Log of workout and cycle


Chest Back

35 pushups warmup
Incline flys- 25x10,30x10,35x10,35x8
Standing uppper chest flys- 30x0,30x10,40x10,40x7
Incline Press-100x10,120x10,130x10,140x10

Close grip- 100x10,110x10,120x10,140x7
Pull ups-7,7,6,4
Reverse grip rows barbell-135x10,135x9,145x8,145x7

Shot 250 test, last shot of tren.
I weigh 192 PR. Losing a little ab definition but going to get it back.
Focused on upper chest. Wanna get it big.
So since I do the same muscle two times a week. Though Of a good routine.
Chest 1-Upper Chest 2- Lower
Back 1-middle Back 2-Lats
Arms are same only one muscle for them sorta.
Legs 1-Quads Legs 2-Hammys
Abs everyday
Run 3 times a week

Going to play bball in a league hopefully I can still dunk after adding 26 pounds.

Shot 150 mg Deca In lats



Curl bar-60x10,60x10,70x9,7x9
Incline Curl- 25x10,30x10,30x10,35x9,35x7
Sitting Curl-30x10,25x10,25x9,20x10
Rope Curl-60x10,65x9,65x9,70x7


One arm extend- 15x10,15x10,20x10,20x7
Skull Crush-50x10,50x9,60x8,60x8
One arm reverse grip-35x10,40x10,45x10,45x7

I am really feeling Deca coming through. Getting bigger and bigger. Lets Go!

Really was not looking foward to legs today but pushed threw and it paid off. Off tren for 2 days still have crazy bad night sweats. Not sure if it's from tren or coming off subs. Went from 2.8 mg to 1.4 mg of suboxone. Started at 32 mg so I am almost 100 sober. Lets GO!

Hammy pulls-55x10,65x10,75x10,90x5,90x5
Deadlifts-135x15,225x10,275x10,295x6,315x3,325x1,345x1 PR
Straight leg deadlifts- 135x10,135x12,135x15,155x10
Sitting calves-90x10,100x10,110x10,120x10
Hip Thrusts-225x10,275x10,325x5,325x5 PR
Standing calves-340x10,370x10,400x10,400x10,Drop 350x10,300x10,250x10,200x10,100x10
Laying hammys-100x10,120x9,130x7,60x15

Back pumps were stupid. Honestly had to stop a minute. Focused on form for DL. Wanna hit 400 end of cycle.

Chest and Back

Bench Flat-55x10,70x10,80x10,90x8,95x5,100x2 PR Finally got to 100. Gotta get to 120 thats the highest dumbell they got in the gym.
Incline Bench-55x10,60x10,60x10,70x8
Chest Press-105x10,120x10,135x8,135x7
Incline dumbell close-35x10,40x10,45x8,45x7
Upper chest press-100x10,120x10,140x6,140x6 dropped to 100x5

One arm bent over row- 65x10,65x10,65x10,70x8
Close grip pull-100x15,120x10,130x9,140x8
Row on stomach- 80x10,80x10,90x9,100x7
Back Flys-45x10,55x10,60x7,65x7
Lat pulldown closegrip-120x10,130x10,140x8,140x6

I shot test yesterday. Felt good went this morning. Had a light sleep, I shut my eyes but was awake the whole night except 3 hrs in the early morning. I was high. I am not doing it again because I now remember the effect it had on my sleep. I was nodding out all night. Even though it felt amazing( and still does) and I put up more weight. If I keep doing it ill get addicted again. I am on subs to stop opiates if I get addicted to the thing relieving me from withdrawals will be worsst mistake of my life. I have to stop. I am still feeling it. Snorted a 8 mg suboxone. I am fucking dumb! I also had coffe this morning.
I will run tn,stretch, and do abs tn or tomorrow. I did abs yesterday on off day and it was amazing. Getting the definition back which I though was going away. I lost a lil weight 2 pounds but w.e. I doing wanna be bloated. I wanna be cut and big. I play basketball so I wanna be quick still. Rode my bike homw from gym. Was freezing. Never again. Escpecially after sweating from lifting. No more morning workuts.


