MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Here’s a fact for ya... my fourth order from these guys has been seized (Chicago of course) I get that’s part of the game but 4 orders in a row? I don’t agree at all that the source isn’t partly to blame. I can’t imagine how much money is lost on all these re-ships. It’s certainly none of my business but practicality tells me fixing this should be top priority. Pcom is stuck in the mud rn in my personal opinion. Thing is they always make it right so I keep coming back haha

Being in Chicago is like bleeding in a room with vampires. It usually doesn’t end well. It’s a very strict place as far as customs are concerned bro. The odds for you are usually against ya. Sad reality
Being in Chicago is like bleeding in a room with vampires. It usually doesn’t end well. It’s a very strict place as far as customs are concerned bro. The odds for you are usually against ya. Sad reality

So weird. Every basicstero order I've had go through Chicago has made it so far, regular packaging and discrete.

Got some stuff from another seller sitting in SF customs that I'm more concerned about and hoping it moves soon.
Being in Chicago is like bleeding in a room with vampires. It usually doesn’t end well. It’s a very strict place as far as customs are concerned bro. The odds for you are usually against ya. Sad reality

This is true however, I’ve recieved numerous packs from other sources shipping out of the exact same city as Pcom with zero isuues. It’s a combination of things. Obviously Pcom is a big dawg so Chi customs is going to focus their efforts there and other big players. It’s all about staying one step ahead.
So weird. Every basicstero order I've had go through Chicago has made it so far, regular packaging and discrete.

Got some stuff from another seller sitting in SF customs that I'm more concerned about and hoping it moves soon.

This I find very interesting. It really seems to be luck of the draw? I guess I must’ve pissed someone off haha

Weird it went through SF
Ordered quite a few kits of Pharmatropin and just got what appears to be only a couple unlabeled black tops. Are they Singani, which they are now selling for $215? I paid $290 for each. There is no identifying markings at all. Maybe this is due to them being out of stock of nearly everything now, I'm not sure.
Ordered quite a few kits of Pharmatropin and just got what appears to be only a couple unlabeled black tops. Are they Singani, which they are now selling for $215? I paid $290 for each. There is no identifying markings at all. Maybe this is due to them being out of stock of nearly everything now, I'm not sure.

Was this from the or the site?
The is going through something that is leading to be concerned. Basic has stock in everything, so I assume there is something up with the warehouses on the store.
Update: PC has gotten back to me and they will reship.

Good to hear :)

@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper Have been sending PMs, haven't heard a response. Not to get pushy, but I'm getting worried...

They do not come of the forum everyday and it is VERY likely their PM inbox is very full with many bullshit junk PMs so it is difficult to find the real and important ones.

The BEST way to contact someone at Basicstero is via the "contact us" section on the website:
Ordered from in late April. Just got it

This thread is for the Basicstero source (Pharmacom labs).
The website is:

I have never seen Basicstero carry anything other than Pharmatropin in the past 4 years or so that I have been following.
The Basicstero store/website only has Pharmatropin for sale (currently out of stock today).

Pharmacomstore is a different source that is very good and is a very reputable seller of genuine Pharmacom products, but is not the source for this thread -- you will need to talk to that specific source regarding your concerns. This thread is for Basicstero.
This thread is for the Basicstero source (Pharmacom labs).
The website is:

I have never seen Basicstero carry anything other than Pharmatropin in the past 4 years or so that I have been following.
The Basicstero store/website only has Pharmatropin for sale (currently out of stock today).

Pharmacomstore is a different source that is very good and is a very reputable seller of genuine Pharmacom products, but is not the source for this thread -- you will need to talk to that specific source regarding your concerns. This thread is for Basicstero.
Some weird shit going on over pharmacomstore
This thread is for the Basicstero source (Pharmacom labs).
The website is:

I have never seen Basicstero carry anything other than Pharmatropin in the past 4 years or so that I have been following.
The Basicstero store/website only has Pharmatropin for sale (currently out of stock today).

Pharmacomstore is a different source that is very good and is a very reputable seller of genuine Pharmacom products, but is not the source for this thread -- you will need to talk to that specific source regarding your concerns. This thread is for Basicstero.

Thanks. I posted in that thread. I ordered the Pharmatropin when it was in stock, but received something else (probably the Singani)
Lol.. I hyped my boy about Basic... He was placing his first order... Was nervous and shit.. he did wesWest union without seeing the news and and he thinks it's a scam cause his payment hasn't been checked in so fucking ling
This thread is for the Basicstero source (Pharmacom labs).
The website is:

I have never seen Basicstero carry anything other than Pharmatropin in the past 4 years or so that I have been following.
The Basicstero store/website only has Pharmatropin for sale (currently out of stock today).

Pharmacomstore is a different source that is very good and is a very reputable seller of genuine Pharmacom products, but is not the source for this thread -- you will need to talk to that specific source regarding your concerns. This thread is for Basicstero.

You said exactly what I was going to say. That’s why I asked him that question cause Pcom lab only sells Pcom gear. Thought that would have been obvious that it was a reseller issue. No offense to them I just don’t think enough people realize you can buy direct from yourselves for less money and the same ship time with better promo offers. And NEVER would you guys send an off brand or different brand instead of your own gear. You’d just post you’re out and not sell before y’all ever gave anyone else’s gear away. That’s the best part aside from the pricing from you is you are guaranteed great quality gear from a quality lab and team! Thanks for replying back on the question for me..
Lol.. I hyped my boy about Basic... He was placing his first order... Was nervous and shit.. he did wesWest union without seeing the news and priblpro and he thinks it's a scam cause his payment hasn't been checked in so fucking ling

They have the disclaimer that straight says don’t use WU/MG cause the money may not get picked up or able to get picked up on their end due to their countries issues. Here’s what their front page says.
FYI you also get 10% off your order if you use Crypto Currency like Litecoin or bitcoin...

Hey all!
Currently we are experiencing some issues with WU/MG transfers. Many of them are put on hold or refunded. We are adding back Ria Money transfers as payment option.It has higher success rate compared against WU/MG.
Also, in order to prevent all the inconvenience and time waste for you and us we kindly ask you to use cryptocurrency to pay for orders. Here is a good motivation for you to do it.

Hope that helps your friend cause I’d use the “contact us” link and let them know you tried to pay WU and it wasn’t working so you’d like to pick it up and repay with Bitcoin or whatever.. they’ll hold your order or fix it for you to repay in the correct way that works fast. Shouldn’t take more than a few days to have the “order preparing for shipment” to “order shipped”.. good luck! [emoji106]
Lol.. I hyped my boy about Basic... He was placing his first order... Was nervous and shit.. he did wesWest union without seeing the news and and he thinks it's a scam cause his payment hasn't been checked in so fucking ling

I’ve used WU and it worked just fine. But like lean said, it isn’t always going to work and it says it on the site itself. Bitcoin I can understand is a bit annoying when first trying to do it but there is plenty of info and apps that speed the process and make it easy