Log of workout and cycle

Nice thanks for following. I am on subs I will b on them for years.I say 8 months to 2 years. and I am only on 2 mg. Started 32 so... I tried to stop but relapse on them. took 2 mg to 10 mg. But only for 1 week. Now I am on 2 mg again.

My bad man. I must've read it wrong...I do that a lot...the words are there but I make up my own instead lol. Well at least you're taking less. I was hooked on methadone, benzos, and norcos for yrs....wasted A LOT of time and $$$. Working on 25 months clean.:)

Keep killin' it!!
Leg Press 530x10,530x9,530x7,530x8
Quad extension-120x10,135x10,150x8,150x7
Calf standing in-300x10,300x10,300x10
Outward calf-330x10,330x10,350x8,340x7
Horizontail clad-120x10,170x10,190x8,190x7

Getting real annoyed having to eat 24 7. Lifting everyday god dam. Only got 20 more weeks in cycle LOLOL.
Chest and Back

Warm up push ups 30

Did my workout each rep real slow and all they way extended. Except at elbows. A lot of contraction. Paid off alot at the end. This is my second chest day of the week and back. So flys and inner back this time.

Flat bench flys-30x10,30x10, 35x10,40x8
Inner chest flys-120x10,120x10,140x10,140x7
Upper chest flys-45x10,45x10,50x8,55x6
Lower chest flys- 45x10,50x10,60x10,65x8,70x8

Inner chest two handed row- 120x10,130x10,140x7,150x5
One handed bent over row- 65x10,65x10,75x9,75x7
Lat pulldown close grip- 130x10,140x10,150x10,160x7
Reverse flys- 50x10,55x10,60x7,65x7

Had a good pump even though it was short. 50 minutes. I was up all night last night and all day today and now all night I have work 11-7 in morning. Brand new job. So I need a little energy for work. Lifting boxes and stocking shelves all night so should be a good workout in itself. Finally getting some money.

I shot pharmacom 50 mg dbol, 250 test last shot of this vial, and 300 EQ. No pip good pumps all around. I have so much more energy. Going to school soon, working and lifting. REally excited. And getting a dog. Subs are still at 2.8 mg a day but going to try 2 mgor 1.5 whichi is one and three quater pills. We will see. So I will be up for 36 hrs after tn lol. Hopefully I can get to bed tomorrow noon. No matter what will be going to gym though. Doing arms and shoulders. Seeing amazing results. And vascularity is coming along.

I did 30 min running this morning and 45 minutes stretching as well. I want to be abke to do a split. Soince I stretched before lifting I was able to strech a lot further. Felt really good. Going passed my toes and now 7 inches from a split. My crotch is going to hate me though lol.Shoulders are increasing. I have a 1/3 of the way cycle pic. But will have a final of cycle pick up in 22 weeeks. I did my tren part of cycle. Almost done with deca part of cycle. Just started EQ part of cycle. Not up to winny part yet. 10 weeks into test part of cycle at 500 mg/week.I weight 198. Hardly eating today at all. Almost at 200. So daym close. But I have little fat it has been fading away.
lets go knicks!!!

Not lifting today I have my second day of work and its from 11 pm to7 am. So i got 5 hrs of sleep in 48 hrs and working again. I am going to lift tomorrow light because I have off. I need to adjust to my schedule. I have work all niext week. Fuck yea here comes the money.

I shot pharmacom 150mg Deca. I shot pharmacom 25 mg DBOL a low dose since I am not lifting. I took 1 mg AI. My gyno is decreasing which is great. Due to the lowered Estrogen and also I stopped doing Pharmacom Tren. Which was a great jump start to my cycle. I wanted to run 10 weeks Deca but I did a frontload and did 400 not 300 for a couple shots. So 8 weeks is how it looks. I am 2 weeks into my EQ so I timed it that when Deca is over then EQ will be hitting me. Work is stocking shelves so its 8 hrs of movement. Hopefully this low intense exercise will cut my fat DOWN.
Damn how long are u running this cycle man I remember u started your test cyp around when I started mine and the same brand too and thought u were running test only now ur adding tren and all kinds of other compounds lol was this your first cycle?
Damn how long are u running this cycle man I remember u started your test cyp around when I started mine and the same brand too and thought u were running test only now ur adding tren and all kinds of other compounds lol was this your first cycle?