Incline bench-25x15,30x10,30x10,35x7
Sitting curls-20x10,25x10,30x8,35x6
Ez curl-50x10,60x10,60x10,60x10
overhead curl-30x10,40x10,50x8,50x6,30x12
Preacher curl-85x10,90x10,120x10,150x5,130x5,140x5,90x5,50x10

Skull crusher-50x10,60x10,60x10,60x10
One arm extension bent-15x10,15x10,20x7,20x6,10x10
Reverse grip one arm-30x10,40x10,50x8,50x6
dip machine-100x10,100x10,150x10,200x10,100x10,50x20

Reverse curl-50x10,50x10,60x6,60x6
Behind back grip-110x10,110x10,100x10,100x6
Arms out in front grip-20x10,20x10,20x10,

Had a good pump going to start getting my reps lower and increase intensity. Weigh 190 still. Seein good results. I did extra today because I got picked up late at gym. I ran 2 miles and did 20 minutes abs and did 20 min stretching this morning. Going to do this again tomorrow. I has horrible shine pumps during run lol.I had to stop for a couple seconds ever .5 mile. Also forearms pumps during workout were brutal.

Best quad workout so far. All reps I held for 2-3 seconds at peak contraction. Hit Calves hard and quads. Next leg day is Hammy's and Calves. I did 20 minutes abs and 20 minutes stretch before gym for warm-up. I weigh 194 Pr. That's officailly 30 pounds gained. I am eating like a beast. And since I have been doing abs they are coming back better then ever! Can't wait to get Dbol. Get some workout boost even more. And EQ to eat even more. Got an amazing cycle planned out perfect. Then will cut at the end. To lean out and get ready for basketball season. Have a feeling Dbol EQ and Deca are going to compliment eachother nicely.

Sitting calves toes points in-90x10,100x10,100x10,115x7
Leg Extensions-90x10,115x10,130x10,150x8 Pause at contraction PR
Sitting calves toes points out-90x10,115x10,115x8,125x6
Leg press-380x10,410x10,460x10,510x7 PR
Sitting calves Regular-100x10,100x10,100x10,100x10
Lounges-40 pounds each hand-40x10,40x9,40x7,40x5 Reps are per leg PR
Standing Calf-359x10,360x10,380x10,drop 300x10,280x10,230x10,100x10

Really feeling good. Focusing on slow movements and my form is the best it's been. Everything is on point. Got gyno problems but going to doctor for it. Dbol might make it worse... IDC ill get it under control soon.

Chest and Back

Chest-slight incline bench-65x10,65x10,65x9,75x7
Upper chest flys-30x10,30x10,40x10,40x7
Lower chest flys-30x10.40x10,40x10,50x7,50x7
Inner chest fly-120x10,120x10,140x8,140x7

Close grip lats-120x10,120x10,130x10,140x8
Lats pulldown-120x10,130x10,14x8,140x6
Rows machine-180x10,180x10,200x8,200x7
Pull ups-6,5,4,3

I had an amazing pump. REally getting into my lats.
Since it was my second chest back this week, I focused on less push an more flys for chest. I focused on lats instead of middle back.
Shot 250 test in biceps feeling good. Should be getting dbol, EQ and test soon.

Arms and shoulders

Incline Curls-25x10,30x10,35x9,35x7
Sitting Curls-25x10,30x10,30x8,35x5
Barbell curls-45x10,55x10,55x10,65x8,65x7

One arm bent extesions-10x10,15x10,15x10,20x8
One arm reverse-50x8,55x10,60x10,65x5,40x10

Sitting press dumbbell-35x10,35x10,40x10,40x6
Standing shoulder pulls-70x10,60x10,60x10,60x6
Standing shrugs machine-180x10,180x10,200x10,200x8
Lateral arm raises-20x10,20x10,25x8,25x7
behind back shrugs(Dont like)135x10,135x9,135x6

Shot 150 deca in Left delt. Felt good workout for injection sight had no pip. Was surprised.

I ran 20 minutes, did abs 20 minutes, and stretched 20 minutes 4 hours before workout. I wanna get my abs a lot nicer and it is coming along.

Shot up 50 mg inject dbol 1 hr before session. 250 mg test c after. Glute and Right quad.

