Log of workout and cycle

Had a good workouts today


I worked out legs today. I shot up 50 mg tren in quad after workout. I have been doing Alot of workouts so I am starting to cut my workouts down (not in time but in workouts) but take more time on each (rest and set) and and put up more wight.


Hamstring pulls warmup-45x10,55x10,65x10,65x8
Deadlift- 135x10,185x16,225x5,275x5,295x1,315x2(New PR ) could do more but stopped had a whole workout ahead of me
I gotta get my technique back down I hurt my knee a while ago this was the first time I squatted in a year.
Seated calf-90x10,100x10,110x10,120x8
Standing calf raises- 300x10,320x10,340x10, Drop set-350x5,250x10,230x7
Good mornings- 95x10,105x10,115x8,115x5
Laydown Hamstring pulls- 60x10,80x8,90x5, Drop set-90x5,70x10,50x6

I am doing legs twice a week. Focusing on back of legs one day and the next 3 days later doing front legs. Hopefully this works good.
I ate for the past three days 300 g protein, 500 g carbs, 3000-4000 calories40 g fiber. I found amazing new recipes. Gotta question though.

I front loaded trena 100 wednesday 100 mg and next day 60mg, after that 40-50 mg...When is this suppose to be getting going. should be soon right?
I ate for the past three days 300 g protein, 500 g carbs, 3000-4000 calories40 g fiber. I found amazing new recipes. Gotta question though.

I front loaded trena 100 wednesday 100 mg and next day 60mg, after that 40-50 mg...When is this suppose to be getting going. should be soon right?

was no need to front load Tren A. I'm sure you'll be feeling Tren A very soon :D
40 mg tren in the quad, mofo pip when bending knee and leaving it bent rn. Will go away was virgin inject. Now i got, right and left spots on the quads, glutes, lats, bis, and delts. How are tri injects? I think i am good with spots though.

I biked back from the gym which is getting shorter cause I'm cruising on my bike. I hit PR's in every single category. I had night sweats last night. I used to have cold sweats all the time from heroin withdrawal so I sorta knew what to expect but I'm not a fan of it.

Today I worked out Chest and Back. My routine through the week is amazing working every body part twice a week except shoulders. They get a little pump throughout my other workouts so so it's all good.

Chest All dumbbell weights are a single dumbbell not sdded together

Incline Bench- 55x12,60x10,65x10,70x6(New PR for even just one rep)
Flat Bench- 70x10,75x10,80x8,90x3(4 if you count getting it up) A new PR For even one
Chest press- 60x15,75x10,90x10,115x7 (each arm)
Flat Flys- 30x10,35x9,40x8,45x5(New PR even for one rep)
Chest Press Cybex machine- 80x12,100x8,110x8(New PR even for one rep)
Incline Chest Press- 90x10,100x8,110x9,130x8(New PR even for one rep)

I am focusing on lining up weights with lower chest except for 90 pounds it was a lot for me. Really focusing on going straight up not going towards head when pushing which is what many do. Feel the contracting much more.

Bent Rows Standing Straight Bar-45x16,65x10,85x10,95x8,115x5
Lat Pulldowns-100x10,110x9,120x10,130x7 (New PR Even for one rep)
One arm bent rows- 55x10,65x10,75x8,75x6 Each arm(New PR even one rep)
Close grip Lat Pulldown- 110x10,120x8,130x8,140x6 (New Pr even one rep)
Standing straight arm lat pulldowns- 50x10,60x10,60x8,*70x6,60x8,40x8,30x6* Drop set (new PR even one rep)

A lot of PR's I am really pushing myself and eating amazing. I hit 3200 cal yesterday and 250 g protein,400 g carbs, 100 fats 70 30 un to sat fat, 100 sugar,50 fiber. I worked out 145 plus 15 min bike ride included. My chest/back,arms/forearms,Legs. Do this 6 days in a row and every other week do abs and shoulders on off day. Abs 3 times a week at night, sometimes. Did 250 test c in glute yesterday getting better at pinning there. $0 tren yesterday in left delt. Doing 40 mg tren in bicep soon. weight 178.5 LET's GOO!
Workout 10/13

I shot up 150 mg deca after workout in delts. Also 40 mg tren in bicep. This pip for tren in bicep is pretty rough the same day but w.e.