Yea I know but it is paying off big time. I did test 10 weeks, or 11, Deca 8 weeks. Did tren 3 weeks to jump start. Then cruising on EQ 400. but still mid way. LOL also Dbol rn for pre workout. I am doing TRT. I look much better then I did. So I don't want to stop.So like 30 weeks all together.
Yea I know but it is paying off big time. I did test 10 weeks, or 11, Deca 8 weeks. Did tren 3 weeks to jump start. Then cruising on EQ 400. but still mid way. LOL also Dbol rn for pre workout. I am doing TRT. I look much better then I did. So I don't want to stop.So like 30 weeks all together.
Holy shit man that wasn't a very good idea lol remember it's not a race brother you've got plenty of time ...now that you have used just about every compound u got nothing to look forward to except different combos or upping doses
Yea I know but it is paying off big time. I did test 10 weeks, or 11, Deca 8 weeks. Did tren 3 weeks to jump start. Then cruising on EQ 400. but still mid way. LOL also Dbol rn for pre workout. I am doing TRT. I look much better then I did. So I don't want to stop.So like 30 weeks all together.
I decided I'm going to be cruising after this cycle as well ...not trying to loose a lot of gains I worked so hard for I gained almost 30 pounds just from test and just started some dbol
I decided I'm going to be cruising after this cycle as well ...not trying to loose a lot of gains I worked so hard for I gained almost 30 pounds just from test and just started some dbol

I am doing extremely low doses. I don't want to wait. If I do it now that could be the difference between. a shitty salary. And millions. Even though I could have maybe done it without the Aas. It is much more a sure thing now.
I decided I'm going to be cruising after this cycle as well ...not trying to loose a lot of gains I worked so hard for I gained almost 30 pounds just from test and just started some dbol
And I gained 30 pounds to. haha 164 to 198. My six pack is beasting rn. I am going to gain another 20 pounds. then cruise. I will have pics at the end And i didn't change much in my schedule. Just the Aas. Thats how good they are. I am a kinny fast metabolism fuck.
And I gained 30 pounds to. haha 164 to 198. My six pack is beasting rn. I am going to gain another 20 pounds. then cruise. I will have pics at the end And i didn't change much in my schedule. Just the Aas. Thats how good they are. I am a kinny fast metabolism fuck.
Its gunna be hard to gain another 20 pounds on the same cycle. Man u should switch to a cruise while your ahead

Shot up Pharmacom EQ 300 mg, Deca 150 mg, and DBOL 50 mg. Took 2 caffeine pills.

Work has been rough. 11 at night to 7 in morning. Fucking up my lifting. Took off today and tomorrow just to kift. My results are unbelievable it's sorta weird. Veiny and Strong AF. Bloods will be here soon.

Chest Back

Slight incline bench- 80 x10,80x10,85x8,85x6
Press upper chest-100x10,140x10,150x5,140x3
Close grip incline- 40x10,40x10,40x10,40x10

Lat pulldown-120x10,120x10,140x10,150x9
Lat machine-210x10,220x10,220x9,225x7 PR
Close grip lats puldown-150x10,150x10,150x8,150x6
Pull ups-7,6,5,4

Really good pump. Seeing results left and right. Lats are much bigger. Waste in skinny as fuck. Vertical line on abs is coming. easy 6 pack. Shoulders are bigger I don't even work them out directly. Quads are much more defined. Hopefully I can keep going. Happy with results. as you can tell. Might quit work and focus on lifting again. Or find a day job not night job.

Didnt shoot any roids. Had work from 11- 7 in morning so I had to lift after which is rough. Idk y there is a fuck load of people at the gym at 500in the morning lol.

