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Hey guys its been a while since ive been here. Is still a legit source? I've ordered from that site late last year and worked but I cant find Frank anywhere concerning an order now. Tracking says it apparently got stuck at customs Chicago. They didn't reply to my message when I tried contacting them on the site! Damn...
Hey guys its been a while since ive been here. Is still a legit source? I've ordered from that site late last year and worked but I cant find Frank anywhere concerning an order now. Tracking says it apparently got stuck at customs Chicago. They didn't reply to my message when I tried contacting them on the site! Damn...

Ten minutes after I posted right before this about my order being seized they sent me an email reply already about this. Their gears great and I’ve yet to have a customer service complaint of my own. I’ll let you know how this seized order turns out but they’re working on it within the hour of me checking my mail.. still legit I’d just suggest the discrete shipping..
Ten minutes after I posted right before this about my order being seized they sent me an email reply already about this. Their gears great and I’ve yet to have a customer service complaint of my own. I’ll let you know how this seized order turns out but they’re working on it within the hour of me checking my mail.. still legit I’d just suggest the discrete shipping..

Hope your next order goes through man. Sorry to hear about your stuff being taken. It always boggles my mind how our country focuses on people using gear to compete or simply look and feel better but their are guys trafficking women and children across this “great land” and that somehow goes undetected.
Hey guys its been a while since ive been here. Is still a legit source? I've ordered from that site late last year and worked but I cant find Frank anywhere concerning an order now. Tracking says it apparently got stuck at customs Chicago. They didn't reply to my message when I tried contacting them on the site! Damn...

Yes, the legit address is still:

I have had packs sit for multiple weeks and then still make it through -- I had one sit for 4 weeks, not the sources fault at all, just postal system sucked; sometimes it just sits for a while.

Nonetheless, in the unfortunate and rare vent they do seize it you will get a letter stating it was seized; do not reply to such a letter and you will be ok; but save the letter to show basicstero as proof of seizure and you will get a replacement).

But try again using the "contact us" on the site and someone should get back to you.

@Pharmacom Labs and @Pharmacom Helper still are active here and post but just not ever day so they may not see your post.
Give it a little time and if you still do not hear back from anyone PM me and I will try to email someone as well to bring attention to you.
Hope your next order goes through man. Sorry to hear about your stuff being taken. It always boggles my mind how our country focuses on people using gear to compete or simply look and feel better but their are guys trafficking women and children across this “great land” and that somehow goes undetected.

Ya it’s kinda mind boggling isn’t it.. lol I can pay a dude with a medical license 175$ cash to give it to me but buy it from overseas, same shit, and take money from big pharma, HELL NO! haha I appreciate the well wishes though, Thanks man!
Yes, the legit address is still:

I have had packs sit for multiple weeks and then still make it through -- I had one sit for 4 weeks, not the sources fault at all, just postal system sucked; sometimes it just sits for a while.

Nonetheless, in the unfortunate and rare vent they do seize it you will get a letter stating it was seized; do not reply to such a letter and you will be ok; but save the letter to show basicstero as proof of seizure and you will get a replacement).

But try again using the "contact us" on the site and someone should get back to you.

@Pharmacom Labs and @Pharmacom Helper still are active here and post but just not ever day so they may not see your post.
Give it a little time and if you still do not hear back from anyone PM me and I will try to email someone as well to bring attention to you.

What a helpful answer, I appreciate that and gives me slight peace of mind. Will update in a couple days. I must say that its strange though that I have messaged them through "Contact Us" twice and they haven't replied. Its been 4 days.
What a helpful answer, I appreciate that and gives me slight peace of mind. Will update in a couple days. I must say that its strange though that I have messaged them through "Contact Us" twice and they haven't replied. Its been 4 days.

I agree that is odd, i hope everything is ok on their end.
I have not heard from Frank in a week or so but Pharmacom Helper did post an extensive and awesome informative reply to my blood work over on another board earlier today.
Hope your next order goes through man. Sorry to hear about your stuff being taken. It always boggles my mind how our country focuses on people using gear to compete or simply look and feel better but their are guys trafficking women and children across this “great land” and that somehow goes undetected.

Women and children don't have to pass a customs inspection. You can thank the narcotics dealers and junkies for our goodies getting caught up in the ramped up inspection procedures.
I'll blame the high e2 for causing you assholes to fall in love with a source, like they care about you. Stop with sharing all of your feelings. Share facts instead. That's what this board us about.

Here’s a fact for ya... my fourth order from these guys has been seized (Chicago of course) I get that’s part of the game but 4 orders in a row? I don’t agree at all that the source isn’t partly to blame. I can’t imagine how much money is lost on all these re-ships. It’s certainly none of my business but practicality tells me fixing this should be top priority. Pcom is stuck in the mud rn in my personal opinion. Thing is they always make it right so I keep coming back haha