Arms held the contraction for each bis and tris for 2 seconds felt mad good. Real pump right here.

Incline curls- 20x15,30x10,30x8,35x8
Sitting curls- 25x10,30x8,30x8,35x5
Curl bar curls-50x10,60x10,60x8,60x7 Found a new way to curl by riding the bar close to body works much better.
Side curls-20x10,30x10,40x8,30x10,20x10

Skull crushers-50x10,60x10,60x9,60x8
One arm reverse grip- 30x10,35x10,40x10,30x10
One arm bent extend-15x10,20x10,20x8,10x10

Pronator twists-25x10,25x12,30x10,30x8
Reverse Curls-45x10,45x10,55x10,55x7
Behind back grips-90x10,100x10,100x10,90x8
Straight out reverse grip- 20x10,20x9,20x8,20x7

Took 1 hr and 20 min and then rode my bike home in 10 minutes. I have been riding up a huge hill and it's becoming easier every time. I get a great leg pump from riding home. Gunna hand nice quads if kept up.

I ate 220 g protein, 500 g carbs, 100 fat, 0 fiber 200 sugar yesterday. Gunna up protein and cut suger today. I have been working out at 8 oclock after getting coffe in the morning and caffeine is a great pre workout gunna do this everyday. Also test in greatest in morning. I get a better workout in morning and then can focus in eating rest of dy. I am doing 20 min of abs everyday at night time.

How long does deca tkae to kick in? I heard 10 days, 15 days, 3-4 weeks. I was just wondering.
Workouts today was Legs I lifted for 1 hr and 15 minutes, I focused on quads this round of legs and in 3 days when I do legs again I will be focusing on hamstrings. Always do calves though, both leg days. Doing abs evey night 20 min and running before for 20 minutes each. I shot up 40 mg tren in right glute today after legs. No pip getting better at pinning.


Leg extensions- 90x10,100x10,110x10,120x8 Held top for 2 seconds
Sitting calf-90x10,100x10,110x10,120x10 Held at top 2 seconds
Squats- 45x10(warmup),135x10,185x8,185x6,185x5
Standing calf-260x10,300x10,230x10,(drop set) 180x10,130x10
Leg Press- 360x12,410x10,450x10,470x8(New PR even for one)
Leg press calf-270x12,270x10,270x10,270x10

I weigh 181...Hell yea I was 162-166 on 9/19. I gained about 15-16 lbs So in 3 weeks of test cyp 500mg/wk, 1 and a half weeks of lifting after foot injury, 1 week of tren 280 mg/wk and 1 week of deca 300 mg/wk. I upped my caloric intake by 1000 cals, 50 g protein, and 200 g carbs. Making it 4000 calories, 250-325g protein, and 400-600 g carbs. I am gunna keep my protein near 300 starting today just need to find better sources. I don't take any supplements for mass or protein. Hopefully my deca kicks in soon I think i still have to wait a week or so.

Chest and Back
Bench incline-5-x10,60x10,65x10
Flat Flys-40x10,45x10,45x10,50x8
Chest Press-105x10,105x10,120x8,120x7
Inner chest flys- 120x10,120x10,120x10,120x8
upper chest flys- 40x10,50x10,50x8,60x7
lower chest flys- 40x10,40x10,50x10,50x8

Pull ups-5,6,6,5
Bent over bar reverse grip-95x10,115x10,115x8,125x7
Wide grip cable row-100x10,110x10,120x8,120x7
Close grip lats pulldown- 100x10,110x10,130x9,130x6
Back rows- 55x10,65x9,75x8,75x6

I do chest pushing one day and chest flys the second day of chest. For back I focus on inner back one workout and lats the next workout. Workout each muscle 2 times a week. Don't do any shoulder. Chest and Back hits shoulders. Learned there is no need for shoulder workouts if you do everything with good form. I learned this is college, many people disagree. I shot 40 mg tren and 250 mg test this morning. I ate 240 protein, 3800 cals, 460 carbs, fats 90, fiber 59, sugar 140. I am 184 lbs. Gained 3 pounds from yesterday. 18 pounds all together 1 month lolol.