Hamstring curl-55x10,65x10,70x9,80x6 Real slow movements
Dead lifts-135x12,185x10,225x10,275x7,295x3,315x2,335x1,345x1,355x1 PR
Calf sitting feet in-90x10,115x10,115x10,140x7
Calf sitting feet out-140x10,140x10,140x9,140x7
Calf sitting feet regular-140x10,140x10,140x8,140x5
Hip thrusts-225x10,275x10,325x7,325x5
Standing calf-270x10,330x10,360x10,370x8,drop set 330x8,300x5,260x5,200x5
reverse crunch-body weight-10, plus ten lbs-10,plus ten lbs-8,plus25-5 drop,+10x5,bodyx5

Trying to hit 400 ASAP. I say in the next couple months, Lost th grip of 355 on way down might need wrist straps. Had great form which I have been working on until I got passed 315. Lost a little bit of form. Can't wait for DBOL to kick.

Chest Back
Bench is only dumbbells
Slight incline-55x10,55x10,65x10,75x10,85x6
Flat bench-85x6,85x5,90x5,90x6,100x3 PR
Chest Press-105x10,90x10,105x10,120x7
Upper chest press-100x10,130x8,140fail,drop set 120x6,100x5,70x5(All sets 15second rest needed to leave)

Lat pulldown-120x10,130x10,130x7,140x5
Lat straight arm puldown Standing-50x10,60x10,70x6,70x6,dropp 50x6
Lat row machine-180x10,200x10,200x10,230x5
Close grip latpull down-140x10,140x8,150x6,150x5

Had ill pumps especially in forearms which were brutal. Got my Injectable DBol going. 30 in morning 20 in evening. Going to stick to. 40 on legs days, 20-20, and 30 on other days,20-10. Also did EQ 200. Shot in Glutes. I like glutes a lot more now not painful. Lats though I am going to stop. I can't reach anymore and they are painful. Feels like I am injecting in my lung lol. I am going to mix the Dbol in the front of the syringe so none gets wasted in the tip anymore. Thats like 10 mg and almost a dose.So when I do my injecting going to have it in front shoot it in, with a lil of other compund. Then go to next injecing site. I hate mixing because of bioavailability of compounds. I feel like it gets effected.

Decided to go for 280 grams of protein because of the increase of protein synth from DBOL. Its is a fucking lot of food.

I weight 195, almost at my 200 mark! That's 31 pounds in 7-8 weeks, around give or take. I am seeing more definition though. Especially in my abs. Reakky excited, If I do 28 g of protein, for the DBOl stage of my cycle I will hit 210. 10 pounds more then what I was looking for.

Incline curls-25x10,30x10,35x10,35x8,40x6
Ez bar Curls-70x10,70x10,70x8,70x7
Sitting curls-25x10,30x10,30x8,35x5
Rope Dropset-100x10,90x10,70x10,50x10,40x10

Skull crushers-60x10,60x10,70x8,70x8
Reverse grip one arm tris-40x10,40x10,50x10,50x6
One arm bent extension-15x10,15x10,10x10,10x10
Rops drop set-100x10,90x10,70x10,50x10,30x10
Weight dip machine-180x10,180x10,180x10

hanging leg lifts-10,8,6,4
Leg lifts decline bench-15,15,13,10
Decline sit ups-15,hold 30 sec,15, hold 20 sec,10 hold 10, 10 hold 10

I might take tomorrow off. Real sore this week. Shot 20 mg DBOl, 150 mg deca 2 hr before lifting, in left delt. I only bleed when I shoot in delts for some reason. I even aspirate and there is no blood. Very odd.
I feel like I am going to burst from eating so daym much. Shot 40 mg DBOl. took .5 AI. Gyno or nip sensitivity is OK.

30 bdy wght sqauts 3x10 warm up
Squats-45x10,95x10,135x10,185x10,225x8,245x5,255x2 PR Def could do more but doing it solo. Need spotters just incase so going to take it easy.I want to try though!
Leg extensions-120x10,135x10,150x10,165x8
Seated calves feet inward-90x10,90x10,115x9,115x7
Seated calves feet outward-90x10,90x10,115x10,115x7
Seated caves regular-90x10,90x10,115x10,115x7
Dumbbell Lounges-30x10,30x10,35x8,40x6

Lets go Knicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow the knicks suck. They are just the worst. I don't know why. They have the best players.


