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[emoji23] nice try but I don’t have any affiliation or do I get paid or anything free from Basicstero labs. You had a bad experience, Get over it and stop crying and trying to tear down people on here who haven’t had your bad luck bro! Basic is huge but they’re still an UGL and ship from overseas so just be patient and they will send you a new bottle with the address on your original order that you gave em within a few weeks you will have it. They had to resend me three bottles of Test E and it showed up very quickly and I didn’t have to do anything.
I’d watch what you say about other people on these threads cause pulling crap like that ain’t gonna make you popular or many friends bud! Good luck with your bad order/ bottle.. [emoji106]
I’m not on here to make friends. You have no affiliation with these people? Oh my bad well if I didn’t know any better I might think you were getting payed to gag on their cocks instead of doing it for free.

I’m leaving get my experience here with the source so other people know what could go wrong. I got every right to do that. And it looks like I’m not the only one who’s had a bad experience lately.
I’m not on here to make friends. You have no affiliation with these people? Oh my bad well if I didn’t know any better I might think you were getting payed to gag on their cocks instead of doing it for free.

I’m leaving get my experience here with the source so other people know what could go wrong. I got every right to do that. And it looks like I’m not the only one who’s had a bad experience lately.

Ok well then, Fuck you! lol and second after you’re done getting that cock jabbedup your ass realize and reread everything I’ve posted which is exactly the same thing you said you posted by Just posting my personal experiences with this brand and lab. Hope you don’t get a new bottle and good luck obviously being poor as fuck if you’re complaining about a 40$ bottle of Test that you were shipped. Maybe you can go blow someone’s boyfriend for your 40$ back. Cry somewhere else fuck nut douche bag! [emoji8][emoji23]
If you are paying money for something, you should get it. If you are having problems with a source, you can post it. That's what is so great about Meso no fear of getting banned for speaking your mind.

That being said, none of these places are Amazon. Errors can and will pop up, it's inevitable. What's important is if the source is willing to make it right.
If you are paying money for something, you should get it. If you are having problems with a source, you can post it. That's what is so great about Meso no fear of getting banned for speaking your mind.

That being said, none of these places are Amazon. Errors can and will pop up, it's inevitable. What's important is if the source is willing to make it right.

That’s what I said. Amen bro!
Basic has been good to me for the past 3 orders...and if there was a hitch in the future id feel confident about them making it right. Alot of issues resolved if you go back into the thread. Very few labs have their track record. Just stay civil and patient.
Basic has been good to me for the past 3 orders...and if there was a hitch in the future id feel confident about them making it right. Alot of issues resolved if you go back into the thread. Very few labs have their track record. Just stay civil and patient.

Well according to @JabbedUp we all must be getting paid or getting free gear from them if we have anything positive to say about em cause he had a bad experience. Dude needs to stop trolling and move outta mommy’s basement or something! They’ll make it right cause they’re an amazing lab when it comes to quality and customer service. That’s all I’ve ever said. I’ve placed 7 orders in about a month with only one issue they made right on their own in less than two weeks! Great lab.
Is Pcom still having issues with Midwest customs? Anyone order from here lately. Last I heard Chicago was seizing damn near everything (seemingly) Any input from Midwest customers on this from the past month or two?
Ok guys get their number and call them and tell them how much you love them. Jesus, this thread is a giant circle jerk. Every other post with how bad you want to blow PCOM, we get it.
Is Pcom still having issues with Midwest customs? Anyone order from here lately. Last I heard Chicago was seizing damn near everything (seemingly) Any input from Midwest customers on this from the past month or two?

I'm in Texas...all orders good through chicago for me...but really its a roulette from any source.
Ok guys get their number and call them and tell them how much you love them. Jesus, this thread is a giant circle jerk. Every other post with how bad you want to blow PCOM, we get it.

This whole thread is for people to post their own personal experience with this lab. Ours have been great. When someone has an issue, those of us who have had the similar problems will let em know how to get it fixed. If you don’t wanna read about a good lab with good service read a different thread. wow!
I'm in Texas...all orders good through chicago for me...but really its a roulette from any source.

Interesting. Yeah for whatever reason I’ve only had issues with Pcom. Probably just a coincidence but I will admit compared to others Pcom stealth shipping is sub par
Why is it if you some joe compliment a lab based on their good costumer service and quality gear, automatically you suck a huge cock and lick hairy asshole... mind you I’ve lived in ny all my life and have seen “meatheads” searching for that tranny dick in the club, ironic huh ?
Anyways, I see no issues with this , especially In this lifestyle where you have to be aware of labs pissing in a vial and calling it primo. Good reviews are one of the reasons o have good test today and I would bet anything the people being all dumb shits and mocking people for praising a quality lab are using sources because of word of mouth which is , technically a review. So seriously stfu and be happy people leave opinions that lead you in the right direction as far as safety and quality.
How come every time I come on here for some information some ahole has to make a stupid comment that gets everyone riled up?! I end up getting almost zero input bc if this... Thanks a lot for your contribution bro, real helpful