Log of workout and cycle


I am focusing on hypertrophy and upper chest and biceps and abs until I am happier with these parts. Maybe until I am done with winstrol.

Chest and Biceps

Flat bench dunbel- 55x12,55x12,65x12,80x10,80x10
incline bench- 4x12,45x12,50x12,55x10,55x10
Fly machine upper chest- 30x10,30x10,30x10,30x10
Fly mahince lower chest- 40x10,40x10,40x10,40x10,40x10
Inner chest fly- 80x10,80x10,80x10,80x10
Upper chest press- 100x10,100x10,100x10,100x10

Curly bar curls- 50x12,50x12,50x12,50x10,50x10
Precher curls- weight not with bar. idk what it weights 20x10,30x10,30x10,40x10,40x8 PUMPED up arms here ALOT
Stright bar curl cable- 70x10,80x10,80x10,90x10,90x10

I took 20 mg winny after. I also got my protein, taurine, BCAA and Creatine. But I havent taken Protein shake and Taurine other two I have been using. I am upping my protein to 275-280 g not 225-250 g anymore. Carbs are 400 + still. Fats are 100. I hate that my sugars are high at 200. But What I am eating is not the cleanest. But w.e. Fiber is 50 g. I am taking tauring 2 g a first. Upping as I need. 2 1 hr before lifting. Then I will do a split 2-1,2-2,3-2,4-1 before and after depeding on how it goes.

Took 20 mg winny

Back Traps and Tris

4 back workouts all 5x10
4 Tricep workouts asll 5x10
2 Trap workouts 5x10

I started switching my days from chest and barck, then next day arms. To back and tris, then chest and bis. I feel a big difference I feel I was getting to bored with the other way. Then my last day will be legs as always.


25 min cardio
10 min treadmill, 10min bike, 5 min stair stepper
Hamstring curl-55x10,55x10,65x10,65x10,65x10
Lounges dumbell- 30x10,30x10,30x10,30x10,30x10
Leg extensions-120x10,135x10,135x10,150x10,150x10
Squat precor machine-180x10,180x10,180x10
Cavles horizontal- inward-190x10,210x10,230x10,240x10,270x20

20 mg winny post workout Shot pharmacom EQ 350 and Test E 300.

Chest Bis Abs

Chest slight incline-35x15,55x10,60x10,70x10,80x10,80x10,90x7
Close grip incline-40x10,40x10,40x10,40x10,40x10
Chest press-90x10,90x10,120x10,135x10,90x10
Inner chest fly- 90x10,90x10,80x10,70x10,70x10,70x10

Incline curl-30x10,30x10,30x10,30x10
Curl bar curl-50x10,50x10,60x10,60x10,50x10
One hand curl cable-50x10,50x10,40x10,50x10,60x10
Hammer curl-25x10,25x10,25x8,burn out/drop, 25x6,20x6,15x5,10x10

incline leg raises-10,10,10,10,10
Vacuum, 15 sec x 4sets
Incline crunch-10,10,10,10,10

Goo lift took 20 mg winny and did this after work at 5 in morning.
How long have you been lifting prior to cycle? No offense at all but you're taking so many drug compounds and your lift stats looks similar to a beginner who has been lifting for 6 months max.
How long have you been lifting prior to cycle? No offense at all but you're taking so many drug compounds and your lift stats looks similar to a beginner who has been lifting for 6 months max.

I have been lifting for 5 years. Are you referring to the weight? when you say lift stats? 3 of those years I took more seriously.
I have been lifting for 5 years. Are you referring to the weight? when you say lift stats? 3 of those years I took more seriously.

Correct I was referring on the weight. But it really doesnt matter since you do pretty high rep ranges.
Correct I was referring on the weight. But it really doesnt matter since you do pretty high rep ranges.

O thats off anyway. It is just there to show progress. If there is any. If you really want to know most of these are done with dumbells and the weight is just the one dumbell. The reps are only what goes with the one dumbell. Most of these could be read by being doubled and 18 reps, 9 for each side if it's arms. For example chest is 100 pound dumbells 10 reps. Arms are incline curl 30 dumbells 10 reps each side. But that still is not heavy. I am trying to up my weight I put up!

I weigh 190, I hardly ate this weekend. Was feeling crappy. Work has seriously fucked up my progress. I am eating crap because I can't sleep, to tired to cook. I am about to quit my job and focus on my weight lifting again. I am going to school anyway so I don't have to bother working fortunately. I am going to do one body part a day and then do boxing once a day or 3 times a week.

I am going to start boxing again. Great core work and it's great motivation. The guy who teaches it, is the biggest guy I have seen in person. Probably bigger then anyone on meso too. I gotta have a chat with this guy cause he definatly does roids. I just didn't want to believe it. But since I started I now know that he has to be on them. He is probably 5'5 230, 7 percent body fat. 8 pack. He can do 100 pullups with a 25 pounds weight attached to him.

chest- slight incline- 55x10,55x10,70x10,80x10,80x8,90x8,90x8

Back pulls cable-100x10,110x10,120x10,120x10
Lat pulldowns-110x10,110x10,110x10,110x10
Chest flys upper-45x10,45x10,45x10,45x10

I am going to switch to higher reps and low weight. I am sorta burned out from work. But I have upped my calories and everything and am back up in weight. 196. I though I was fucked for a second. I hope that my new plan makes me get bigger/lean.

