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I'm just surprised to see so much negative talk now recently about pcom. When I came to this board a year ago I read around and decided to go with pcom and it has been nothing but positive. Their test e 500 kicked like a mule the first couple of shots but after mixing it with deca and warming it really wasn't that bad. I saw great gains and i know its not underdosed because a 15mg shot got the old ladies clit nice and puffy and she was like a sex machine. I've ordered from them twice and never had any problems. I did get the questionable dbol everyone speaks of but I only ran it for 3-4 weeks at 50 MG a day and I noticed slight gains in strength and mental disposition so Id dare say it wasn't bunk. Im defiantly not affiliated with pcom in any way but I just felt like if any newbies come and want to try and find a source I've had nothing but good experiences and I can't just be one of the lucky ones. I can honestly say the test 500, deca 600, and the adex is g2g. I'll let you know next time I try the dbol I'll run it longer and see how it goes.
I'm just surprised to see so much negative talk now recently about pcom. When I came to this board a year ago I read around and decided to go with pcom and it has been nothing but positive. Their test e 500 kicked like a mule the first couple of shots but after mixing it with deca and warming it really wasn't that bad. I saw great gains and i know its not underdosed because a 15mg shot got the old ladies clit nice and puffy and she was like a sex machine. I've ordered from them twice and never had any problems. I did get the questionable dbol everyone speaks of but I only ran it for 3-4 weeks at 50 MG a day and I noticed slight gains in strength and mental disposition so Id dare say it wasn't bunk. Im defiantly not affiliated with pcom in any way but I just felt like if any newbies come and want to try and find a source I've had nothing but good experiences and I can't just be one of the lucky ones. I can honestly say the test 500, deca 600, and the adex is g2g. I'll let you know next time I try the dbol I'll run it longer and see how it goes.
I have had nothing but good experiences either, and some of the complaints seem questionable, but I won't ever tell someone a lab is G2G. It's never certain with a UGL. Shit can fall apart at any time. That being said, I wouldn't rather use anything else right now. I'm running their TE300, TRN200, and MAST300. Used their dbol to kick start but developed pre-gyno symptoms so stopped after 4 weeks. But everyone has to make their own decision. No one is ever G2G.
I really really doubt a place that says they have as much precision control as pcom shows they do in all their vids, would have two vials of the same compound looking as different as mine do. What would you guys do in my shoes? bitch about it to pharmacom or run it first and if its bunk then complain?
Okay, you don't think thats odd? I could understand a underground lab with different end product, but pcom? seems weird. Also why do you think the clear one only had one scratch code and the others two??
No not really I mean I believe their comment on different types of gso as well as there could be a slightly higher ba content in that batch that would also make it a little more clear. I would run it first just to confirm if you feel it's bunk pay the 50 for the bloods. That'll not only help everyone else out on the boards but I'm sure frank would make it right If it was bunk. I mean I've seen like 10 different colors when it comes to tren granted I believe it was brand for brand but I wouldn't toss it as a loss yet.

Pcoms senior quality control officer..

Yeah, color can't tell if it's bunk---- so many factors, -oil,temp,solevent,storage

Yet another reason there batch control has been lacking.... Think they have started to fix that?(maybe)

Only you can make the call of what to put in your body.... Go with ur gut... But unless you send it off for testing (if truly concerned) the world may never know....

Run dat shat, prolly some fire LoL
LMAO achiles. The same expiration date and everything though idk I guess I just got a little skeptical from that, but yes I will definitely be getting bloods If I feel it's bunk. Has anyone every ran gear that is 100% clear and been happy? (not asking again to be a dumbass, ive only run a few cycles in my life and really don't know...all oils I have run so far and ever seen, have at least been a slight tint darker like the other three pcom ones)
so if the same carrier oil and same cooking process were used, its just wierd it came out different i think. But I will be running it very soon I will let you guys know how its working out and how pcom handles if it ends up being no good
Don't be the guy who "feels" it's no good
Make sure you get bloods if you're gonna claim it's bunk
If all three bottles came in clear you would have no concern. You just happened to get two bottles that were slightly darker and putting too much thought into this.

Run the gear, get bloods done and if bunk let us know. If it's legit, let us know.

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I really really doubt a place that says they have as much precision control as pcom shows they do in all their vids, would have two vials of the same compound looking as different as mine do. What would you guys do in my shoes? bitch about it to pharmacom or run it first and if its bunk then complain?

Get it tested if you're so worried about it.
I've ordered through Frank a lot and haven't had any issues, however I haven't ordered through him this year and he's an ugl lab, so shit can happen.
Just get it tested or dump it.

If all three bottles came in clear you would have no concern. You just happened to get two bottles that were slightly darker and putting too much thought into this.

Run the gear, get bloods done and if bunk let us know. If it's legit, let us know.

Or do what Roger says...


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