Log of workout and cycle


Chest back
Slight incline bench=60x10,70x10,75x10,80x10,90x8
Chest press-120x10,135x10,90x10,90x10,
Upper chest press-120x10,130x10,140x9,140x7

Lat pulldowns-120x10,130x10,140x10,140x8,140x5
Lat machine-90x10,120x10,120x10,120x7,135x6
Lat straight arm-50x10,50x10,60x8,60x5
Close grip lat pulldown=120x10,130x10,140x9,150x7,150x6

Arms Delts

Seat curls-25x10,25x9,30x8,30x7,35x6
Incline curls-25x10,30x10,35x9,35x7,40x6
Standind curls-60x10,60x10,60x10,70x9,70x7

Triangle tri-70x10,75x8,75x7,75x7,x80x5
One arm-50x9,50x9,50x9,50x7,50x5

Lateral raise-20x10,20x10,20x10,20x10,15x8

I shot pharmacom 250 Test E and 250 EQ. No AI for one week my boners are raging again. Ans stupid horny :). Talk about a ego killer. Low E was not cool. But now the ego is back. I worked from 11-6 an extra hour today. I am 194. I have been eating horrible. Since I have work, it's been hard to eat. But I am making prep meals and putting the in containers lastly so I should be back on track soon.

Quads and Calves
Squats-45x10,135x10,185x10,225x8,245x6,265x4 PR with reps
Leg press-410x10,450x10,500x10,520x10,540x8 PR
leg extensions-125x10,125x10,135x10,150x8,drop set 115x7,90x7,70x3

Seated inward feet-90x10,90x10,115x9,115x8
Seated outward feet-90x10,90x10,115x9,115x8
Horizontal regular-190x10,190x10,210x10,230x8

Good lift happy with squats. I wish I had a spotter to get more up but I will focus on volume instead.
Chest and back

Chest flys all angles. 4 workouts
Inner back pulls, one fly lift. 4 workouts

One arm curl cable-40x10,10,10,10
Curly bar curls-60x10,10,70x10,10,10
Staright bar curls cable-70x10,80x10,90x10,100x10,110x10
Preacher curls-45z10,50x10,55x10,60x10,65x10

Dips- bdwtx10,10,25x10,10,45x8
One arm cable-40x10,10,10,10
Straight bar cable-70x10,80x10,90x10,120x10,130x8

pronator twists-25x10,10,10,10
Behind back grip,100x10,10,10,10,90x10
Reverse grip curls-45x10,10,10,10,10

Shot Eq 250 and Test 250 and Test prop 50 mg Pharmacom. Getting blood soon. Feeling good. My wood is back and working.
Subs 1 and half pills.

Taking tomoorw off.

I took 2-3 weeks off from my bulk and now going to go back to it. So Bulk part 2. I ended bulk 1 at 200 pounds. Now I am 190 but I have been eating 1500 less calories and everythin less it is shit. Since I got my job I have to adjust and now I thnk I am able too. So Bulk 2 is same as one. I am trying to hit 210. I am still on EQ and Test. So for a 4-5 month cycle I would of gained 50 pounds. lolol so idk if this is going to happen. I will be plenty happy with 40 pounds which is what I can get to easy. I think I can though. I still have a six pack and am getting more vascular everyday so. There is a little fat but many people say I am no where close to fat. I think I am.

Calories- 3500 Protein-250 Carbs-350 Sat fat-30-50 Unsat-70-100 Sugar less then 100
Fiber 50.

I am going to up it to 4000 caloires 280 protein 400+ carbs In 1 month when I get used to eating more. I am going to go as clean as possible. So no more pie, frozen crappy food, and sugary juice. Just water, gatorade(during workout with creatine and BCAA) and milk. Only good stuff now until end of cycle which is still far away. I just had to take a brake. I could have cut my cycle short but naaaa. I still want the water weight to lose and me to be more lean. If I stopped short I feel i would have gone to 180 due to water but maybe not. Maybe like 190 but we will never know.

I am going to lift later just got done with work.
12/27 lift

Legs and Calves
8 minute bike warmup
Hamstrings and Glutes-
Deadlift-45x10,135x10,225x10,(315x8,315x8,315x6)PR reps and sets,365x1
Hip thrust-275x10,315x10,365x9,405x4
Laying hamstring-110x10,110x10,110x10,110x10

Sitting calf outward-90x10,90x10,115x10,115x10,135x9
Standing calf inward-300x10,380x10,390x10,405x8,300x5,250x6
Horizontal calf machine regular-210x10,210x0,220x10,230x7,240x6,170x10

Good lift focuesing on more hypertrophy this time then strength. Even though it was sort of a combo. I think this is the good reps for size. I weigh 194 :( but am starting that bulk again yesterday.
I hurt my back :( taking a break from lifting for 3-4 days hopefully its better by then. I am pissed. I want to up my doses but I am not going to. It is my first cycle and I have to chill out a little bit.
Still hurt back. Waiting it out. My estrogen is back up. Sexual function is thriving. No more viagra needed.
Back is getting better slowly. I have been eating my macros. I bought a taurine, Protein, BCAA, and Creatine powder. This will allow me to increase my protein. Also make these pumps and cramps easy up hopefully I cannot run because of the shin pumps. So i have to do bike and stairs only. I took being non injured for granted to it was a wake up call. I am going to be careful next time around. I want to focus on getting a bigger upper chest, and chest but I think big upper chest looks diesel.

