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I paid for an order 4 days ago through MG on the domestic U.S. site and it's still "Payment being checked." I sent a message yesterday on contact and no response, either.
I paid for an order 4 days ago through MG on the domestic U.S. site and it's still "Payment being checked." I sent a message yesterday on contact and no response, either.

for future reference ( as it's too late) keep order details to a minimum. No one needs to know when/how long ago you sent mg and it's just putting you at risk for a CD. not saying it's likely but why risk it.
Has anyone had an issue with under filled vials? I find it odd that pinning 2 mL per week i get exactly 4 weeks until a vial is totally drained. I could chalk it up to my error or lost oil in draw needles but it's odd when a whole 2 mL is unaccounted for and that I'm getting 8 ml to the dot worth of shots for the past two vials. My friend who is using gear from the same order ( we ordered same time ) has been through two vials at the same dosage and came up short as well. These were from an order that had to be "reshipped" after problems arose. It's not a huge deal for me, but could be to some who are on time frames and need exact cycle planning. If you fall into that category I reccomend ordering AT LEAST one extra vial. Besides this fact the gear has been top notch for my goals and the bloodwork I posted few weeks ago was satisfactory.
Has anyone had an issue with under filled vials? I find it odd that pinning 2 mL per week i get exactly 4 weeks until a vial is totally drained. I could chalk it up to my error or lost oil in draw needles but it's odd when a whole 2 mL is unaccounted for and that I'm getting 8 ml to the dot worth of shots for the past two vials. My friend who is using gear from the same order ( we ordered same time ) has been through two vials at the same dosage and came up short as well. These were from an order that had to be "reshipped" after problems arose. It's not a huge deal for me, but could be to some who are on time frames and need exact cycle planning. If you fall into that category I reccomend ordering AT LEAST one extra vial. Besides this fact the gear has been top notch for my goals and the bloodwork I posted few weeks ago was satisfactory.

That is weird, considering that Frank has stated that pharmacoms vials are actually loaded with 10.5 mls to make up for the lost gear in needles.
If you are on trt and you blast and cruise and already have a kid so sperm count is no issue is there any point in using hcg or would that just be a waste?
If you are on trt and you blast and cruise and already have a kid so sperm count is no issue is there any point in using hcg or would that just be a waste?

I use it to keep my nuts
HCG is cheap and having zero nuts is not something I am interested in.

It also helps with some of the upstream hormones/prohormones and many report feeling much better while on it.
Ill give it a shot ive been on trt for so long though that i think i may have already done permanent damage.. than again i was able to still have a kid 10 years on trt and no hcg. I want to see now how it makes you feel better
Has anyone had an issue with under filled vials? I find it odd that pinning 2 mL per week i get exactly 4 weeks until a vial is totally drained. I could chalk it up to my error or lost oil in draw needles but it's odd when a whole 2 mL is unaccounted for and that I'm getting 8 ml to the dot worth of shots for the past two vials. My friend who is using gear from the same order ( we ordered same time ) has been through two vials at the same dosage and came up short as well. These were from an order that had to be "reshipped" after problems arose. It's not a huge deal for me, but could be to some who are on time frames and need exact cycle planning. If you fall into that category I reccomend ordering AT LEAST one extra vial. Besides this fact the gear has been top notch for my goals and the bloodwork I posted few weeks ago was satisfactory.

I actually had the same issue with mine. I just thought I took an extra shot and forgot about it. Wasn't that big of a deal since I got some amps too.
I sorta feel the same lol.
I actually had the same issue with mine. I just thought I took an extra shot and forgot about it. Wasn't that big of a deal since I got some amps too.
Has anyone had an issue with under filled vials? I find it odd that pinning 2 mL per week i get exactly 4 weeks until a vial is totally drained. I could chalk it up to my error or lost oil in draw needles but it's odd when a whole 2 mL is unaccounted for and that I'm getting 8 ml to the dot worth of shots for the past two vials. My friend who is using gear from the same order ( we ordered same time ) has been through two vials at the same dosage and came up short as well. These were from an order that had to be "reshipped" after problems arose. It's not a huge deal for me, but could be to some who are on time frames and need exact cycle planning. If you fall into that category I reccomend ordering AT LEAST one extra vial. Besides this fact the gear has been top notch for my goals and the bloodwork I posted few weeks ago was satisfactory.

I have to really make sure though. I am content right now, with other aspects of their service. But like someone said, it can make a difference to some.
I actually had the same issue with mine. I just thought I took an extra shot and forgot about it. Wasn't that big of a deal since I got some amps too.

I sorta feel the same lol.

I have to really make sure though. I am content right now, with other aspects of their service. But like someone said, it can make a difference to some.
Well I don't have any doubt about my claims. But I didn't see the need to come slinging mud when there is technically no way I can prove besides my word. I KNOW that I have only used 8 ml worth from the past two vials. Unless my bd syringes are marked .5 ml off. And they aren't. My blood work lines up with my dosing. But I figured id say something to let other members know anyways.
Why not just take a fresh vial and withdraw its contents into syringe to check the amount ? Then compare the level of that vial to others
Why would I open a vial and withdraw the oil from it, possibly exposing it to contaminants just to check something I already know? It doesn't even matter to me. I just thought others who plan cycles to the cc may be Interested in knowing of the possibility
Why would I open a vial and withdraw the oil from it, possibly exposing it to contaminants just to check something I already know? It doesn't even matter to me. I just thought others who plan cycles to the cc may be Interested in knowing of the possibility
wish I would have known this prior to ordering - thanks for letting everyone know, it helps to have all the information so we can make informed decisions
Shorted vials will be hard to prove to Frank (based on how Frank has handled other issues). I am sure he would want uninterrupted video proof of the vial being opened and the oil being removed into a 10ml syringe. But like @Dw725 pointed out, doing this could contaminate the the gear. Does anyone happen to know about the exact spot on the Pharmacon vials that would be 10.5ml? At least then we could via a visual inspection be pretty close to knowing if the vials have at least 10ml in them prior to breaking the top off.
I don't know, to remove all doubt I guess. Doesnt every dose end up in a syringe anyway ?
Yes but ten ml syringes aren't something I have on hand and while they do end up in a syringe, they don't usually go from vial to syringe back to vial and then syringe again. It's probably unlikely but in my opinion the more times you handle syringes and vials the more likely youre exposing to contamination. This is the purpose of ampules. Some dont even like drawing from a vial multiple times.
Yes but ten ml syringes aren't something I have on hand and while they do end up in a syringe, they don't usually go from vial to syringe back to vial and then syringe again. It's probably unlikely but in my opinion the more times you handle syringes and vials the more likely youre exposing to contamination. This is the purpose of ampules. Some dont even like drawing from a vial multiple times.
I'd rather get an infection than inject glass shards
Or is that an irrational fear of mine with ampso_O
Shorted vials will be hard to prove to Frank (based on how Frank has handled other issues). I am sure he would want uninterrupted video proof of the vial being opened and the oil being removed into a 10ml syringe. But like @Dw725 pointed out, doing this could contaminate the the gear. Does anyone happen to know about the exact spot on the Pharmacon vials that would be 10.5ml? At least then we could via a visual inspection be pretty close to knowing if the vials have at least 10ml in them prior to breaking the top off.
I don't have any unopened vias left. But again, I'm not out to prove anything. The gear has been fine. If I had planned a cycle to the day it may have been an issue, but I don't order "just enough" like some I know do. I'll get by. But I do see where it could be an issue for others. A fill mark on a vial confirmed to have 10 mL would be ideal, but I've nothing personally to compare it to