MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

I just received my first order from Pharmacom domestic. Shipping was fast, and received in 4 days. My order was PHARMASUST 500 and some T3. The vial was in a little box with the Pharm logo and some general info. All good. There is a little paper information insert in the box, and gives general dosing info, where to inject, mg/ml... etc. The problem is, they give the break down of the 4 different esters and the mg/ml in the vial. This is sold at 500mg/ml. The info. on the handout lists this:

Test. Propionate 36mg/ml
Test. Phenylpropionate 72mg/ml
Test. Isocaproate 72mg/ml
Test. Decanoate 120mg/ml

That equals: 300mg/ml

So PHARMACOM>>>>did you make a typo on your SUST500 handout or is this really just 300mg/ml in a marketed 500mg/ml bottle? Has this issue not come up before?.. The paper handout says PHARMA SUST 500 and just beneath gives the breakdown of Test. that equals 300mg/ml. So the wrong handout was not inserted into the box.
So can you take their liquid dbol orally? I wasn't sure.... I now some of the UGLs suspend it Moonshine. But this is meant for injection so I assume it's in an oil and I wasn't sure if you get the same results taking it orally???

Do not take injectable Dbol orally!!!! It is for injections only....
I just received my first order from Pharmacom domestic. Shipping was fast, and received in 4 days. My order was PHARMASUST 500 and some T3. The vial was in a little box with the Pharm logo and some general info. All good. There is a little paper information insert in the box, and gives general dosing info, where to inject, mg/ml... etc. The problem is, they give the break down of the 4 different esters and the mg/ml in the vial. This is sold at 500mg/ml. The info. on the handout lists this:

Test. Propionate 36mg/ml
Test. Phenylpropionate 72mg/ml
Test. Isocaproate 72mg/ml
Test. Decanoate 120mg/ml

That equals: 300mg/ml

So PHARMACOM>>>>did you make a typo on your SUST500 handout or is this really just 300mg/ml in a marketed 500mg/ml bottle? Has this issue not come up before?.. The paper handout says PHARMA SUST 500 and just beneath gives the breakdown of Test. that equals 300mg/ml. So the wrong handout was not inserted into the box.
Just inject it, you'll know by the pip right. Lol
Just inject it, you'll know by the pip right. Lol
Yes wonderful! The worst part is I ordered 500mg/ml because of economics. I'm on TRT and thought well shit, I could inject .4ml/week and that would equal my 200mg/week normal TRT prescription. So a 10ml vial at 500mg/ml will give me 25 weeks of T shots at a fraction of the price for out of pocket TRT. However, after much reading, I think the timing of the dosage on SUST would be rather tricky and I'd like to keep my T on an even keel. I will probably just get the T-Cyp250 and call it good.
To be honest, I've dealt with them a while. Pretty solid on orders! Dosing Sust is a bitch, I just stick to E. good luck
@drgreenthumb628 eat more. preferably carbs. Spike your blood sugar
I try to i work in a pizza shop right now so i eat carbs alot i also eat alot of whole grains and it happens the most while i am at work. i had to stop my cycle and i switched over to a test and deca and im gonna add eq next week instead of test tren mast deca prov cycle
With the 40% discount and the 10% discount, how does it work. Does the 10% get taken off the order before the 40% or after?

I try to i work in a pizza shop right now so i eat carbs alot i also eat alot of whole grains and it happens the most while i am at work. i had to stop my cycle and i switched over to a test and deca and im gonna add eq next week instead of test tren mast deca prov cycle

I wish I knew something to help bro... I know eating a fat cheeseburger and keeping my water level high alleviated symptoms when they arose... eating more carbs just seemed to keep it away after I formed an idea what was happening. Just not eating enough and drinking enough man, I'm sorry to hear you ended cycle. Injectable anadrol was causing my issues I presume, but it could've also a number of factors... maybe even the fact that I was pinning an extra 1 1/2cc's of oil just to get the 75mg of anadrol. muscles may not have taken it too well. All is good now though, this is why I play with short esters currently. I'm only going to add one new substance to any cycle and it will never be a long ester until I'm comfortable enough. I think I'm comfortable with tren now and testosterone. Masteron and anadrol were the two new ones for me here, the body seems to like masteron, but the anadrol gave me the worst acid indigestion/heartburn I've ever felt, and I don't normally get it, I'm young and don't have suggestive issues. It was a 24/7 shit fest on that compound with all these symptoms of poor health going on. Just couldn't hack it. Doing great now on the mix 2 and adding an extra .2cc's (roughly, I don't look TOO strictly at the gauge when I draw) of tren to it. I'm up 20lbs now, not 16 like I mentioned. It's barely been 6 weeks. I'm in and out of recomp I suppose, because I'll lose a bit of weight and then my weight will spike with no sign of extra bloating or anything than I normally do with my diet. I signed to have not stopped gaining weight since stopping the anadrol either. I paused for maybe a week, but I watched my body lean out before my eyes in that time frame, and then I continued growing shortly after beginning the mix 2. Even hornier now than I was on just tren/test/anadrol those first few weeks. I think I'd use it again, but just for two weeks, and maybe a cycle inbetween, or go for dianabol next time. I did buy anavar, I have lots of it but don't want to use it with tren, that'd be a waste.
Oh I got ya so, the 10% only applies when the 40% promo isn't going on? I wanted to jump on that 40% because of the bold 500 ,mast p and tbol.