I might just cruise instead of running PCT. What do you think? It is just easier and i have a t level 250 without Test. So why the fuck not.

Incline curls-25x10,30x10,35x9,40x7 PR
Sit curls-30x10,30x9,35x10,35x7
Pose bis-40x10,50x10,50x8 PR,40x10,30x7
EZ Curl- 60x10,70x10,70x8,70x6

Skull crushers-60x10,60x10,70x10,70x7 PR
Angle bar-80x10,80x10,60x8,60x6
Rope- 50x10,50x10,50x8,50x8
One arm back ext.- 10x10,15x10,20x8,15x8

Reverse curls- 45x10,55x0,60x10,60x7 PR
Grip- 65x10,65x9,
Reverse grip- 20x10,30x10,30x10,20x10
Behind back grip- 110x10,90x10,110x8,90x8

Rode my bike home again, 20 minutes. Shot 40 mg tren, 150 mg deca. In my lats which hurt like a mofo rn. I cant lift arms above head. DAYM. Lats are ruff.

I am now taking .5 mg AI err other day
I focused on hammys and calves.

Hamstring pulls-55x10,65x10,75x9,90x8
Hip Thrusts-225x12,275x10,295x8,305x5,315x3
Calf stir raises-90x10,100x10,120x10,130x10
Deadlifts-225x10,275x10,290x6,305x5,315x2,325x1 PR
Calf raises standing-270x10,290x10,310x10,400x6,300x8,200x5
Lay down hamstring pull-75x10,90x10,105x8,120x6,100x7,90x5
Horizontal Calf press-100x10,210x10,220x6,230x5,180x7,120x8

40 mg tren, in delt. I am taking .5 mg AI. I am learning a lot about steroid material, PCT. And everything. I am gunna blast then cruise low and blast. Then run PCT. Then blast or stay on TRT. I feel it's important to let your body heal. The receptsers and what not. I might go 5-7 months straight and PCT hard! I have a low natty so idc. Im tryna get big and compete/play ball. Getting bloodwork done again nect week for mids.
O yea I weigh 185! Gained 21 pounds in 4 weeks my diet in on point too! Eating 300 g pro, 500 carbs, 100 fat, 150 sugars which i am trying to lower. 50 g fiber. Vegetable juice fresh for micros, nio shakes except BCAA, creatine, and fish oil, cranberry juice, Vitamin C, Milk thistle. Running and abs every night as well as stretching.
O yea I weigh 185! Gained 21 pounds in 4 weeks my diet in on point too! Eating 300 g pro, 500 carbs, 100 fat, 150 sugars which i am trying to lower. 50 g fiber. Vegetable juice fresh for micros, nio shakes except BCAA, creatine, and fish oil, cranberry juice, Vitamin C, Milk thistle. Running and abs every night as well as stretching.
I like your workout routine bro this is almost the same split im currently on although, Im hitting shoulders twice a week along with everything else. Thats awesome you put on 21 lbs in 4 weeks dude, have you had a chance to get your BF checked? You wanna make sure your not putting on too much fat! For example im on week three of my first cycle and I have put on 10 lbs already just from the Dbol! The testE hasnt even really taken effect yet. But anyway my point is I went to check my BF two days ago to make sure the weight I had gained was muscle.. well only 8 of the 10lbs were lean mass/water retention the other 2 of those were fat. Im not sure what your goals are this go around but I'm assuming that your not just trying to bulk up you are probably trying to cut up some too right? I say this bc your running tren. If this is the case I would advise you to check your BF percentage weekly or bi-weekly so it doesnt get out of control. Just a thought...
I like your workout routine bro this is almost the same split im currently on although, Im hitting shoulders twice a week along with everything else. Thats awesome you put on 21 lbs in 4 weeks dude, have you had a chance to get your BF checked? You wanna make sure your not putting on too much fat! For example im on week three of my first cycle and I have put on 10 lbs already just from the Dbol! The testE hasnt even really taken effect yet. But anyway my point is I went to check my BF two days ago to make sure the weight I had gained was muscle.. well only 8 of the 10lbs were lean mass/water retention the other 2 of those were fat. Im not sure what your goals are this go around but I'm assuming that your not just trying to bulk up you are probably trying to cut up some too right? I say this bc your running tren. If this is the case I would advise you to check your BF percentage weekly or bi-weekly so it doesnt get out of control. Just a thought...

