MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Ordered quite a few kits of Pharmatropin and just got what appears to be only a couple unlabeled black tops. Are they Singani, which they are now selling for $215? I paid $290 for each. There is no identifying markings at all. Maybe this is due to them being out of stock of nearly everything now, I'm not sure.

Sir, please Pm me about your HGH situation
Its from the pharmacomstore thread, something very bad is going on over there. My guess is you guys are going to be getting lots of messages

yeah, lame if anyone affiliated with Basicstero gets PMs.
In my analogy below that would be like complaining to Nike or another store such as Finish Line about an issues with Footlocker.

He needs to work with the store and people from where he made the purchase.

Sir, please Pm me about your HGH situation

I looked into this complaint and it has nothing to do with Basicstero/Pharmacom; he did not order from Basicstero.

@Pharmacom Helper I think maybe at first he did not understand the difference between the manufacturer and a retailer but people have explained to him it is a different source... HE need to work with and contact THAT source to get a resolution; he was not a customer here with Basic.

Its like going to Footlocker at the mall to buy some Nike.
Getting a Nike box but Footlocker at the mall sold you Adidas shoes in the box.
But then being mad an Nike???

It is Footlocker the customer has an issue with , NOT Nike...

From what I have read, Pharmacom as a company and brand do not appear involved, it was an issue with a re-seller/retailer.
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In my analogy below that would be like complaining to Nike or another store such as Finish Line about an issues with Footlocker.

He needs to work with the store and people from where he made the purchase.

From what I have read, Pharmacom as a company and brand do not appear involved, it was an issue with a re-seller/retailer.

@Pharmacom Helper I think maybe at first he did not understand the difference between the manufacturer and a retailer but people have explained to him it is a different source... HE need to work with and contact THAT source to get a resolution; he was not a customer here with Basic.

Its like going to Footlocker at the mall to buy some Nike.
Getting a Nike box but Footlocker at the mall sold you Adidas shoes in the box.
But then being mad an Nike???

It is Footlocker the customer has an issue with , NOT Nike...

From what I have read, Pharmacom as a company and brand do not appear involved, it was an issue with a re-seller/retailer.

If Nike says this Footlocker is an Official Distributor of Nike shoes, and I order some Nike from them and they give me Adidas, I am going to be pissed at Footlocker and Nike.

If you let them slap your name on and be an official re-seller, you are responsible on all ends.

Make the customer whole.

You guys can like each other's bullshit all over the place.

This isn't going to blow over and go away.
This isn't going to blow over and go away.

It has nothing to do with Basicstero.
Go eat at Burger Kind and then call McDonalds to complain about your food next time, see how they react.
That thread is for a different store and they carry many brands.
You need to do more research.
It has nothing to do with Basicstero.
Go eat at Burger Kind and then call McDonalds to complain about your food next time, see how they react.
That thread is for a different store and they carry many brands.
You need to do more research.

Your analogy isn't valid at all, but whatever bro.
Your analogy isn't valid at all, but whatever bro.

ok, go call Nike corporate and tell them you have a mistake with your local Footlocker purchase... I BET you they will say you need to call the store were you made the purchase.

its cool though man, we do not need to agree -- I have no hard feelings and I hope everyone, both the customer and the source, get it all resolved with a positive outcome that makes things good.
ok, go call Nike corporate and tell them you have a mistake with your local Footlocker purchase... I BET you they will say you need to call the store were you made the purchase.

its cool though man, we do not need to agree -- I have no hard feelings and I hope everyone, both the customer and the source, get it all resolved with a positive outcome that makes things good.

If Nike approved the Footlocker to sell their shoes and the Footlocker is sticking Adidas in the box, it is an issue on both ends. I would ask Footlocker to fix the issue. I would ask Nike why their official re-seller of Nike goods aka Footlocker is doing that and what they plan to do if Footlocker doesn't fix the issue.

We clearly don't agree, and that's fine. No ill will.
If Nike approved the Footlocker to sell their shoes and the Footlocker is sticking Adidas in the box, it is an issue on both ends. I would ask Footlocker to fix the issue. I would ask Nike why their official re-seller of Nike goods aka Footlocker is doing that and what they plan to do if Footlocker doesn't fix the issue.