Incline curl- 30x10.30x10,35x10,40x10
SittingCurls- 25x10,30x10,35x8,35x6
Curl bar standing- 60x10,60x10,70x10,70x7
One arm machine curl-40x10,40x10,50x10,50x5

I am tired as fuck. A little sloppy this go around I need sleep. Up from 5 yesterday at night. Worked 11 at night to 6 in morning and lifted again but this times legs. FUCK.

Pause Squats-135x0,135x10,185x10,225x6,245x3 PR i think
Leg extensions-130x10,145x10,150x7,160x7
One leg lounges- 35x10,35x6,35x6,35x5 Really tired at this point

Sitting calf inward feet-90x10,110x10,120x8,130x7
Sitting calf outward-90x10,90x10,100x8,110x7
Standing calf machine-300x10,340x10,360x7,300x10

Got off work tomorrow thank goodness.

Shot All Pharmacom
DBOL 40 mg injectable
In one needle is below. 2 and half cc and have a little pip. Most I have ever shot at once. In left glute.
200-275 mg EQ
150 mg Deca
250 mg Test C

Have bloods coming back today. Will post in a week, I am just getting my numbers told to me over the phone. My Estrogen was at 101 and my nips had a lump. I have been taking .5 mg adex everyday Script and 1 mg 2 x a week for a month now. My lump has significantly decreased. It is even less then when I was 16. I guess puebertal gyno I had. I am pumped. Also I finished my tren lol. Thats prob why it got a little worse. Ran tren for 3 weeks to jump start cycle. I will post pics soon. It's sort of weird though. SOOO many people have been saying how big I am and how my shoulders are getting huge. Random people guys and girls. haha I am sort of not used to it, as it just started to happen last week.

I am 8 weeks into Deca last shot nest time I shoot.(I fucked up a little shot 2 injections of product by going over .1 ml on my shots.) I am going to watch it more. EQ I have 15 weeks. Test running 500 mg for like 10 more weeks. Then might cut it to 200 a week. DBOl on 4th week almost done this is my last week. So it's just EQ and Test next week. Finally Calming down a little. Feeling good rn. Gained 34 pounds. Lost 2 pounds due to work at nights and missing meals from it. Which I am pissed about. But I acutally cut from the new diet I have. Getting veins everywhere. Especially lower abs. I am actually seeing the fibers from my muscles a little too. In my shoudlers. But I am not even close to where I want to be. Getting there.

Subs update. Sticking with 2 a day. I cant change it to less because I just started working nights and it would be too hard. I have been thinking about drugs a lot lately. About picking up heroin. But then I realize. 1 I am on proabation and outpatient if I fuck up I go to jail. 2. uhhh actully that is really the only reason why I am not picking up rn. But I know in the back of my mind I will lose everything. I finally got my own money to spend I cant waste it on drugs. Typing this has actually made me relize how badly I can;t get heroin. I know I will get high on it again one day. So I am going to say to myself wait 5 years and if I want to do it then. I will. (Horrible thought process).
I have to do this quick, I need to sleep been up since last night.

Work 11-7 liftings water cases-warmuop

Chest back
All Fly workout
regular flat bench
Inner cable pull
reversge grip bent barbell pull
Latpulldown close grip
REverse flys

Pharmacom dbol 50 mg

Injection PCOM
Injectable Dbol 40 mg
EQ 200 mg
Test 250 mg

Suboxone took 1 and half pills last night. Going to take 2 tn. Want a xanax script but have to wait til I am off probabtion which sucks my dick. I wanna take one now but takes 10 days to get out of system so I have to wait. Been real anxious lately. But just going to tough it out.

Arms/Shoulders All dumbells
Incline curls 30x10,35x10,35x8,40x6
Sitting curls-30x10,30x10,35x8,35x6
Standing Ex bar curl-70x8,70x8,70x6,80x4

Reverse grip one hand down-30x10,40x10,50x8,60x5,30x10
One arm extensions bent-15x10,15x10,20x8,20x8
Dips-(w)= weighted bdwt 15, (w)25x10,(w)45x8,(w)45x7, bdwt10

Seatd dumbell press-40x10,45x10,50x9,50x7
Lateral Raise-20x10,20x10,20x7,25x5
Standing Press-50x10,50x10,60x10,70x5
Suboxone took 1 and half pills last night. Going to take 2 tn. Want a xanax script but have to wait til I am off probabtion which sucks my dick. I wanna take one now but takes 10 days to get out of system so I have to wait. Been real anxious lately. But just going to tough it out.

