MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store


Excellent right ups from all 3 of you. All three who I've seen in other threads and regardless of the positive posting rewards I didn't think you guys were lying about your experience.
Steve84, you admitted they rewarded and you cashed in and that was humble on your part. I appreciate that cause I didn't know that.
I've almost stayed away from this thread completely since they've gotten here based on the fact that before they were here and I was here, I was ripped off $1800 worth of gear from them. Bought Test, Deca and Tren and after 6 weeks of feeling nothing I started running 1000mg of each compound in desperation hoping it was just really underdosed and ended up getting nothing.

At that time I didn't have a lot of money and maybe I shouldn't have spent all that money on it but I did. Ever since then this place has put a bad tast in my mouth in regards to how they do business. So I see members specially new members speak up saying their shit was bunk and it pisses me off.

Oh and they also have failed testing. Someone posted a list on another thread.

Fuck sorry for your loss man....
And when I defend it usually comes to that extent where I just want proof of others bunk claims.
Run bloods, send for testing, etc etc

I honestly felt the same way on a run of test. Was putting in 500mg/week of PCOM T500. Thought something was off...
But then I sent the open vial to Analyzer for testing, came back on the dot. Turns out it was something I was doing wrong. Not saying that was your case, but that was mine.

And oh ya! If the source offers a credit for testing/bloodwork or a log, i'll take them up on that. No shame. Doesn't always mean it's going to be favorable but i'm also not afraid to walk away from a source. I've gotten burnt as well.
But I do think that review/credit they offer does do good and bad things. For newer members they want that money. And people who maybe were like us starting outand didn't have that money necessarily. I just have trouble because many of those members that are new saying it was bunk...don't have any bloods or anything to prove their statement. Some even want replacements after it's gone, which if it's bunk why?
I think it goes equally to those who defend the source to prove some claims as much as those who bash it to prove their claims. Now bashing can be easier. I simply don't run things right, claim my bloods are bunk and the shit is bunk and that's proven.
It's the successful claims that are harder. I can't have skyrocketed E2 and bunk Tren (Can't get sensitive test). Or I can't run Deca and not blow up my Test reading. Or I can't run Test and not show an elevated test level.

And I mean we don't always have to agree/disagree in threads. Likewise I see you in other threads. No beef.
I think to each of our own ways/experience we are trying to look out for others.
To me, i'll defend PCOM as my experience. And to those who bash it, i'll try to hold them accountable with proof. Not for the source. But for myself. Everytime I see something shady I question if that will happen to me. I will always try to help someone that seems legitimate and comes to the table with some evidence. Because that's what i'm looking for. Reasonable doubt with my source.
And oh ya! If the source offers a credit for testing/bloodwork or a log, i'll take them up on that. No shame. Doesn't always mean it's going to be favorable but i'm also not afraid to walk away from a source.

Yeah, that doesn't make you a shill at all. That is normal. People should be getting bloods before Pre/Mid/Post Cycle. If a lab already planned on using is going to be offering an incentive to do something you should do anyway, why not, it helps everyone.
A few of these guys can’t stand when someone has a good experience with a source regardless of how new you are on here. I’ve been on Meso for years and don’t have access to my old work email to get a new password so I had to start over with a new account. “Must be a shill” lol whenever people post their positive experiences with the Pcom gear and service they’re automatically a “shill”.
I’ve been called a “shill” and “stooge” and all kinds of BS by some idiots on here. Funny thing is I’ve bought my HGH from, not Pcom, posted on their threads about it, and even had positive posts even for PSL too and there’s one douche that specifically likes to call people a “shill” on the Pcom threads and has NEVER bought Pcom gear admittedly.. lol dude probably gets paid by another lab or works for some UGL and comes on here just to start crap cause there’s never a positive or useful thing to come from his posts so I just blocked the cry baby..

I’ve bought eight orders from Pcom just since April and only had one issue they fixed immediately. I posted that experience and all the sudden “I must be paid by Pcom” [emoji38] not worth arguing with these people cause they’ll just keep going to try and get you to keep replying..
I think people start acting like they run the forum because they have more time on here. I am like you @Lean_N_Mean , I had an old account on here for years. I lost my password and forgot the email address (I created for Meso). People get to dramatize over this stuff. I am new to Pcom, and I am here making friends to get more knowledge about this company.

Just because an account says “junior member” does not mean that person does not have good advice or knowledge that they can share.

Also using these meds are becoming more and more acceptable, and the word is not so afraid of steroids anymore. You can google anything theses days, so we should all be open and honest on here. Honestly, the dicks that bully on here are the ones that make new people affraid to ask questions, and end up getting hurt or doing something dumb because they did not want to get made fun of.

