Log of workout and cycle

Fixing my last statement.
End of bloods

Etrone-278; over 78 is high. But thats it not bad because my
Estradiol-38;which was at 100. So my AI is working and perfect. This is a stronger estrogen which is why my nips are better then they were :)
RBC- 6 range 3.8-8.9 or something
Hemocrit- 48 high is 55
LH - .01 (expected)
FSH-.01 (expected)
Prolactin- 14 (was at 16) so went in range now.
SHGB- 7; range 14-21. But I believe this is not a bad thing.
Test total- 1200. Rang 200-860

I thought this was test serum where the range is 364-1184 but it is not. So it is not as underdosed as I thought. A little though.

So it is ok, not the best not the worst. Just got to fix liver which will fix itself. I am taking subs which fuck it up. DBOL which is the culprit. And An AI. Stopping DBOL will fix it.

I an stopping deca just finished that today with last shot. Good. Getting DDick.

25mg a day of Test P so my test will shoot up and then my test E will be kicking in the better stuff (hopefully) then stopping Test P. Just for a week or so.

Pcom 40 mg inject dbol.

Chest and Back All Dumbells
Slight incline bench-55x10,65x10,70x10,80x10,85x8,90x7
Close grip-40x10,45x10,50x10,55x8,55x6
Chest press-95x10,120x10,135x9,135x8,150x6
Flat bench- 75x10,85x10,90x10,100x8,110x3 PR Also this was last thing I did

Lat pulldown-120x10,130x10,140x10,150x7,160x5
Lat machine-180x10,200x10,220x8,240x6 PR
Standing Lats-50x10,60x10,60x9,70x8,70x5
Pull ups-7,5,3,3

Soooooooo, This was a great lift. Felt reallly good pumps. I offically weigh 200 pounds!!!!!. This was my goal. I also got to my goal of benchin 100 db. But I got to 110. Lastly I am seeing mucho veins. Alot on lower abs. Also forearms.

Worked 11-6
That was my warmup Alot of lifting heavey ass vegetable oil. This was after my dealifting day ouch.

Arms Shoulders All sets had a 15-30 second rest period. Very quick rest. Almost like a huge circuit. Great pumps though.

Incline curls-30x10,35x10,35x10,40x7
Ez bar curl-60x10,70x10,80x8,80x7 PR
Rope curls-60x10,70x10,80x8,90x5,60x10
Straight bar curl-80x10,90x10,100x10,110x7,70x10

One arm bent extension-15x10,15x10,15x9,15x6
Straight bar tri extension-100x10,110x9,120x8,130x6,140x6,80x10
Underhand grip one arm tri ext-30x10,40x10,50x7,50x7,30x10\

Sitting Press-45x10,50x9,50x8,50x7,50x6
Standing press-40x10,50x10,60x9,70x7,50x10
Lateral raises-20x10,20x10,25x7,25x7,15x10

I id leg lifts between 4 sets, Next 4 sets between did knee lifts both arm hanging. Next was decline abs leg lifts between 4 sets. Then last was 3 sets between knee liftins again. Liftin from 6-730 and it was empty. Very nice workout. Abs are sore now.

Shot pcom
test Prop 75 mg
Test C 250
EQ 250
Inject Dbol 40

Delt and Glute

Test P does have some pip to it.

Injection Pcom 50 mg dbol inject
1 mg AI

Squats-25x10,135x10,185x10,225x9,245x8,265x1,285x2,305x1 PR by 60 pounds
Leg extensions-135x10,150x10,165x10,165x10,180x8

Inner standing calf-310x10,340x10,400x9,450x6
Outer Standing calf-300x10,350x10,380x0,400x8,450x6
Sitting calf straight-135x10,135x10,145x10,145x7

PR for squat was by 40 pounds. I was always freightened of being the guy that dropped weight at gym on rack bar. But the rack bar is sketchy. My legs are too long for it. But felt good today so tried it out and was good. Had a low set qorkout but good one.

I weight 203. Thanks to thanksgiving and left overs constantly. 39 pounds I gained. This cycle started sept 19th. So 2 months. Trying all I can to make it so I keep all gains. or at least 3/4. Hence EQ and ending with winny. into TRT.