Yea good idea. I am pretty sure it's not really fat because I still have my 6 pack, and I see my veins popping out more(But this isn't a definate indicator). I will definatly get it checked though. Great Advice! much appreciated. I heard that sometimes the gym you go to does this for you. Is this true? Where do you get it checked?

When do you get shoulders in? My excercise teacher told me if you hit chest and back with the right form then your shoulders should be worked out well. All the kids in my class freaked out cause they all do shoulders. LOL I guess it wouldn't hurt!
Yea good idea. I am pretty sure it's not really fat because I still have my 6 pack, and I see my veins popping out more(But this isn't a definate indicator). I will definatly get it checked though. Great Advice! much appreciated. I heard that sometimes the gym you go to does this for you. Is this true? Where do you get it checked?

When do you get shoulders in? My excercise teacher told me if you hit chest and back with the right form then your shoulders should be worked out well. All the kids in my class freaked out cause they all do shoulders. LOL I guess it wouldn't hurt!

Yeah bro no problem. So some gyms will use some sort of handheld device that will check your BF however I dont feel they are quite as accurate as something like an InBody Scale which is a very very exspensive machine that is extremely accurate! These scales are free to use at some health shops! Where I live there is a Nutrishop that has one and I go once a week to get weighed. It will tell you EVERYTHING! Your lean muscle mass, BF percentage, skeletal muscle mass, water weight, and also the weight of individual body parts so you can see where you are putting on the muscle or fat. Idk how you would go about finding a place that uses this machine. There are household scales you can purchase as well that are a little more hi-tech than your average body weight scale, these scales will actually measure your BF and the good ones can be pretty accurate. These can be purchased just about anywhere, walmart, target, sears etc.

As far as my split, it would look like:

Mon. Chest & Back
Tues. Shoulders & Arms
Wednesday. Legs & Abs
Thurs. Chest & Back
Fri. Shoulders & Arms
Sat. Legs & Abs
Sun. Rest

If you are absolutely set on the split you are currently using I would say just extend it a day to an 8 day split so you can fit shoulders in. There is nothing wrong with adding a day or two to make sure you are hitting everything equally. I train with a couple bodybuilders that are in excellent shape using an 8 day split.
Hmm interesting. I am going to wait for a little. And run what I have with routine because why change it if I am getting results. I feel like maybe 3 days in between each muscle is a little to much as of right now. Unless just in shoulder on sunday's and don't take an off day on sundays. What do you think about off days? @KillTheGymStayHumble15
You always want at least one day of rest each week. I always rest sundays bc by then i have hit each muscle group twice for the week. If you go to bodybuilding.com and check out the Arnold blueprint exercise routine you will see I have basically used this layout as my foundation then tweaked the individual exercises to get the best results possible to hit my goals. My current split took me months to put together but it is working great! 16 days ago I started my first cycle using this same exact split/exercise routine.. I was 191 lbs 15%BF and now Im 201 lbs 15.6%BF and strong as fuck however, my BF did go up a little like I said but this is typical on a bulking cycle. I had a one rep max of 275 lbs on bench now im throwing it up 4 times easy. Incline max was 255 lbs now im throwing it up 10 times! Fucking hooked. But I would be in the dark if it wasnt for checking my BF, thats why I wanted to see if you were checking yours. If you have abs that are truly visible you are probably around 12% which is really good. When guys compete they are usually 4-10% which is extremely lean.
10/19 workout (posted 10/20) I went at night not in morning and forgot to post here it is.