Being a “member” Stutus does not make you any better. There are people to have a lot of good info, and maybe left another forum to join us here on Meso.

I will stop my rant with...before I opened up my second account on Meso, I read y’alls post, which lead me to making a few purchases from basic. So others are reading what you post and trusting your knowledge..
Yeah, that doesn't make you a shill at all. That is normal. People should be getting bloods before Pre/Mid/Post Cycle. If a lab already planned on using is going to be offering an incentive to do something you should do anyway, why not, it helps everyone.

Oh you are new here right??

I'm a huge fucking PCOM shill!!!!
Haters are gonna hate, but i've made peace with it lol
I've taken lots of bashing for my love of this source.
Oh you are new here right??

I'm a huge fucking PCOM shill!!!!
Haters are gonna hate, but i've made peace with it lol
I've taken lots of bashing for my love of this source.

Hahaha nah you did exactly what I think anyone would do. If you planned on using the source again anyway and they are giving you credit for bloods, lab, logs, etc...why not capitalize on it.

There's a big difference between that, and getting paid or getting products just to keep bumping the sources page and hyping them up.

Excellent right ups from all 3 of you. All three who I've seen in other threads and regardless of the positive posting rewards I didn't think you guys were lying about your experience.
Steve84, you admitted they rewarded and you cashed in and that was humble on your part. I appreciate that cause I didn't know that.
I've almost stayed away from this thread completely since they've gotten here based on the fact that before they were here and I was here, I was ripped off $1800 worth of gear from them. Bought Test, Deca and Tren and after 6 weeks of feeling nothing I started running 1000mg of each compound in desperation hoping it was just really underdosed and ended up getting nothing.

At that time I didn't have a lot of money and maybe I shouldn't have spent all that money on it but I did. Ever since then this place has put a bad tast in my mouth in regards to how they do business. So I see members specially new members speak up saying their shit was bunk and it pisses me off.

Oh and they also have failed testing. Someone posted a list on another thread.

Hey TRT , just confused ... you say you bought from basic and while using pcom gear ( test , deca etc... ) you felt nothing ?
I ask because I may be reading that wrong
Do you know that test/link? From all I ever remember it was only 1 test ever they totally bombed.

I believe the thread he’s talking about was the guy who bought Test Prop and Test E and used mislabeled them on accident and used the test Prop for replacement Therapy and tested about 980 on his bloods. Once he figured that out he had no issues after changing bottles out and he started using the test E 300 like he meant too. The thread was labeled “is Pharmacom Labs under dosed?” If this is the one he’s referring too the Pcom rep offered to reship him another bottle but he stuck with what he had cause it was his error. That’s the only thread like that I’ve seen in the last 6 months..
I believe the thread he’s talking about was the guy who bought Test Prop and Test E and used mislabeled them on accident and used the test Prop for replacement Therapy and tested about 980 on his bloods. Once he figured that out he had no issues after changing bottles out and he started using the test E 300 like he meant too. The thread was labeled “is Pharmacom Labs under dosed?” If this is the one he’s referring too the Pcom rep offered to reship him another bottle but he stuck with what he had cause it was his error. That’s the only thread like that I’ve seen in the last 6 months..

Ahhhh okay ,
I was about to say ! Just ordered a ton from basic lol
Stupid pharmacom doesn’t carry the pharmacom brand anymore . Not gonna spend more for alpha pharma and not going to get dragon pharma that ships from china wasting my time . Goodbye to pharmacom until they stock pharmacom gear one day again .

How much reading/research have you done about this?

Firstly, the thread you are posting in here is for Basicstero,
the direct from Lab store, which will for sure continue to carry Pharmacom Labs products since it is the direct from manufacturer store front.

Secondly, Pharmacom is a brand not a store; it is not going to carry any other brands because Pharmacom does not even sell retail -- Pharmacom is a brand, manufacturer, a producer, not a store/re-seller.

PharmaComStore was one re-seller (retail) that has recently made some changes including carrying the other brands you have mentioned.

Basicstero -- the source this thread is about -- does currently and will continue to carry Pharmacom brand products.
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Do you know that test/link? From all I ever remember it was only 1 test ever they totally bombed.
Was it? I was under the impression it was more...then again like I said I try to stay away from this thread do to my loss. I guess I'll be looking back to see if I can find it. Lol
Hey TRT , just confused ... you say you bought from basic and while using pcom gear ( test , deca etc... ) you felt nothing ?
I ask because I may be reading that wrong
Ya I didn't get anything. Ran crazy dosages. 1000mg of both deca and Tren. One after another.
Ya I didn't get anything. Ran crazy dosages. 1000mg of both deca and Tren. One after another.

