MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Our site is down for a few hours. We are investigating the reasons. No worries, all orders will be processed.
Servers still down.... And basicstero domain is up for sale lol. What's going on?

The website simply crashed (like many other websites, including major companies, have, and likely will again in the future -- just like when your power goes out, no one wants it to go out but things happen).
No need to panic or think it is anything more than it is -- Pharmacom has been around for over a decade, has hundred thousand customers world-wide in many nations and is not going away. Believe me, Pharamcom wants the site up as much or more than any customer -- this is their business/lively-hood and I am sure it is the top priority to determine why the site is down.

Here a few posts before yours Pharmacom Labs addressed the issue:

Our site is down for a few hours. We are investigating the reasons. No worries, all orders will be processed.
Last edited:
Website is back up! :D

International Website:
US Domestic (local) Website:
EU Domestic (local) Website:
Yea i paid BTC and its been longer that 24 hours I will message them
Takes about a week to even get a tracking number in most cases so as long as they received your order and payment you’ll be getting your stuff hopelly this summer.. lol I try not to talk about times in these thread so just know they’ll take care of ya. Good luck!
Order says it shipped but when I click on the tracking number, it reads "Warehouse, awaiting pick up".
I saw on this thread that someone complained it stayed stuck on that "warehouse" status for weeks or months... Should I be worried?
I know I should have ordered earlier, but was hoping I wouldn't have to wait for a month or more.
Order says it shipped but when I click on the tracking number, it reads "Warehouse, awaiting pick up".
I saw on this thread that someone complained it stayed stuck on that "warehouse" status for weeks or months... Should I be worried?
I know I should have ordered earlier, but was hoping I wouldn't have to wait for a month or more.

My last order a couple weeks ago, updated the tracking number automatically. From payment accepted to getting tracking info is like 7-10 days. Just be patient.
If you get under a month you are doing really good...that's bad planning on your part.
ive ordered from here before and everything was g2g but how is the HCG? i know its chinese so i just want to double check on the quality.
Well, after 8 months I finally received the 2nd half of the order. But wait! There's more!

I did not get everything. HAHA! After 8 months of telling them what I was missing in PM's over and over again, they STILL got it wrong.

I ordered 5 vials of Bold and 7 Test Cyp. I received 5 vials of Bold and 2 vials of Test Cyp and of course, they send me PCT stuff in a completely separate package when they could've just counted my vials correctly and included them in the 2nd package instead. Especially when they don't send me enough test to even start a cycle!

But, but, but, they sent you some extra PCT stuff, that should make up for their screw up on having idiots that can't count to 7 package orders.
Well, after 8 months I finally received the 2nd half of the order. But wait! There's more!

I did not get everything. HAHA! After 8 months of telling them what I was missing in PM's over and over again, they STILL got it wrong.

I ordered 5 vials of Bold and 7 Test Cyp. I received 5 vials of Bold and 2 vials of Test Cyp and of course, they send me PCT stuff in a completely separate package when they could've just counted my vials correctly and included them in the 2nd package instead. Especially when they don't send me enough test to even start a cycle!

But, but, but, they sent you some extra PCT stuff, that should make up for their screw up on having idiots that can't count to 7 package orders.
yea, that pretty much sucks, sorry bro
I read somewhere that basicstero and pharmacom will not be fulfilled until after the summer especially for domestics. Is that true