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This is exactly what you said:
can be minor or very scary. That's just a nick. If you were to push 100mg of tren directly into a vein and that hits the lungs who knows what that would do. Who knows what a concentrated amount of dbol inject or Winny or whatever would to if
I did not say in the history of steroids no one has done it. I don't know if someone has or hasn't. I said who knows what will happen. I don't. I don't know personally anyone who's done it nor have I had anyone tell me that they know someone who's done it. That doesn't make me gullible it means I lack the knowledge of it. Do I think it's possible? sure. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to do it intentionally. My point is that guys that are new to injecting AAS should aspirate to error on the side of caution. It takes one second. Why are you taking such a hard stand on something so minor. just do you and I'll do me. If you disagree with me that's cool. Who fucking gives a shit.

I do aspirated.

I was simply pointing out the fallacy in your statement about intravenous steroid injections.

You speak like the risk associated with that happening is some big mystery. It's not. We know, objectively exactly what happens
I do not aspirate 9/10. Hopefully i die a beautiful death from it. Plus it would make so many happy here since i am the most worthless member here aside from noscopeken the 15yo twat
Problem 1 -I ordered from the guy. My pack said it was going to be shipped 24 hours ago. It was shipped 48 hours ago.
Problem 2- It was in customs for 4 days and it shipped in 7 days and hours. It was suppose to sit in customs for 3 days, and ship that same day!!!! WTF.
Problem 3- It then was in the air for 2 days. Meanwhile it was suppose to be in the air for 1 day.
Problem 4- Then customs had it again. Why is there two customs. WTF!!!!
Problem 5- My car broke down and I coudn't get home to get the pack. So they had to bring it back to post office.
Problem 6- I had to find a new mechanic to fix my car.
Problem 7- I had to eat more food to get gainz at the gym.
Problem 8- I ate to much dairy, I had diarrhea.
Problem 9- I had to wipe my own ass.
Problem 10- maybe if I "PM" someone they will take care of my liquid shit.
Problem 11- As much as you care about this story, is as much as I care about your point-less shit.

Stop posting all this pointless information. PM!!! or Private message, Pointless info, so everyone doesn't have to read it!!!

Lol!! FACT!!!
I do aspirated.

I was simply pointing out the fallacy in your statement about intravenous steroid injections.

You speak like the risk associated with that happening is some big mystery. It's not. We know, objectively exactly what happens
I never looked into it so I had no idea but I did some reading. You are correct. It won't kill you or do irreperable damage but those that have done it by mistake say that it's 5 - 10 minutes of very uncomfortable scary shit. quite a few said like should I call 911 kinda scary. I've defiiately nicked a vein before with Tren and it didn't show when I aspirated but I went through the Tren cough episode and I gotta tell you it sucked. I had that several times in a minor way and once severe. So even if you aspirate, with Tren, it can still happen. Never had it with any other compound though. I think Tren must do it the worst.
Used to be 15 I believe it's longer now. Could be wrong though.

How the fuck would you know? Oh, that's right - you've been here many times, under a dozen or more alters.

Looks like you're gonna need a new alter because this one is finished. Too bad, though. You invested a lot of time and effort trying to build Chris Hanson's credibility. Better luck next time, CBH.
How the fuck would you know? Oh, that's right - you've been here many times, under a dozen or more alters.

Looks like you're gonna need a new alter because this one is finished. Too bad, though. You invested a lot of time and effort trying to build Chris Hanson's credibility. Better luck next time, CBH.
Like he tried to mess with me with all that bs in another thread to discredit me. Like that saying goes something like 'If you take the bull by the horns you gonna get gored'. Heck, I would love to know who this joker is myself.
Any feedback on the Pharmacom amps? I remember a post a long time ago saying they were difficult to break open, but do they open clean or do you get some shattered amps along the way?

Also @Pharmacom Labs , any reason there are no reships to EU anymore? I asked the helper in PM but he didn't know why.
Any feedback on the Pharmacom amps? I remember a post a long time ago saying they were difficult to break open, but do they open clean or do you get some shattered amps along the way?

Also @Pharmacom Labs , any reason there are no reships to EU anymore? I asked the helper in PM but he didn't know why.
i am using test 250 amps i have used 6 so far 4 broke clean, 2 of them the tops shattered but not an issue.
I aspirate.
Once or twice I forgot and never had an issue.
But even if its is 0.001% chance of an issue, I figure why not just take the 2 extra seconds and decrease my risks.

To each his or her own though -- I respect that.
Only for international? No love for eu?
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