Log of workout and cycle

Always did vacuum poses 2x a day and 25 minutes fasted cardio.

Chest = day of snowstorm- went in basement and did push ups a shit load.
Legs = next day gym closed did- legs with some dumbells I had here squats a shitload.

Finally gym is open 1/26

Biceps, Tricpes, forarms

Hammer curls -5x12
Ez Bar curls- 2x15,2x12,1x10
One hand curls cable- 2x15,2x12,1x10
Reverse grip curls-5x15
One arm underhand grip cable- 2x15,2x12,1x10
One hjanded rope- 5x15

Incline crunches-5x15

My biceps are definatly getting bigger. I have been focusing on biceps and upper chest. But since tatto have to watcht what I do. My arms are increasing, my shoulders are getting bigger/wider. My legs are getting bigger. I will post more photos soon. I am atill 202. I am upping my food to, 4500 calories, 300 protein, 500 carbs, 100 fat, 50 fiber, les then 40 g of sugar is going to be a huge one for me. I should hit 210 in 3-4 weeks doing this. That would make a 45 pound gained cycle!

Fasted cardio 30 minutes
Vacuum poses4 sets 20 seconds

Legs, Chest, Calves

Weight is per dumbell

bd wt squats 20- warmup
Dumbell squats- 60x15,65x15,65x10,70x10,70x10
Leg extensions-120x15,120x15,120x12,120x12,120x10
Lounges-30x12,30x11,30x10,30x9, Each leg

Chest (cant let back touch anything because of tattoo)
Pec dec-115x15,135x15,135x12,135x10,135x10
Lower chest standing flys cable- 40x15,40x15,50x15,50x12,50x10
Inner chest fly-80x15,80x15,100x12,100x10,100x8
Dips for lower chest- 140x15,140x15,140x15,170x15,170x15,190x10,190x10 (Loved this pump)Switch on with calves

Sitting calves horizontal
Inward feet-190x15,190x15,190x15,210,10,270x10,270x10
Outward feet- 190x15,190x15,190x15,230x12,230x12,270x10,270x10
Regular feet0 190x15,190x15,230x10,230x10,290x8,290x8

Good pump at 201 lbs. Eating is getting much easier. Suboxone still at 1 and a half. Get sick if I lower them :(.

Took 50 mg winny. 30 mg pre and 20 mg post.
Increasing my workouts to 1 hr and 15 minutes.

Doing vacuum poses and arm feeder workouts. Can't do shouler feeders because of tattoo.

25 min cardio
vacuum 4x15

hammy curls-5x12
glute one legger-4x12
reverse crunch-4x10

pec dec-5x15
Cables upper chest-5x12
Again cables upper chest different angle-5x12
Inner chest flys-5x12

Good pump, took 30 mg winny morning and 20 mg winny now. Legs are PUMPED. Going to be real sore tomorrow. Shot EQ and test yesterday. 350 and 350 mg each.

Should be able to do back and shoulders soon from tatooo almost healing.

fasted cardio 30 min
vacuum pose 2 times today
feeders arm night

4 biceps all 5x12
4 triceps all 5x12
3 forearm
2 Abs

200 pounds
Body new.jpg

Today 200 lbs
The attached file was 5 weeks ago.


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    Body only.png
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You gotta be < 10%. Doing a helluva job man, keep up the good work!!

Btw pinned or pinning sounds better than shot, shot reminds me of....well I think you know. But, its your log word it however you want.

Thanks! I am trying to get my BF done for real, but it is a big process at my gym for some reason.

I will keep the pinning and shot thing is mind too.

I quit smoking cigarettes. Finally. I am sorta fiending one. But it has been 4 days.

I did my fasted cardio 30 minutes.
Also vacuum poses 4x15 seconds.

I always have a cigarette at probabtion hopefully I don't. Because I am not buying packs anymore. No matter what. I am thinking about bumming one off someone. But idk we will see. I feel good right now so idk why I am thinking like this.
Thanks! I am trying to get my BF done for real, but it is a big process at my gym for some reason.

I will keep the pinning and shot thing is mind too.

You're going to school right?? If the school has an athletic program they may have a Bod Pod or another school/university in your area may have one and could test your BF on the cheap.


Local university has one around here its like $20 for alumni. I haven't went yet bc I don't wanna end up being part of a class or some shit like that. Lol


I quit smoking cigarettes. Finally. I am sorta fiending one. But it has been 4 days.

I did my fasted cardio 30 minutes.
Also vacuum poses 4x15 seconds.

I always have a cigarette at probabtion hopefully I don't. Because I am not buying packs anymore. No matter what. I am thinking about bumming one off someone. But idk we will see. I feel good right now so idk why I am thinking like this.

Stay strong!!
You're going to school right?? If the school has an athletic program they may have a Bod Pod or another school/university in your area may have one and could test your BF on the cheap.


Local university has one around here its like $20 for alumni. I haven't went yet bc I don't wanna end up being part of a class or some shit like that. Lol

Stay strong!!

True you are right my school can do it lol. Good stuff!!!

That Bod pod looks crazy. I wonder what it is like. I wonder if my school upstate that I go to has one. They have an altitude chamber. That school is all about exercise science, so that would be the one that has one of those. I go there in the fall so, I will check. I am just taking a class at a local community college for a semester. But I will check there too. They can at least do the measurement/body folds.