Xanax, weight training, AAS, and working from 11-7 will not mix well. Tough it out as long as you can. So, does xanax and subs give you the nods like methadone and xanax?? Why are ya so anxious anyway?? New job, $$ in your pocket, your AAS use and train seem to be going well...just slow down a bit and relax, and enjoy. Stop thinking about them other drugs (I know its easy for me to say, but brother I've been there).
Xanax, weight training, AAS, and working from 11-7 will not mix well. Tough it out as long as you can. So, does xanax and subs give you the nods like methadone and xanax?? Why are ya so anxious anyway?? New job, $$ in your pocket, your AAS use and train seem to be going well...just slow down a bit and relax, and enjoy. Stop thinking about them other drugs (I know its easy for me to say, but brother I've been there).

Techniqually they can definatly make you nod lol. You are most definatly right about that combo not being good. That is why I am seeing if it will pass. I get drug tested anyway so I literally can't. (It might be a different story if I didn't get tested). I have been thinking way too much. So you hit it on the head.

Well the post office fucked up my order. My tracking number shows it was delievered. I called the post office and they said they delievered it but I never got the dam package. So I am stopping my EQ cycle and going to start my cruise as soon as my deca is over. It sucks a lot I was eating alot and the EQ just started to hit a little but not so much so I guess I should of had everything before I started this second part. So I guess cruising is my option. Hopefully the person I got from can help me out. Or else imma by really pissed. But we will see.

Wam uo work from 11-7 lifting boxes lol gym after
Hamstring pull-55x10,65x10,75x10,90x7
Dead lift-135x10,225x10,175x8,315x6,335x3,365x2,375x1,385x1 PR
Calf standing in-310x10,320x10,365x10,370x6,390x3
Calf standing out-310x10,340x10,370x6,390x6
hip thrust-225x10,275x7,295x6,295x6
Hammy pull laying-90x10,115x7,125x7,125x4
Horizontial calf-120x10,190x10,210x8,250x7,260x5

Really good workout.
I just want my product dammit!!!
Welllllll there are reasons why I feel weird. Bloods show shit is everywhere. So it is definatly time to cruise. lol I guess things happen for reason. I believe my second vial from BM was underdosed with a 1200 T level. But I switched to pharmacom so theres that. Second. Injectable DBOL fucking up my liver. I am going to finish it though. Third Estrogen is stupid high. But I am taking a script AI. Will take more. But I am cruising now so everything will be, A ok. You guys were right quit while you are ahead. At least I am not doing my 18 weeks of EQ lol. That it why you get bloods. Also my package isn't here so I can;t even if I wanted too. So i know now. Liver is sensitive. Estrogen is sensitive. And Underdosed gear sucks my dick. I am fixing everything as we speak.

So final results of 8 weeks Deca. 13 weeks Test 500 mg. But half way I switched to other vial which is underdosed. so like 6 weeks good 7 weeks not good test. 4 weeks injectable DBOL . Have one week left. I will finish. EQ was three weeks. But stopping that and saving it for next cycle.

164 to 199 pounds. 35 pounds LOL not bad.
Increased 110 pounds on deadlift. 265 375 pounds
65 pounds to 105 pounds on bench. 40 pounds
squat didn't do. Now at 245

Pre cycle bloods
test level 200
Estrogen 41
ATL normal
AST normal

Mid cycle bloods numbers
Estrogen 100
ALT and AST normal
TT 3600

These numbers are my end of cycle numbers
End bloods
Estrogen 268
AST 108 just since I ran DBOL not whole cycle
Alt 100 same as above
Test level 1200 Fuck but w.e Both tests 72 hrs post injection.

So I will fix everything I did wrong by my next cycle. This was my first. I am not mad nor worried because I caught everything right away.
Where did ya get your blood work done at PrivateMD.com or Labsmd.com?? Or some where else...