We clearly don't agree, and that's fine. No ill will.

The point is, you are preaching to the wrong thread.
They aren't the same store.
If it's basic it's pcom and only pcom.
If it's pharmstore, they resell and can do what they do out of basic's power. Anyways basic is sold out of hgh until who knows when. It's busy season.
The point is, you are preaching to the wrong thread.
They aren't the same store.
If it's basic it's pcom and only pcom.
If it's pharmstore, they resell and can do what they do out of basic's power. Anyways basic is sold out of hgh until who knows when. It's busy season.
Sort of... I do see his point and think it has merit. Basicstero only approves certain vendors, correct? If said vendor was fucking it's customers and giving PCOM a bad name they can certainly influence them or remove them as an approved vendor. It seems this has all been brought to the stores attention and they are not going to do anything to fix it.

Pharmacomstore looks like it is a sinking ship slinging all sorts of shit. PCOM may want to detach themselves from that mess.
Basicstero needs to tell pharmacomstore to stop using the Pharmacom name.

Noobs are getting confused and pharmacomstore is fucking up the brand.
Still waiting on the other half of my order and it’s been 2 months. They did a reship of my anadrol 10 days ago since I had never even received it...I will give it a few more days then get back to you guys. Apparently the “tracking” says it’s in customs rn.
If Nike approved the Footlocker to sell their shoes and the Footlocker is sticking Adidas in the box, it is an issue on both ends. I would ask Footlocker to fix the issue. I would ask Nike why their official re-seller of Nike goods aka Footlocker is doing that and what they plan to do if Footlocker doesn't fix the issue.

We clearly don't agree, and that's fine. No ill will.

No I’ll towards you but if you buy nikes from foot locker and they give you pumas or whatever else... nike is NOT responsible for that. Once foot locker put in an order for whatever, Nike has nothing to do with how and what they sell In their store. That’s on the manager or owner that runs foot locker. Nike is just a brand and the maker of that item, not the seller.
Now you brought nikes directly from a nike store, then you can make a stink to Nike.
Sort of... I do see his point and think it has merit. Basicstero only approves certain vendors, correct? If said vendor was fucking it's customers and giving PCOM a bad name they can certainly influence them or remove them as an approved vendor. It seems this has all been brought to the stores attention and they are not going to do anything to fix it.

Pharmacomstore looks like it is a sinking ship slinging all sorts of shit. PCOM may want to detach themselves from that mess.

That's exactly what I mean. If they aren't going to stand behind the vendor than they shouldn't be OFFICIAL re-sellers. No name attachment. Just be another re-seller with pharmacom inventory. But if you let them use your name, you stand behind it and fix their issues.

Otherwise what is the point of the name except to lull people -- especially newer members -- into a false sense of security.
Yo , do you honestly think basic gives a shit about how the pcom store does it business ?!? They sold their product to the reseller . They made their money. It is out of their hands now. You think nike gives a fuck how foot locker or finish line due their business ? Not at all. People at the end of the day will buy nikes because they are either trendy or they like their product. End of story.
What is so hard to phathom about any of this.
Yo , do you honestly think basic gives a shit about how the pcom store does it business ?!? They sold their product to the reseller . They made their money. It is out of their hands now. You think nike gives a fuck how foot locker or finish line due their business ? Not at all. People at the end of the day will buy nikes because they are either trendy or they like their product. End of story.
What is so hard to phathom about any of this.

Do you know what OFFICIAL re-seller means or are you daft?

Not out of their hands if they allow their name to be associated with them. Big difference between me buying Nikes and selling them in the street and a store doing it.

Called contracts and such.

If basic doesn't care, then they should sever their ties and cease business with this shady shit.

Not fooling anyone with your analogies and lip service

How does that make me a shill? Before you throw around words... think, then react.
I can understand your point of view, but you act as if this doesn’t happen all the time with any brand that sells to a reseller.
As long as the matter is taken care of from the reseller itself, then lovely.
Bark up the right tree homie
Why are you defending them so adamantly then?

Is any product THAT good? Let me use one of these analogies you love so much.

I mean I really like Gatorade, but if someone had a bad experience with their product my isn't going to make me jump to their defense out of loyalty.
