MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

I’m no rep here but I believe PharmaComStore had a contract with pharmacom lab itself. PharmaComStore is a reseller if pcom labs. Basic is the official site and seller of pcom gear.
It’s like napsgear, they also sell pcom gear. They like PharmaComStore, have a contract with pcom labs.
Was my nike / finish line analogy not good enough? Lol
Pharmacomstore probably didn't "pay up" and that's why Basic cut them off.

I’m not trying to be a dick but dude , are you not reading what I’m saying to you lol.
Basic and PharmaComStore has no affiliation with one another lol ....
Let me show you in simple ways

Nike - company
Nike official store - basic
Finish line - PharmaComStore

Get it ?
Basic has nothing to do with PharmaComStore. Basic is basically the official store of pcom.
PharmaComStore was just a reseller for pcom, so it’s all based on contract.
That’s like going Into a nike store and asking them why finish line doesn’t sell nikes anymore ... haha

Make sense ?
"Basic has nothing to do with PharmaComStore" Clearly they do because they are Pharmacomstores supplier.
Basic is basically the official store of pcom.
PharmaComStore was just a reseller for pcom, so it’s all based on contract.
It would've been smarter to name the official store of pcom "pharmacomstore" instead of "basicstero" because now pharmacomstore don't sell any pcom products anymore so it'll confuse a lot of people.
"Basic has nothing to do with PharmaComStore" Clearly they do because they are Pharmacomstores supplier.

I’m done with this convo. Apparently you know better then me yet you are the one with tons of questions... Meanwhile , if you actually just read trough the thread you’d know what I’m saying is correct.
People are so ignorant these days.
It would've been smarter to name the official store of pcom "pharmacomstore" instead of "basicstero" because now pharmacomstore don't sell any pcom products anymore so it'll confuse a lot of people.

Yes , it will, which is why there is a lot of confusion going on but it was made very clear multiple times by reps here and reps that are over at PharmaComStore that things have changed.
Yeah... no comment. Me and that dude have nothing to say.

All I have to say natty is learn to read ... there is plenty of information on these threads. I’m sure you are old enough to read at a 5th grade level considering you are asking pcomstore about ED pills lol
Yeah... no comment. Me and that dude have nothing to say.

All I have to say natty is learn to read ... there is plenty of information on these threads. I’m sure you are old enough to read at a 5th grade level considering you are asking pcomstore about ED pills lol
Wrong, I asked about the $100 store credit and the original post shows that if you would learn how to read. Now quit spamming. No one wants to read your bs today.:D
Pharmacom Labs line will be temporary discontinued on PharmaComStore as we have reached an agreement with the manufacturer not to associate its brand name with other AAS manufacturers or Pharma Grade companies that are and will be present from now on our page and new project.

Despite our Pharmacom Labs factory shipping, we have always operated independently, ever since 2008, when we became the first Pharmacom Labs distributor.

That's pretty much it.
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That's pretty much it.

I have to say , I agree with this post and this post basically should shut you up natty... see he looked and he found. It’s not very hard to read through threads lol .

And glad to know you know how to read natty , makes me very proud of you.
I have to say , I agree with this post and this post basically should shut you up natty... see he looked and he found. It’s not very hard to read through threads lol .

And glad to know you know how to read natty , makes me very proud of you.
You must be trying to get that message count up for your bosses at pcom. You've already been been exposed for the shill you are vegan.;)
First off what ? Second , that made no sense. Yes imma vegan and proud of it ... what’s your point ?
I don’t need pcom points , I’m pointing out facts that you can’t even go discover yourself because you are too lazy. Even pich. Proved my very point, whatever you are trying to do is NOT working.
First off what ? Second , that made no sense. Yes imma vegan and proud of it ... what’s your point ?
I don’t need pcom points , I’m pointing out facts that you can’t even go discover yourself because you are too lazy. Even pich. Proved my very point, whatever you are trying to do is NOT working.
Lazy and ignorant? Is that the best you got? *yawn*
Hello I’m from Mexico and i’d Like to know if you have send orders over here and if they were seized or made it through? Otherwise I live near the border (Texas) and I have an address, so which one would be better?

@csalinas I am not familiar with Mexico customs.
Private message @Pharmacom Helper and see if he knows more about orders to Mexico. His advice would be best.
How often do your packages shipped to the US get seized? Also, why did you cut off pharmacomstore?

@Pharmacom Labs @Pharmacom Helper

first your question regarding seizure rates (these posts are just from the last few pages):

To San Francisco we have very small seized rate, in my memory I remember just one seized case, we even send original vials and boxes.
To LA, we got more often seized cases, about 20% of all sending.

What’s your seizure rate with New York ? I’m not looking to have any issues with receiving my stuff. I made I nice big order today

Very low rate of issues there

Secondly, your question about PharmaComStore:
PharmaComStore is not associated with the Basicstero store.

Pharmacom Labs is the manufacturer -- the lab that creates the products.

Then there are stores and dealers etc.
PharmaComStore was not the only re-seller , I have seen Naps, Domestic-supply, local in persona dealers etc all re-sell Pharmacom products.
PharmaComStore was one (and I think the oldest) re-seller that carried Pharmacom Labs products.

