can imagine what you're coughing up....YUCK!!

Should I make another LOG thread when I cruise or just continue this one forever? Make this one go into my next cycle also. Or do different thread for each part, and just add links for thread at the end of each thread?

Your decision man. If it was me I'd start a new one.
Xtend makes a intra-workout drink that has bcaa and caffeine in it Xtend GO. I may pick one up...I let you know (if you want me to) if its any good. Saw it at GNC.

Happy to hear this and how you're handling your subs...bout got em kicked. I never smoked cigs, but I can imagine what you're coughing up....YUCK!!

Your decision man. If it was me I'd start a new one.

Yea let me know, on the intraworkout. I feel like carbs, BCAA, creatine, and whatever you can get in your body, while you lifting during is huge for energy/muscle growth/pump.
I will let you know.

Btw, your doctor seems really cool, maybe to cool. Is there anything he won't give ya?? I've had a couple drs like that, but once they fuck up or someone dies ime they kick out all the patient. Just be careful bro.
Yeah I didn't mean to sound like a dick. Just ime drs don't really care and I don't really like em...at all.
I will let you know.

Btw, your doctor seems really cool, maybe to cool. Is there anything he won't give ya?? I've had a couple drs like that, but once they fuck up or someone dies ime they kick out all the patient. Just be careful bro.

He wouldn't give me testosterone. But will take over the script once I get the initial script, since he is cheaper.
So I am going to another doc for the TRT then to him. I found two great doctors. I am lucky. It took ALOT of searching and pointless appointments to find these 2. Some doctors are just ridiculous.