Did you do bloods ? And if so did you speak with basic and show your bloods ? Things like this need to be addressed if you are getting something and it’s off due to mistakes on their part?
What about your pcom test ? How were you feeling from their test ?
I’d love to keep basic and pcom a lifetime source but I don’t want to gamble with hit or miss?
RT, definitely chime in to this convo l, I’d love to hear your feedback on this matter.

Be safe and diesel everyone !
How much reading/research have you done about this?

Firstly, the thread you are posting in here is for Basicstero,
the direct from Lab store, which will for sure continue to carry Pharmacom Labs products since it is the direct from manufacturer store front.

Secondly, Pharmacom is a brand not a store; it is not going to carry any other brands because Pharmacom does not even sell retail -- Pharmacom is a brand, manufacturer, a producer, not a store/re-seller.

PharmaComStore was one re-seller (retail) that has recently made some changes including carrying the other brands you have mentioned.

Basicstero -- the source this thread is about -- does currently and will continue to carry Pharmacom brand products.

Damn thread thought this was the pharmacom store one , thought i posted in the pharmacom store thread ..
Did you do bloods ? And if so did you speak with basic and show your bloods ? Things like this need to be addressed if you are getting something and it’s off due to mistakes on their part?
What about your pcom test ? How were you feeling from their test ?
I’d love to keep basic and pcom a lifetime source but I don’t want to gamble with hit or miss?
RT, definitely chime in to this convo l, I’d love to hear your feedback on this matter.

Be safe and diesel everyone !
No I didn't do bloods cause I didn't think there was anything I could do. A friend told me of the source and I made a purchase. As matter of fact my brother ran the same shit. Got nothing. It couldn't have been something I did cause with half ass training and diet on 1000mg of anything there will always be some kind of results. I do 400mg of home brewed Cyp and 700mg of Tren and I blow up.

Not trying seek compensation was just mentioning why I don't come here. It's kinda of a good story anyways. We've all been before.

It was T500 by the way and I only ran a cc of that.
If it wasn't for @RThoads this thread would be fucked.

Too bad people do not ask me more often about actual products, stacks, physiology, cycle plans, support supps, bloodwork analysis, health marker issues/improvement, preventative measures while on cycles to avoid common issues etc.

I have a good knowledge base, have acquired first hand personal experience myself over the years since being prescribed TRT, I am middle aged and have a lot of life experience, and have an extensive formal education in a field very related to health and our interests here (I had to leave that field after some serious health issues and at the same time life/family issues -- which, although all set-backs and difficult/sad in many ways because of all the years invested into something, ironically, also increased knowledge via first hand experience dealing with the negative issues).

My place is more of a technical role and consultant;
I am not trying to sound arrogant nor nerdy -- I promise you if you knew me in person I am one of the most humble and respectful guys (even if I do look like a stereotypical rich piana type meat-head), but I know I have a lot of value in regards to information and what I can offer to help others reach their goals.

But, like I said before many times, I care about both the fellow members here as well as Basicstero's continued success -- so I tackle everything that I see with a passion to get it right.

Unfortunately, the result, I guess may be that I have reduced myself to just a mediator/translator to foster communication between members in conflict and typical "rep" work.
For example, many of the questions I address are literally re-asked one page later quite often.

But I honestly feel like it is a bit of waste because I know I have a lot more interesting things, topics, and help to offer everyone.
Damn thread thought this was the pharmacom store one , thought i posted in the pharmacom store thread ..

I understand bro -- no biggy.
Hell, I have sent wrong people texts and PMs etc --shit happens and easy to do.
As long as you do know the difference between the sources, that is all that matters.
No I didn't do bloods cause I didn't think there was anything I could do. A friend told me of the source and I made a purchase. As matter of fact my brother ran the same shit. Got nothing. It couldn't have been something I did cause with half ass training and diet on 1000mg of anything there will always be some kind of results. I do 400mg of home brewed Cyp and 700mg of Tren and I blow up.

Not trying seek compensation was just mentioning why I don't come here. It's kinda of a good story anyways. We've all been before.

It was T500 by the way and I only ran a cc of that.

Hey @TRT sorry to hear about your disappointing experience.
Obviously, with it being so long ago there is no way me or anyone else can look into details of the issue, understand what exactly was going on, and try to get a resolution.

Sounds like it well before I used this source so I am ignorant about the quality then and have zero opinion about products at that time.

But since I have been using Basicstero, since they arrived hear on MESO, I have had nothing but good experiences.
Also, before I worked for Basic, I sent samples anonymously for analysis and all came back good.
Additionally, you can see AnabolicLabs results for Pharmacom.

There are some good UGLs out there so I 100% understand if you have no need to ever try Pharmacom again.
But if you do decide to try it again, I am confident it is now one of the best brands available (assuming you buy it from Basicstero so you are for sure getting a genuine product NOT a counterfeit).