Feeling hungry lately maybe EQ? Going to follow through with it. 400 mg a week. Low dose. Might lower test but right now added 225 mg a week with prop. Feeling good from it. Def got prop pip though.
Not lifting today.

Shot 40 mg DBOL and 80 mg Prop. PCOM. Finished DBOL making it a use of 4 weeks.

Decided to lift. Got no sleep thought it would help.

Went to doctor. RBC at 6.7 and Hemocrit at 47. Not bad.

Chest and back focusing on the negatives

Chest (Flys)
30 push up warmup
Flat flys-35x10,40x10,40x10,45x8,45x6
Glose grip dumbell incline-40x10,40x10,45x10,45x8,50x6
Inner chest flys-120x10,120x10,140x10,140x8,160x6
Lower chest-50x10,50x10,60x10,60x8,60x7
Upper chest-40x10,40x10,40x8,40x8 Super setted with one arm back pulls(back part)

Back (inner)
Cable two handed close grip-120x10,120x10,130x9,140x6,150x6
Reverse Grip barbell row-95x10,115x10,115x9,135x7,135x6
Back flys-45x10,50x10,55x9,55x8,55x7
One arm pulls machine super setted with chest upper-90x10,90x10,90x9,x90x8

Reallt focused on negative. Count was 2 seconds positive in beginging and last couple reps 1 second. Negative was 5-7 seconds. Good pump.

BCAA Crestine drink during. Trying to drink more water to help liver. Piss is hot.

I weigh 207 daym. EQ definatly increases appettite. Eating well over 4000.
Thats 40 pounds gained. jesus. Still gaining too.

Arms Traps
all ten reps
Rope 100,120,130,140
Sitting 25,30,30,30

Dips bdwt,25,25,45
Rope 130,130,140,140,150
Under hand grip 50,55,55,60

Shrugs dumbell 60,65,70,75
Barbell,110,135,225,225 Dropped a 45 weight on my foot ouch.
Machine 200,200,200,200

EQ 200, Test cyp 250, test p75
12/1 geez december already.

Finally no injections today.

work 11-6
6 am lift

Ham curl sitting-65x10,65x10,70x10,80x6
Deadlift-135x10,225x10,275x7,315x7,365x5,385x2, 400x1 PR My goal is reached
Straight leg dead-135x10,185x10,205x10,225x6 Pr i think
REverse situps machine-bdwtx10,10x10,10x10,10x7 Real slow contraction
Hamy curl horizontal-80x10,95x10,95x10

weigh 206 before eating. Veins in some spots are faded and others have increased so idk about water retention def have some. Will see soon not much water retentive compounds. EQ and Test rn. Winny last four of cycle. Then TRT.

Hit 400 2 years ago I was at 225. Time to go for 5 but first will stop at 450 as a realistic goal. I say I will do it this cycle. so in 2 months.

15 minutes trying to see if I was going to do chest and back. Was way to sore I need a day off.

Cardio 1 hr and 30 minutes
30 minutes tread mill had to do 10 minute intervals shin pumps were unbearable.
40 minutes bike
20 minutes stair stepper
My computers not working, had to hop on this one for th time being will be on and off here and there so until I get mine fixed.

I shot in delt 3 days ago and blood shot fuckingEVERYwhere lol. It was crazy. I was actually impressed and was just watching it and then realized I should probably stop the spouting of blood.

Sat-was arms
Friday-chest and back PR dumbbells 110 for 3
Thurs-hammys and glutes I got 400 up PR

I am doing quads today squats. Extensions, calves.
Have been working days but going back to night today.

Suboxone taking it every 16 hrs instead of every 12 hrs. Never though of increasing time between as a way to taper. Always though of just lowering doses.

Weight 204.