Legs(Quads and Calves)

Hexagon squat/deadlift bar- 135x15,225x15,275x12,315x10,315x8
Leg extension-120x15x4
Adductor or abd I forgot(inner leg)- 120x15x4

Calves-sitting outward feet- 90x15,90x15,115x12,125x10,135x10
inward feet-90x10,90x10,115x10, standing-350x10,350x10 ( was cramping so switched)


First time doing hexagon bar and it hit exactly where I wanted it too.
I quit my job. Getting a job at a gym hopefully. Because I am so close to getting my 3 certification for personal training. So if I get known at the gym now I can then tell them I got my certificates and start training people there. I rather keep up my grades in school then work for 27 dollars a night all night. Not worth it. I am gettin a day job. I will be putting all my energy to getting big now :) and gaining muscle lol.

Back and Rear delts
Finally able to lift wher my tat is

30 min cardio
vacuum poses 4x15

lat pulldowns,lat pulldown machine, standing lats, and cable lats. all 5x12
Rear delts
pec dec,cable delts, rope delts rear

2 abs
leg lifts 5x15
incline crunch 5x15

Amazing lift
Used light weight but controlled movements and holding contraction.

I weigh 205 so gaining weight.
Nice job bro! Keep it up.. I can't help but notice your nipple seems to be puffy.. could be the photo..

Thanks. It is. I have had that my whole life(since 15 or puberty). It actually went down since I used an AI on steroids. And that means it is better then pre steroids lol. I am fine with it for now. I will eventually try ramoxifiene or something. Later on in life. Sooner then later though. Mayebe surgery but surgery is a big thing for something so minute.
Thanks. It is. I have had that my whole life(since 15 or puberty). It actually went down since I used an AI on steroids. And that means it is better then pre steroids lol. I am fine with it for now. I will eventually try ramoxifiene or something. Later on in life. Sooner then later though. Mayebe surgery but surgery is a big thing for something so minute.

Good to know..No homo!! But after seeing the pic of your nipples.. Reminds me when the wife's was breast-feeding the baby..after she's finish.. I moved the baby aside.. cause it's my turn!!:):) Hey, as long you're happy.. who's gives a F..:):)

"Pinned" lol 350 mg eq and 300 mg test E. 30 mg winny pre morning, 20 mg evening.

For some reason it always seems that my vials are short. I know they aren't(I think). I always add a tick mark or two to each. So that adds up for sure. This is my final EQ so after this I am cruising/TRT. at 200 mg a week. or 250. But tapering down 50 mg each week.

30 minutes cardio fasted
vacuum poses 4x15

Flat dumbell- 55x15,55x15,70x10,70x10,70x10,70x10
Incline Dumbell- 55x12,55x12,55x10,55x10,55x10
Pec dec- weight unknown- 5x15
Inner chest fly-80x15,80x15,80x15,80x15,80x15
First time doing this=amazing= Smith incline bench barbell- 135x15,135x14,135x10,135x9,135x10

Still gotta do vacuum and feeders. Feeders are really hard if you use to much weight. Nearly impossible. I only have 3 dumbell sizes at home I need the in between. 40 lbs,15 lbs and 5 lbs. I need the tens becuase I can do only 50 with 15s and way more then 100 with 5s. So I am just doing the 50 for now.

I would say a 2-3 second count contracting and a 3-4 second oppostie of contracting. For my main workouts. not feeders.
Really feeling the pump. Not going for high weight. Weigh 204. I really think I am stuck here. But I am going to keep increasing my food. So I will see.
"Pinned" lol 350 mg eq and 300 mg test E. 30 mg winny pre morning, 20 mg evening.

Thanks. Lol That does sound better though. ;)

For some reason it always seems that my vials are short. I know they aren't(I think). I always add a tick mark or two to each. So that adds up for sure. This is my final EQ so after this I am cruising/TRT. at 200 mg a week. or 250. But tapering down 50 mg each week.

I think its hard to get EXACTLY .7 or .8 or .9 or whatever each time. If I go over the mark I'm trying to hit, no fucking way do I put it back in the vial.....I just PIN away. :D Lol
Thanks. Lol That does sound better though. ;)

I think its hard to get EXACTLY .7 or .8 or .9 or whatever each time. If I go over the mark I'm trying to hit, no fucking way do I put it back in the vial.....I just PIN away. :D Lol

Yea it does sound better.
You are right it is tough to get the exact amount in. It will probably just short my run 1-2 weeks. Which is nothing.

Delts and Quads

Hexagon bar-1 plate-3 plates weight-reps 15,12,12,12,10
Leg press-1-3 plates weight-reps 15,12,12,12,10
Leg extensions-120-15,15,15,12,12,10

Smith press-20,30,40(without bar)-15,14,14,13,12,12 Never used this FUCKING AMZING
Lateral raises-20-15,15,15,14,13,12
REar delts bent-20-15,15,15,15
Pec dec rear delts-100-15,15,14,13,12

1 hr 30 min lifting.
50 mg winny split two doses.

I want to lift heavy(heavier) again. But I will keep this routine up.