To help make it clear I will use the shoes store analogy others have been using.

Pharmacom Labs is like Nike -- a brand.
PharmaComStore is like Footlocker -- a retail store that carries brands but does not create the products.
Basicstero is like a Nike direct from factory outlet store or -- the direct from Nike store front but NOT the actual factory workers (it is a store).

The retailers such as Footlocker do not go to or Nike outlet in the mall and buy thousands of pairs of shoes; instead, they likely buy wholesale from the Manufacturer and may do so with multiple other brands.

In contrast, Nike outlet store or only sell Nike shoes.

To the best of my understanding Darius the owner of PharmaComStore has decided to expand his business and grow it into multiple new areas; that makes sense to me and I wish him great success; but part of his transition included the choice to go with some other brands at this time including many new products and real pharmacy grade products etc , instead of Pharmacom (and keep in mind that I am not affiliated with PharmaComStore, have no insider info about their business, so it based upon reading the posts here and on various other board -- some of you likely follow them more than I do and know more details of the recent discussions).

Will he re-stock in the future? what other brands he may or may not carry? what are his long-term business plans and goals etc...those would all be questions for him since the rest of us would just be guessing.

I can say this much, I have a lot of respect for Darius and his business has always been good so I am sure whatever direction he chooses to go will be a success. He cares about customer service, has good communication, has been around a long time, and I feel comfortable recommending his store to anyone.
If I did not already have a great source here in Basicstero, I would likely shop with Darius at his PharmaComStore.

Basicstero is different in that while it is a store also, it is the direct from manufacturer store (like the Nike outlet in our shoes store analogy).
So Basicstero will for sure continue to carry the Pharmacom brand moving forward.

Pharmacomstore probably didn't "pay up" and that's why Basic cut them off.

No that is not the case at all. No one was "Cut off"and there is no problems nor affiliation between the two independent businesses/stores.
Basicstero has no control over another independent business. Different owners, different staff, totally separate stores.
PharmaComStore made a business decision to expand into new areas as I mentioned and as that store's owner explains in this quote:

There is a massive restocking taking place as we are signing more and more contracts with some of the most important manufacturers on the market, all successfully tested by of course :)

Pharmacom Labs line will be temporary discontinued on PharmaComStore as we have reached an agreement with the manufacturer not to associate its brand name with other AAS manufacturers or Pharma Grade companies that are and will be present from now on our page and new project.

Despite our Pharmacom Labs factory shipping, we have always operated independently, ever since 2008, when we became the first Pharmacom Labs distributor.

Currently we own and operate 3 independent warehouses from which 2 of them have a shipping success rate to US of 100% starting from the 1st of October '17.

We are arguably the most discussed and reviewed online source therefore we are discussing our new contracts with manufacturers at the highest level with no middle men. If their factory shipping is not satisfactory to us in terms of delivery time and shipping success rate we would simply import products to our locations and use our premium shipping routes

We have started to add more products, starting with PCT, pharma grades AAS and various ancillaries from several months ago as we have decided to follow this multi-brand PHARMA ONE STOP SHOP path from the end of '17.

Current new additions are Alpha Pharma and Dragon Pharma plus many pharmaceutical grade products, like Sustanon, Testosterone, Primobolan, HGH, insuline etc

We have more than 400 products ready for being uploaded and this requires a lot of extra programming infrastructure to which we are working since January.

A great focus will also be on expanding our Pharma/Medicine product line, and we consider the current domain name (Pharma Com Store) very well suited SEO and traffic wise, for the new path we have already enrolled on, - an ALL IN ONE - Pharma Store.

AAS represents less than 10% from all the online pharma sales so after 10 years in business, thanks to our reputation and knowledge, we consider it's the right time to target more than this niche.

MESO members advises were always valuable to us throughout all our existence therefore we would be grateful for any suggestions or feedback you might wanna share and of course, what other AAS brands or medicinal products you would like us to distribute.

Thank you,
PharmaComStore Team

It would've been smarter to name the official store of pcom "pharmacomstore" instead of "basicstero" because now pharmacomstore don't sell any pcom products anymore so it'll confuse a lot of people.

That would not be possible because that re-seller, like many others, existed before Basicstero.
Basicstero has ZERO authority or power to make someone else choose a specific name or not -- anyone can make any website and pick an available name. Also, anyone can pick any name on a forum if its available.

The lab has no control over what a re-seller/dealer chooses as a name.
PharmaComStore is and always has been a completely independent business with different ownership, employees, website etc than the manufacturer -- it is simply a re-seller but from very early on and chose that name when they made their store and internet forums' account name.
I can see how the name has caused some people to confuse that re-seller with the actual lab.

But hopefully any customer that is going to put a product into his or her body would do enough research on prospective sources to understand this difference.
One should completely understand and research the entire history of any source that he or she is considering including reading entire threads.

And, some general advice NOT directed at anyone specific:
I or anyone else can say anything, please do more research than just reading the last couple pages for your own safety (and be honest, many do not even do that or these question would not keep coming up when the answers are only a page or two back).
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