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The $500.00 question is why would you spend $500.00 on the test instead of just sending out a few vials of NPP? I understand you can't just do it for everyone, but then again if PCom is so good, you shouldn't have to worry about this problem with everyone correct?

You can try to twist this anyway you want, the facts are the customer paid and you could have fixed this much cheaper and faster!

Well i for one am VERY interested in all test results of any gear in question. Sending new vials doesnt fix a thing. What if it comes back under dosed? Thats pretty good info no?? Or what if it turns out to be up to standards? Then obviously the used either knows nothing about gear and how his body reacts to diff compounds , or he is a reverse scammer.
You see where im going with this??
Now i can give a fuck about the bickering between you, him , them or whatever the fuck, but maybe you should get a little more experience in this lifestyle before trying to "fix" things you have no real experience in.
@Mr.B66 No disrespect meant to anyone. As I am. I agree 100%, my point is 16 weeks might be a bit to long don't ya think? We don't send every vial to Simec to test. These vials could have already been replaced. The vials in question are at Simec, have been for 16 weeks. He will not get those vials back correct? Good or bad, he will not get those vials back. Maybe I'm wrong? If I am than all do apologies sir.

Are we even speaking about the same thing? This isn't about underdosed vials. And if he was a reverse scammer have you ever seen anyone pay $500.00 out of pocket to scam for 2 vials of NPP? The product wasn't used, it looked crashed, or something.
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@Mr.B66 No disrespect meant to anyone. As I am. I agree 100%, my point is 16 weeks might be a bit to long don't ya think? We don't send every vial to Simec to test. These vials could have already been replaced. The vials in question are at Simec, have been for 16 weeks. He will not get those vials back correct? Good or bad, he will not get those vials back. Maybe I'm wrong? If I am than all do apologies sir.

Are we even speaking about the same thing? This isn't about underdosed vials. And if he was a reverse scammer have you ever seen anyone pay $500.00 out of pocket to scam for 2 vials of NPP? The product wasn't used, it looked crashed, or something.

I guess were not talking about the same thing. To tell you the truth i had to skim through most of the last 10 or so pages cause of all the useless shit thats been posted. So when i seen your post about why test gear, why not just send him new vials, i thought he had sent vials he felt were underdosed and your answer was send him more bunk gear instead of testing cause its cheaper.
So my bad for not fully understanding the situation , but GOD DAMN!!!! There is a lot of shit to sift through, and none of it seems all that important or informative to tell you the truth.
Anyway im out, you guys can carry on with your.... Whatever it is your arguing about[emoji41]
And if Simec have some delays - PC is blame in this :) I think next time I will see a comment like "My wife is cheating on me and you all know who is blame"
Now seriously:
As I know Simec is the option for verifying of issues. If your car has broken - do you go to seller for replacement ? I think first of all you need some proofs that car really broken. (real proofs, not just words that the car doesn't move)
Here is same situation. I don't know exactly situation with Simec, but I never saw other labs who can do analysis like Simec.
Someone know other sources ?
Your question is rhetorical, correct? Has to be. You people come off as if you've seen and done it all. I've read posts where members have offered suggestions in regards to how they thought the pharmacom experience could be improved. You guys have an answer for everything and make it clear that your customers aren't very worldly and that if they were indeed bright it would be obvious that pharmacom is as close to perfect as anyone will ever get and that they are fortunate to be getting anything at all from this company.

And I agree with you but in this business it's impossible to return something. (and I realize that return something "bad" to the manufacturer is the best option)
Diagnostics is still actual in warranty return case for repair/replacement but in case of automotive industry it will be done by seller - in our case it's impossible.
At first there was excitement when the package I am noticing that one of these test C's is completely clear compared to the other three.....WTF, I don't care if its just one bottle underdosed I am pissed. What are your thoughts guys could it be legit? I don't even want to scratch the other 3 codes before I decide what action to take. Also the one that is completely clear, the code DID check out on the website....BUT it was also the only one out of them that didn't have another silver scratchable thing on it (there were two scratchable codes on the other three bottles, only one on the clear bottle).


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also the one that is completely clear, the code DID check out on the website....BUT it was also the only one out of them that didn't have another silver scratchable thing on it (there were two scratchable codes on the other three bottles, only one on the clear bottle).
Could honestly just be different batches of oil man or an age difference. Lots of reasons for color to be different. I wouldn't worry about it just based on the know unless it's bright ass green or some shit.
yes, all same expiration date I just looked. Makes it even more fishy? like they just threw in one fake out of three like i wouldn't notice on the whole cycle I guess i can see when i run it, has anyone else seen this though? I get trt treatment as well ill see how this compares....gues thats the only way for a poor man who cant send to simec lol. Technically should be better than my trt stuff cause thats just 200 per ml
At first there was excitement when the package I am noticing that one of these test C's is completely clear compared to the other three.....WTF, I don't care if its just one bottle underdosed I am pissed. What are your thoughts guys could it be legit? I don't even want to scratch the other 3 codes before I decide what action to take. Also the one that is completely clear, the code DID check out on the website....BUT it was also the only one out of them that didn't have another silver scratchable thing on it (there were two scratchable codes on the other three bottles, only one on the clear bottle).

yes, all same expiration date I just looked. Makes it even more fishy? like they just threw in one fake out of three like i wouldn't notice on the whole cycle I guess i can see when i run it, has anyone else seen this though?


pharmacom labs/ different looking vials
Did a shot of 1.5ml PharmaPrim 200 and 1ml Test E and had zero PIP. It's now been almost 48 hours. Thats fine, but I've never done Primo before and have heard that 200mg/ml have bad PIP. Hopefully the ass cheek I injected into is just primed for shots with no PIP.
At first there was excitement when the package I am noticing that one of these test C's is completely clear compared to the other three.....WTF, I don't care if its just one bottle underdosed I am pissed. What are your thoughts guys could it be legit? I don't even want to scratch the other 3 codes before I decide what action to take. Also the one that is completely clear, the code DID check out on the website....BUT it was also the only one out of them that didn't have another silver scratchable thing on it (there were two scratchable codes on the other three bottles, only one on the clear bottle).
Is this from Frank or Darius?