I am 9 weeks into my EQ and it seems ok. I am going to leave doses alone and just focus on diet. I am starting winny in 4 weeks I can;t wait I feel it's going to allow me to cut good even though I am going to bulk while on it. I also think it will add some energy for my lifting. I am going to do 30 mg for 2 weeks and then 40 mg for 2 weeks. ED 2 x a day.

I couldn't wait anymore and I went to the gym. Took it easy and my back is doing much better. I focused on hypertrophy and I really liked how the lift went. I might do this a little more and not so much heavy weight. I have been haviing alot of "extra cericular activities" so my cardio is increased. "aka" sex. lol So If you count that as cardio It will do. I also am gaining weight again. I was 194 5 days and then started eating good again and I am 199.

Shot pharmacom EQ 250 and Test E 300. I bumped up test to 600 a week and EQ is still 400-500 a week. I shot up test to 600 because 1 mL of PCOM is 300 mg/ml not lile the cyo which is 250 mg/ml.

30 minute bike warmup

Biceps, Chest, and calves -All dumbbells

Ez Curl bar- 60x10,60x10,60x10,60x10
Rope curl-50x10,40x12,60x10,80x10,80x10
One hand curl- 50x10,50x10,50x9
Incline curl-25x10,25x12,35x8,30x8,30x8

slight incline(had my hands much wider then my shoulders to focues on purely chest to triceps involved as much)- 45x10,50x10,55x11,55x11,55x11
Close grip bench-40x10,45x10,45x10,45x10
Sitting chest press-90x10,105x10,120x10,135x10,90x10
Inner chest fly-120x10,120x10,120x10,120x10

Sitting inward-90x10,90x10,115x10,125x10
Sitting outward-90x10,90x10,90x10,90x10,115x10
Horizontal calf press machine-200x10,200x10,220x10,220x10,250x10,270x10,150x10 (some were inner, some outer most were reguler.
I am 9 weeks going on 10 weeks of my EQ. I am on 15 weeks in on Test. And I started my 4-5 week winstrol part of cycle today. I am running 30 mg and might up it later on. I decided to do it now because the EQ is starting good and I don't want to up any compounds. Then when this is over I will b 14-15 weeks into my EQ and only have 3 left. So I can either taper down into my TRT which I am going to do. Or I might get some masteron to throw in to b apart of my cruise. Depending on how the winstrol gets me looking.

Ran elliptical for 25 minutes
Abs 20 min
Abs-Situps 4x20, Leg raises laying down 4x10 or 11, Scisor kicks 4x25, Stomach vacumm standing 3x15 seconds, Standing arms on head 3 x15 seconds
Wow vacuum makes you feel stuff you never knew you could

Stretch 20 minutes

I am happy to say my back is almost 100 percent

I am going to up my EQ to 700 mg and my test to 600 mg. As well as doing winny 30 then 40 then 50 mg 2.5 weeks of each. Time to get big as fuck. Definatly seeing a huge improvment even from the pics I just took like a week ago.

I am focusin on getting my upper chest bigger. And I will be doing abs everyday while taking Winstrol.

Pcom Winny 20 mg pre workout 10 mg I will take at 6

Chest back Abs

8 minute bike warmup

slight incline arms out wide-50x10,55x10,55x10,55x10,55x10
upper chest fly-40x10,50x10,50x10,50x10,50x10
close grip incline-45x10,45x10,45x10,45x10,45x10
Chest press-90x10,90x10,105x10,105x7

Close grip cable pull-90x10,110x10,110x10,110x10,110x10
Close grip pullup- bdwt, 5,5,5,5,3
One arm bent row-55x10,55x10,65x10,65x10,65x10
Lat pulldown wide grip-110x10,110x10,110x10,120x10 wider 80x10,90x10,

incline crunch bdwt-10,10,10,10,10
Knee raises-10,10,10,10,10

I focusing on hypertrophy. Also slow movements. Until back is 100 percent I am being cautious. But still feeling a great lift. Probably a 3 second down 3 second up lift.
Goign to gym now. Writing this before. 20 mg Winny in morning. 10 mg now and 10 mg later.

Arms Abs

25 minute bike warmup/cardio

4 bicep curls
4 triceps
4 shoulders 2 Delts and 2 Lats
10 minutes abs

I weigh 196

I did legs but no deadlifts or squats

I am doing a new layout- sets x reps
Leg curl-4x10
Leg press-5x12
Laying leg curl-5x10
Leg extension-5x10

Sitting calve inward-5x10
Horizontal calf-5x10


EQ 350 and Test 300 In Left Delt