10 min bike warmup

Chest flat bench-60x10,60x10,70x10,80x10,90x10,100x7
inner chest fly-80x12,80x12,80x12,80x12,80x12

Deadlift- 135x10,225x10,275x9,325x5,325x5

I was way to tired after this I have got 5 hrs a sleep in 3 days. I need to sleep. Also I have been fucking ALOT burning a lot of calories that way lol. Talk about cardio !.

Back delts

Lat pull downs, 5x12 wide grip 5x12
Lat machine 5x10
Lat straight arm- 5x12

Lat raises 5x10
shoulder press 5x10
rear delt 5x10

abs 5x18
leg raises 5x10
vacuum 4x15

After doing my high rep workout yesterday I am sore. Which I have not been in a little bit, at least this sore. I am going to do quads, calves, and forearms today.

25 min cardio

squats 5x12-10
Lounges 5x12-10
extension 5x12-10

regular,inward,outward 5x20-10

Grip 5x15-10
Pronator 5x15-10
Reverse grip curl 5x15-10

Vacuum pose 3x15
sit ups 5x20
leg raises 5x10

Took 30 mg winny. i weigh 194 I am trying to stay from 190-200 ans just get lean. Which I believe is going well. So sort of maintaining. for me my macros have to be,
cals 3500 protein 240 carbs 400 fats 120 fiber 30-50

This seems to keep me at this weight when lifting and using so much energy. I workouts and work with not stop moving for 5 hrs each night. Also have sex regularly. So this is a lot on energy usage. I do need to get better sleep though.

I shot pharmacom EQ 350 and Test 300 yesterday.

I did 25 min cardio this morning.

Chest biceps

pec deck 5x15
Bench- 5x15
Lower flys- 5x15
Inner flys-5x15
Incline press-5x15

straight bar-5x15
preacher 5x15

Very nice pump. Liking the high reps. Will do this for a little bit. Along with morning fasted cardio.

took 30 mg winny preworkout, and 20 mg post.

25 minutes of fasted cardio
Vacuum exercise.
Fuck it I am going to do a version of rich pianas lifting regime. I tryed it out the past couple days and have been getting some crazy pumps. I am doing the same routine. Cardio,vacuum,feeder, and lifting but lifting isnt the super high reps with pyramid. Also my foos intake will be following him to a point. Basically adding food as time goes on. I think my EQ is really kicking in along with my winny. He does know what he is talking about.

Back Shoulders and Abs

cable close grip rows-5x12
cable wide grip rows-5x12
iso row hammer machine-5x10
cable back flys-5x10
rope pulls-5x15

Seated press-5x12
Lateral raises-5x12
pec deck rear delt-5x12

Knee raises-20,15,10,9,8
Incline ab leg raises-5x10
Incline ab crunch-5x10

Shot pharmacom EQ 350 and Test 300 and 30 mg winny oral in morning.
Bro, if you've been lifting for 5yrs.. why keep changing your routine? You're going from low rep to high weights, then to high rep to low weights, and now trying Rich Pianas All within 2 weeks time frame. I say, stick with the one that's working and change only when you notice there's no improvements.. But good luck tho!
Bro, if you've been lifting for 5yrs.. why keep changing your routine? You're going from low rep to high weights, then to high rep to low weights, and now trying Rich Pianas All within 2 weeks time frame. I say, stick with the one that's working and change only when you notice there's no improvements.. But good luck tho!

I am not doing rich's repititions. Just fasted cardio, vacuums, and feeders. I understand what you are saying though. I am sticking with this one for a while, I was finding one that worked with my schedule. This is the one I am doing for a while.
30 mg winny
10 min fasted cardio.

Deadlift 2x15,3x12
Guy thats seems to be there a lot; I am assuming lifts alot. Stated that I have the best form he has seen in golds gym with deadlifts. He said he has seen ALOT of people doing deadlifts, mine is best. I mean it was only 225 but w.e high reps right now. Weight will come with good form I feel. Lets gooo!
Hammer squat mahcine 5x12
Leg extensions 5x12
Hammy curl 5x12
adductor 5x10
abductor 5x10

Good pump in legs. Adding weight since my hiccup with eating and work. Back to 197. Looking lean though.

25 min fasted cardio

chest and tris

chest incline bench-5x12
flat bench- 5x12
inner chest fly-5x15
pec dec- 5x12
loer chest dips-5x12

one arm reverse grip- 5x15

seeing good results. 50 mg winny.

My diet and new routine allowed me to break 200 again/ LETS goo! I am 202. I also cut back 2 days of work, but added 3 days of school.

Suboxone 1 and a half somtimes 1 when I forget. Went a stretch of 4 days doing one. Not fun. I just kept forgetting.

25 min cardio fasted.

4 workouts all 5x12
3 workouts all 5x12
Incline crunch 5x15

Great pump. Shoulders looking wider. Whole body looks leaner. But I am gaining weight. Gotta keep going. My goal is 210. I will do this!

Got a tattoo so no more shoulder feeder workouts. Switching to arm feeders.
No shoulders or back for 2 weeks. Possibly chest idk. Maybe just flys. Cant have anything touch upper back. And ALOT of legs. So making a positive out of no back and shoulders. I like back, and now my shoulders are coming in nicely I don't want to stop. But it is only 2 weeks of no upper back for something that will last forever. The Tat is so fucking cool, and looks really well done. Tattoo takes up 1/3 to 1/4 of my back. Black letters in old english. With italian colors. Fading from back to the flag colors. Letters are about the size of your fist. 5 letters across top of back.
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