Will do chest and back flys later tn. After 40 mg DBOL. Shot up test 250 and EQ 200 this morning. I ran 20 min about 2 miles. I had to stop a lot due to these fucking shin pumps. so painful I can'yt walk. I might get taurine. If they werent there I could go forever. Then I stretched for 20 min and did abs for 20 min. Trying out this new vacuum pose routine. I am getting more vascular around my lower abs.
Chest back

Warm-30 pushups
Flat flys-30x10,35x10,35x10,40x8
Incline flys-30x10,30x10,35x8,40x6
Upper flys-30x10,40x9,50x8,50x6
Lower flys-50x10,50x10,60x8,60x5
Inner flys-120x10,120x10,140x7,140x6

Close grip pulls-100x10,120x10,120x10,120x8
One arm bent row-65x10,70x10,70x10,x70x7
Reverse grip row barbell-135x10,135x8,155x7,155x6
Lat close grip-140x10,150x8,160x5,160x6 Drop 130x6,100x5,70x6,30x10
Reverse flys-40x10,50x10,60x7,60x6
Arms shoulders
Curl up bar-70x10,70x9,70x8,70x7
Incline curl-30x10,35x10,35x8,35x7
Preacher curl-barplus20x10,plus40x5,30x9,30x5

Seated dumbbell shoulder press-30x10,45x10,50x8,55x6 PR
Standing press-50x10,60x10,70x8,70x7
Shoulder pull bar-60x10,70x10,80x7,80x6

bench dips 10 warmup
One arm bent extension-10x10,15x10,15x8,20x6
Weighted machine dips-170x10,200x8,150x10,130x10,120x20

DBOL kick in. Shot 50 mg with 150 mg deca. 199 SO fucking close to 200. My pumps are crazy especially today. Only ate 225 protein though. 350 carbs. 100 fat. Have zero food in huse rn. But when I eat I littlerly get pumps in my temple/mandible near my jaw lol.

Hamstring curl-45x10,55x10,65x10,80x8,90x6
Deadlift-145x10,225x10,275x10,315x6,335x3,365x1,375x1 PR
Straight leg dead-135x10,185x10,195x10,225x10
REverse crunch-10x10,25x10,25x9,25x6,10x10
Lying hammy curl-80x10,100x10,115x9,125x6,100x8,60x5

Standing press-330x10,360x6,360x7,360x6,330x4,270x6,230x6,150x6 drop after 360
Sitting inward-90x10,90x10,135x8,135x6

Great pumps find dbol hits around 2 hr not 1 hr the best.

Finally might be getting a fucking job. I have been trying all over for years and can't. Got first interview tomorrow. Lets go! i need money!

I ran 30 min in morning, then did 30 min abs, and did 30 min stretching. My goal is to be able to do a split. Im a foot away. I am talking like claude van damme status. I also ran 50 minutes at night on elliptical and don;t get any shin pumps that are debilitating so I m going to do it more often. I am seeing amazing results. I can't wait for EQ to cut me up and get me vasucalr. I also love deca right now. Really on point in my results. I mgith lower test injections to 300mg or 400 a week and up eq to 5-600 cause I got an extra EQ possibly. Or just run it for an extended weeks. I am gettin a nice six pack. Been doing vaccum poses and amazing leg lifts. I am working so fucking hard. I am going to the gym and doing back and chest today. LETS GOOO!

Shot EQ 200 and DBOl just now 30 mg. I also took caeffiene pills two. The swwet spot and best preworkout. I am going to gym in two hours.

Chest Back

Close grip incline-30x10,40x10,45x10,50x7,30x10
Chest press- 90x10,105x9,120x6,135x5,135x5, upstairs machine -140x10,140x7,140x5

Lat pulldown-120x10,140x10,140x7,140x5
Close grip lat pulldown-120x10,140x10,150x10,160x6 PR
Standing lats-50x10,70x8,70x7,70x6,50x5
Lat machine-180x10,200x7,230x7,230x5
Pull ups=5,6,5,3,2
I've been following along. Looks like ya been off subs for over a week or so...or ya just haven't mentioned it. If ya have been off 'em..nice!! If not..start today!!
I've been following along. Looks like ya been off subs for over a week or so...or ya just haven't mentioned it. If ya have been off 'em..nice!! If not..start today!!

Nice thanks for following. I am on subs I will b on them for years.I say 8 months to 2 years. and I am only on 2 mg. Started 32 so... I tried to stop but relapse on them. took 2 mg to 10 mg. But only for 1 week. Now I am on 2 mg again.