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It was either in another thread or on eroids. Basic is out of everything and some some states that they will not be fulfilling orders till Sept. That's what was said. However pharmacom I believe is fine.
It was either in another thread or on eroids. Basic is out of everything and some some states that they will not be fulfilling orders till Sept. That's what was said. However pharmacom I believe is fine.

I have never heard anything like that.
Random people can say or make-up anything (many time it is shills for competitors that are upset that Pharmacom has such a successful business and great products). I just checked both Eroids and ASF -- nothing like this was posted on either of those sites. Tell me if there is another English speaking site with an official Basicstero sponsor section and I will check there too to see if Basicstero has stated anything like that.

I could post that Santa Claus delivered my pack -- but just because I posted it does it make it true?

Only believe statement from the company itself.

I just checked the basicstero international site and everything I looked at is fully stocked. Also, reading the past few weeks here and on other sites we can see there has been many touchdowns. Its safe to say everything is normal.
Well I'm so glad they have everything you need. I stated that it was especially for domestic basicstero. But really I'm glad it is straighten out. Matter of fact Imma go on right now to the international site now. Thanks brother
We restocked testosterone and nandrolone esters at out US domestic warehouse!
A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items being out of stock, such items have "notify" instead of "buy" button. Click on it, enter your e-mail. Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!
Ive received three orders previously that showed just fine. This larger order has two tracking numbers and I hope I’m not missing anything or have any problems cause that make four for four! I’ll keep you posted.
We restocked testosterone and nandrolone esters at out US domestic warehouse!
A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items being out of stock, such items have "notify" instead of "buy" button. Click on it, enter your e-mail. Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!
When will the Tren Ace be restocked ?
When will the Tren Ace be restocked ?

there are no estimates when a specific item will be re-stocked.
However, as Phamracom Labs mentioned in the quote you posted:
"A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items being out of stock, such items have "notify" instead of "buy" button. Click on it, enter your e-mail. Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!"

Also, it is likely it will be announced when items are re-stocked (I say this because the last couple times there was a re-stock I saw it posted).
there are no estimates when a specific item will be re-stocked.
However, as Phamracom Labs mentioned in the quote you posted:
"A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items being out of stock, such items have "notify" instead of "buy" button. Click on it, enter your e-mail. Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!"

Also, it is likely it will be announced when items are re-stocked (I say this because the last couple times there was a re-stock I saw it posted).

Looks like the domestic basicstero warehouse has quite a few more items than a few days ago. When I tried to buy the test PP it only had one available so i didn’t bother for one vial but lots more basic test esters available from what I saw
Looks like the domestic basicstero warehouse has quite a few more items than a few days ago. When I tried to buy the test PP it only had one available so i didn’t bother for one vial but lots more basic test esters available from what I saw

yes, that's true -- Pharmacom Labs announced that testosterone esters and nandrolone esters were re-stocked a couple days ago (I checked again this morning and there was still stock); here is his post from a few days ago:

We restocked testosterone and nandrolone esters at out US domestic warehouse!
yes, that's true -- Pharmacom Labs announced that testosterone esters and nandrolone esters were re-stocked a couple days ago (I checked again this morning and there was still stock); here is his post from a few days ago:

Is the PharmacomStore site the same gear and quality as the warehouses? I’ve ordered from the Int warehouse and it takes awhile to get as you’d expect but I’ve heard the ETA’s are better from the Store site? Not sure if that’s true but it is more spendy so I’d hope so. Could you or someone educate me on this here or PM is fine? Thanks!
Is the PharmacomStore site the same gear and quality as the warehouses? I’ve ordered from the Int warehouse and it takes awhile to get as you’d expect but I’ve heard the ETA’s are better from the Store site? Not sure if that’s true but it is more spendy so I’d hope so. Could you or someone educate me on this here or PM is fine? Thanks!

Exact same product...
Awesome! Thanks for the reply. I always appreciate the info!

Essentially basic is the factory..
Pharmacomstore is official reseller - Darius.

Both bring different things to the table. They fully support each other and not really viewed as competitors.

Darius offers different shipping warehouses and has strong deliveries into the US. But you pay extra. He'll price match from factory.

Both are great options, and depending what you are looking for/need. Choosing one or the other to suit your needs.
Got it. That makes sense.. I’ve heard of his situation with Pharmacom from some of the first threads back in the day that the Pharmacom Labs Rep posted. I’ve heard his ETA’s are better so on that case if needed it’s worth it. Especially if he matches the price from the factory! Thanks @Steve84 !!!
Got it. That makes sense.. I’ve heard of his situation with Pharmacom from some of the first threads back in the day that the Pharmacom Labs Rep posted. I’ve heard his ETA’s are better so on that case if needed it’s worth it. Especially if he matches the price from the factory! Thanks @Steve84 !!!

Sorry you misread that. He'll match factory prices but ships from factory.
His 100% into USA is from stocked warehouses I think.
You are in the wrong thread.

But basic has the US domestic warehouse, Darius doesn't. But Darius has successful shipping into the US. Not sure if that applies from factory. Factory use to be like 3-4 weeks eta. Not sure if it's the delivery success or not.

Ya essentially I think Darius helped PCOM expand to what it is. Something like that.


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