MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

My friend is all good like I expected. They just took a little to update status after picking up his payment. I knew it would be fine..
No but you might be able to predict it. If it bothers you that much just go domestic and save yourself the stress. It’s a bad time to be ordering from this brand with all the fuck ups lately.

Does have a high seizure rate? Thinking about trying em out but been seeing a lot of ppl complain about their gear getting seized?

This is NOT a "bad time" for this brand -- business is totally as usual across the world. Even across the multiple English speaking boards I am a member on, things are pretty much standard and how it is has been for years and will likely continue to be -- a couple complaints a month (as is the case with any brand or business) and some positive reviews (more so than complaints), but most customers (thousands of orders a month) just silent and order then move on with their life.

I will say Chicago is the worse area (not unique to this brand) so take extra precautions or go domestic if your packs goes through Chicago.

Overall, it may appear worse than it is because out of thousands of customers and orders a month, in most cases, only the handful of people upset and motivated enough to post are what you are going see/read.

There are just as many, if not more, positive posts and pack touch downs being posted, but just think how many satisfied customer simply get their pack and are happy to go on about their day without necessarily telling us all that routine business worked out as intended.

It is like this with any business or product -- how many people go out of their way to tell the cooks and other customers at a restaurant that the food was as expected and everything went smooth?
But if something went wrong, that small vocal minority is motivated to complain (rightfully so) and that is what is heard.

For instance, how many times have you heard friends tell you a story about how everything was in their bag/order from Burger King (most cases)?
But I bet you have heard a story complaining when something was not right (the rare case, but one that the person is moved to talk about -- again, rightfully so).

This gives an overly negative view and makes things seem worse than what it is in reality.

NOTE: regardless of the source, you are taking on risks both physical/health and legal.
Domestic UGLs, other international labs, Pcom etc -- it all has risks and you need to evaluate if it is worth it or not for you personally -- that is just how this game works.

I am yet to find a perfect case without risks (shit even FDA approved Pharma companies have issues and recalls), but I have always tried to help everyone so if you know of one perfect source with zero risks please PM me so I may enjoy that mythical level luxury as well.
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Does have a high seizure rate? Thinking about trying em out but been seeing a lot of ppl complain about their gear getting seized?
Only had one of eight seized and I think it’s cause I didn’t use discrete shipping on that one. All the discrete made it through great. They’re reshipping to me discrete to make it right for having a seized order..
US Domestic Store Restock Announcement (11 June 2018):

"We added some test enanthate and few other products to our domestic stock. As you might have noticed, we have some small restocking from time to time. More is coming soon." --Basicstero

I saw this posted on another board and just checked the website to confirm it myself.
There is limited stock as people have already jumped on the opportunity. But when I just checked (9:00 pm EST 11 June 2018) there was still Test-E 300, Test-E 500, Deca-300, EQ300, Various Tren-E 200 and Tren Hex100, Primo 100, Masteron-E 200, Masteron Mix, Parma Mix 4, Pharma Mix 5, Dbol, Winny, and Var in stock , as well as some PCT and ancillary products.
To be clear, this is in regards to the US domestic store.

A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items that are current out of stock, such items have a "notify" instead of "buy" button; Click on it and enter your e-mail -- Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!
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US Domestic Store Restock Announcement (11 June 2018):

"We added some test enanthate and few other products to our domestic stock. As you might have noticed, we have some small restocking from time to time. More is coming soon."


I saw this posted on another board and checked the website to confirm it myself. Very limited stock as people have already jumped on the opportunity. But when I just checked there was still at least Test-E 300, Test-E 500, Deca-300, Dbol, and Var in stock.
To be clear, this is in regards to the US domestic store.

Awesome thanks for the announcement
How long does it take to pass through customs? Has anyones pack been there for over a day and still shipped?

I have had packs (form many sources not just this one) sit for as long as 3 weeks and still make it; other times I have had a pack get through in the same day tracking showed it entered.
re-post for those that did not see it last night:
(I checked again today and the items I originally listed, and maybe a couple others, are still in stock in limited quantity).

US Domestic Store Restock Announcement (11 June 2018):

"We added some test enanthate and few other products to our domestic stock. As you might have noticed, we have some small restocking from time to time. More is coming soon."

I saw this posted on another board and just checked the website to confirm it myself.
There is limited stock as people have already jumped on the opportunity. But when I just checked (9:00 pm EST 11 June 2018) there was still Test-E 300, Test-E 500, Deca-300, EQ300, Tren-E 200 and Tren Hex100, Primo 100, Masteron-E 200, Masteron Mix, Pharma Mix 4, Pharma Mix 5, Dbol, Winny, and Var in stock , as well as some PCT and ancillary products.
To be clear, this is in regards to the US domestic store.

A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items that are current out of stock, such items have a "notify" instead of "buy" button; Click on it and enter your e-mail -- Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!
90 percent of the time this is the case

Out of all the packs I've ordered I've only had 2 fly through customs in under 24 hours.

Usually somewhere between 3 and 7 days, but have had a couple sit for almost 2 weeks before moving.

Currently waiting on one to make it through that's been sitting for almost a week...hope I didn't just jinx myself.
Anyone had success paying with ria?. I know bitcoin is the best option but my only options are ria, wu or mg..They stop accepting mg and wu so my only option at this point would be ria...
They didn’t stop accepting WU, they just don’t advise it because it’s easier to cancel your funds on their then bitcoin. I’ve used WU and it has worked, it’s just not an adviser method of payment
I've had several packages touch down, their discrete shipping is on point. I had 4 successful landings with no issues, and more than 20 without a single seizure. Depending on your method of payment it might take longer but I've never ran into any issues a quick message couldn't fix. No I'm not a shill, I'm just posting my experience with PCom.