Chest Back

Close grip pulls-100x10,110x10120x10,130x8,140x6,
Lat pulldowns- 100x10,120x10,130x9,140x7(PR)
Close grip lat pulldowns- 130x10,140x8,140x8,150x6(PR)
Back Flys-45x10,50x10,55x10,60x10(PR)

Flat Bench-65x10,75x10,85x9,90x3(2 more then last time)
Incline bench-65x10,65x10,70x8,70x7
Chest press-105x10,105x10,120x10,120x8

Shot 40 mg tren in glute. Finally found sweet spot in glut. Was to far outside in beginning.
I have been using an AI and I upped the dose to 1 mg. for one day. Been on .5 mg per day for 5 days. Going back to .5 then .5 eod. Then getting blood work to see how it's working. It's basics' AI. I went to doctor and got a presicption AI which I am pumped about. He was confused how my test got so high lol. I said some bullshit. He then said he would put me on prescription Test! I just needa wait. So imma finish this cycle because I have good stuff rn. I am going to get test P so i can judge a low T level for when I see him and I dont have to wait 3 weeks as I would for test C. I won;t lose gains then. Then get Pharma grade.
It's just dumb because I have been telling him I wanted to go on Test pharma for 3 months. But he wouldn;t start me on it. So I had to get some through ppl then show up on the test. Now he is gunna put me on it. When he could of just done it from the beggining. He said he didn't want to start me when my natty test is 250 anyway. Also since having TRT I can monitor my levels, with a professional and not by myself. But he's not dumb and I think he knows what I was trying to do. I am pumped about pharma AI with refills. My nips are gunna love me lol.

If you didnt wanna read that it was a good workout though! LOL Going tonight at 7 again and Iam 186! HAHA I just gotta keep these gains. Gunna take anavar or winstrol at end to turn this water around. 22 pounds MOFO.



Incline curls-25x15,30x10,35x8,35x8,40x5 PR
Ez curl bar curls-60x10,60x10,70x10,70x7
Sitting curls-30x10,30x10,30x8,30x7,25x4
Rope curls-85x10,90x10,95x10,drop set 90x10,85x7,60x5,45x9,30x5

one arm extension behind-15x10,20x10,20x10,25x7 PR
Skull crushers-60x10,70x10,70x9,70x7
Dips-15,weighted-25x10,45x8,45x8 right to bodyweight to fail
Rope-80x10,90x10,95x10,80x10,drop set 70x10,60x10,40x10,30x10


Legs (mainly quads)

Squats paused- 135x10,185x10,205x8,225x6 PR
Sitting calf-90x10,90x10,100x10,100x8
Standing calf-270x10,300x10,310x10,320x8,270x10,230x5,130x5
Leg extension-90x10,105x10,120x9,120x8 PR
Adductors-120x10,130x10,140x10,140x8 PR
Horizontal calf-200x10,210x10,220x9,230x7,210x7,190x6,140x6

I weigh 189 PR! Deca is definatly kicking in. I have shot tren 40 mg before workout. I rode my bike there and back so 30 minutes. Lifted for 1 hr so 1 hr 30 min all together. Quads killed after bike ride I ride up a huge hill on way home and that plus quad workouts before is amazing.

I ran 20 minutes.
Ab work after 20 minutes.
Then stretched 20 minutes.

I ate today. 5000 cals, 300 protein, 700 carbs, 100 fat, 200 sugar(yikes), 50 fiber.

For now on i am not eating as much carbs and sugar. Gunna hit more in the protein department.