MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

1461602330836.jpg 1461602296006.jpg 1461602215300.jpg Ok so i picked up this dbol from another source, NOT FRANK. But i did want to bring it here to the pcom thread and see if anyone can help me verify if it's legit or where the fuck the verification code is. I'm thinking it should be next to the verification code part on the side, no? I won't name the source yet until the verdict but i promise i will pending the outcome. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thx meso.
My orals from international from frank have never had authentication codes

Edit: i wouldnt trust an unauthorized dealer tho
View attachment 40733 View attachment 40732 View attachment 40731 Ok so i picked up this dbol from another source, NOT FRANK. But i did want to bring it here to the pcom thread and see if anyone can help me verify if it's legit or where the fuck the verification code is. I'm thinking it should be next to the verification code part on the side, no? I won't name the source yet until the verdict but i promise i will pending the outcome. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thx meso.
Orals and amps don't have authentication codes, HGH too I think.
Was your source an official reseller do you know?
What throws me off is that my dbol wasnt folded that way, actually none of my orals except for halo had to be ripped open that way. The others had a tab style to open like a normal little box would
No not official, interesting that they don't have codes though

What throws me off is that my dbol wasnt folded that way, actually none of my orals except for halo had to be ripped open that way. The others had a tab style to open like a normal little box would

If I recall there was a post about pharmacom catching some replicates of their packaging being circulated. I don't know if they ever made it to market but I wouldn't purchase from a non verified seller unless there was a lot of trust involved.
That source claims that it will soon become an authorized dealer and is in the process. I dont think i buy it
If I recall there was a post about pharmacom catching some replicates of their packaging being circulated. I don't know if they ever made it to market but I wouldn't purchase from a non verified seller unless there was a lot of trust involved.
I c what ur saying and agree. I got the shit already so I'm running it!; good or bad I'll post results and source.
If I recall there was a post about pharmacom catching some replicates of their packaging being circulated. I don't know if they ever made it to market but I wouldn't purchase from a non verified seller unless there was a lot of trust involved.
I remember this, any idea if they copied the blister packs too or just the outer boxing? I also thought it was strange that they knew they were fakes, but didn't know where the pictures or source came from.