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how's the shipping going from basicstero, the US domestic warehouse, right now? i know things internationally are kinda slow. anyone?
The promo page is down again. Tried to add promo items and it just resets over and over.

Experiencing the same problems here. As of approximately 12:30pm EST, when I get to the page to select the $200 promos for spending >$300 (rather than utilize the bitcoin/ my loyalty discount), the submit button just redirects me to the same page with the selections cleared. No rush, I'm sure it'll be straightened out shortly, just wanted to chime in with another client's experience.
Experiencing the same problems here. As of approximately 12:30pm EST, when I get to the page to select the $200 promos for spending >$300 (rather than utilize the bitcoin/ my loyalty discount), the submit button just redirects me to the same page with the selections cleared. No rush, I'm sure it'll be straightened out shortly, just wanted to chime in with another client's experience.
we are working on it, will fix soon. sorry for inconvenience.
Funny thing: in March 2016 we sent a lot of samples to Simec. Some of them were tested, some not and we have not receive reports. My assistant just checked a mailbox and found a new report there namely for mix 2. Sample submitted in March 2016, report provided in December 2016... funny...

There were only 2 substances tested, because Simec has no proven method to test masteron. I would say its a perfect match.
I have taken it. I have to dilute it or it causes massive pain and swelling at injection site. I don't have that problem with their Deca600 or EQ500, just the Test E500. From now on I get the Test E300.
i personally have much less pain when inject it into delts. much more pip if injected into buttock. also yes, bold has liquid raws and does not cause pip. deca also painless. only test e500, sust500 and some mixes can cause it. again, some athletes reported they are fine with these concentrations, some could not walk for a couple of days...everyone is different.
the way to get rid of pip is to dilute it with any other sterile oil. say 1 ml of test e 500 + 1 ml of test prop mixed in one syringe will give 600 mg/2ml or 300 mg/ml, which won`t cause a pip. even oil-based vitamin e for injections is fine to mix it with.
Their test e500....i have used it several times but I have to dilute it and even then it still gives me pain. Leaves knots on my ass.....if taken at full strength I get the test flu everytime I have tried it. Cramps and the full on flu for a day or 2 at most. But diluted I only get the pain and knots, the knots are small and easily manageable...

As bad as it is and as much as I swear I'll never use it again, I made my biggest gains and my PR's were all set while on the t500 so I can't beat on it to much. I had incredibly great pumps during my workout and I was able to workout longer and harder than with any other compound.

Good stuff, but there are tradeoffs.
Wish the promo was for money gram too.

Bitcoin is proving to be more of a pain in the ass the more I check it out. Coinbase wants me to take a picture of my ID, reviews for Paxful online have alot saying it's full of scammers. Localbitcoin either seems like they all want ID or have a super high exchange rate

Just send cash via the post office. Make sure to write, "do not get wet, cash currency inside envelope"....

Try the test e 500
I have. I was refering to somthing else with there test E 500 but if no body knows what I am talking about then it's no problem. I figured it out with the company man.

I tried there EQ 500 Deca 600 and Test E 500. I pinned 1 mL of each in my biceps. I worked my way up, from .5 m L to 1 mL. I wasnt dumb enough to just pin a shitload in a muscle. Now I can doo all three at once in glutes or quads no problem.
I have a question regarding batch numbers. If you have the same batch number and date on the vial as shown on the site OR if you have the same batch number on the new ones...Are you guaranteed to have the same amount of product in the vial? So if batch XXXX of Tren E has 225 and you have batch XXXX. Does that mean your vial has the same amount of product?