Chest Back Abs

Chest Flys only
Flat bench lys-30x10,35x10,40x9,45x7
Upper chest fly machine-30x10,40x10,45x10,50x5
Lower chest Fly machine-50x10,60x10,70x10,80x5
Inner chest fly machine-120x10,140x10,140x10,160x8

Back (inner)
One arm bent row-65x10,70x10,80x10,85x7
Reverse flys machine-40x10,40x10,45x10,50x8,50x5
Cable close grip pull-120x10,130x10,140x8,150x7
Rope cable pulls(never did before awkward)-70x10,80x10,100x8,120x5

I did abs in between 4 workouts between each set so 4-5 sets each ab workout.
Decline crunch-20,20,16,14 Held last one for 10 seconds
Lying leg lifts-20,18,16,14 Held last one 10 seconds
Knee lifts hanging-10,9,8,7 10second last one
Decline leg lifts-15,14,13,12 10 sec last one

Good lift seeing inner vertical line on abs FINALLY!

Shot EQ 250 mg, And Test C 250 mg Pharmacom on both, Stopped Test P I feel better Think TestT is up now more then before.

AI .5 mg

4:45 am lift after work
Legs(hamy calve)
Hamy curl-55x10,70x10,80x8,90x7
Dead Lift-135x12,225x10,275x10,315x5,315x6,365x3,385x2,405x1 PR and PR reps(all)

Standing calf in-370x10,380x10,390x10,420x7
Standing calf out-340x10,360x10,360x10,400x5
Horizontal calf-200x10,210x10,240x7,200x10

Good lift weigh 200. Hard to eat latly working alot.

Shot Eq 250 and Test 250

Chesta and Back

Chest Push
Bench flat-60x10,70x10,80x10,90x10,100x7,60x10
Glose grip chets dumbell-40x10,40x10,40x10,40x10

Back Lats
Lat pulldown-120x10,130x10,140x8,140x6
Close girp lat piulldown-140x10,140x9,150x7,150x7
Straight arm lat-50x10,50x10,50x10,50x10
Lat machine-180x10,220x10,240x10,240x7

Abs decline sit up-15,15,15,15,15

was tired going into it but was good.

Leg Extesions-120x10,120x10,120x10,135x10,150x9,100x9,50x7

Good lift feeling good. Weigh 194 though gotta keep eating was slacking since I got new job and shit.

took .5 mg AI

Shot 200 mg EQ and 250 mg Test E pharmacom

Chest (flys) Back(inner)

Flat bench flys-25x10,30x10,35x10,40x8,45x8
upper chest fly machine-30x10,30x10,40x10,40x8,
lower chest fly-40x10,40x10,50x10,50x9,50x7
inner chest fly-120x10,140x10,140x10,160x8,160x6

One arm bent row-65x10,65x10,70x9,80x7,90x6
Back flys-50x10,50x10,50x8,40x6,40x6
Close grip cable row-120x10,130x10,140x10,150x8,150x6
Under hand grip row bent standing barbell-95x10,95x10,105x8,105x7,95x7

Good lift starting to eat good again. .5 mg AI

Tapering down to 1 3/4 pills of suboxome ea pill 1.4 mg.

I am sweating so fucking bad at night prior to any taper. Maybe it is the EQ kicking in. My sheets are soaking wet.
off day


Arms Abs Traps

Biceps 4 workouts
Triceps 4 workouts
Forearem 3 workouts
traps 2 workouts
Abs 3 workouts

Good lift focused on the pump. High reps

I have to sleep so a short update.

Legs Hamstrings

Hamstring curls-55x10,65x10,75x10,75x8
Hip thrusts-225x10,275x10,315x9,365x7,405x4 PR
Reverse Crunch- bdwtx10,10x10,10x9,25x6


Seated calf inward feet-90x10,100x10,110x10,120x10,130x7
Seated calf outward-90x10,100x10,110x9,120x7,130x5
Horzontal calf machine- inward-190x10,200x9,210x5 outward-190x10,200x9,210x7 Regular- 190x10,200x8,210x6

Good lift. Took a day off yesterday which I never do. I focused more on hig reps for deadlift not max effort.

Subs 1 and 1/2 pills still so I cut down and kept it like that FINALLY!!!. Some days I only took 1 but was having swaeting episodes like a mofo.

Having some erection problems I think it's my crashed E2 which I did by accident. No bloods but I can tell. So I stopped my AI for a couple days I might stop for good. I stoppped my deca and dbol which was why I needed the AI so much. Now on 500 test and 400 EQ Npot many sides so I am stopping my AI. Hopefully my E2 goes up soon.