MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

first your question regarding seizure rates (these posts are just from the last few pages):

Secondly, your question about PharmaComStore:
PharmaComStore is not associated with the Basicstero store.

Pharmacom Labs is the manufacturer -- the lab that creates the products.

Then there are stores and dealers etc.
PharmaComStore was not the only re-seller , I have seen Naps, Domestic-supply, local in persona dealers etc all re-sell Pharmacom products.
PharmaComStore was one (and I think the oldest) re-seller that carried Pharmacom Labs products.

To help make it clear I will use the shoes store analogy others have been using.

Pharmacom Labs is like Nike -- a brand.
PharmaComStore is like Footlocker -- a retail store that carries brands but does not create the products.
Basicstero is like a Nike direct from factory outlet store or -- the direct from Nike store front but NOT the actual factory workers (it is a store).

The retailers such as Footlocker do not go to or Nike outlet in the mall and buy thousands of pairs of shoes; instead, they likely buy wholesale from the Manufacturer and may do so with multiple other brands.

In contrast, Nike outlet store or only sell Nike shoes.

To the best of my understanding Darius the owner of PharmaComStore has decided to expand his business and grow it into multiple new areas; that makes sense to me and I wish him great success; but part of his transition included the choice to go with some other brands at this time including many new products and real pharmacy grade products etc , instead of Pharmacom (and keep in mind that I am not affiliated with PharmaComStore, have no insider info about their business, so it based upon reading the posts here and on various other board -- some of you likely follow them more than I do and know more details of the recent discussions).

Will he re-stock in the future? what other brands he may or may not carry? what are his long-term business plans and goals etc...those would all be questions for him since the rest of us would just be guessing.

I can say this much, I have a lot of respect for Darius and his business has always been good so I am sure whatever direction he chooses to go will be a success. He cares about customer service, has good communication, has been around a long time, and I feel comfortable recommending his store to anyone.
If I did not already have a great source here in Basicstero, I would likely shop with Darius at his PharmaComStore.

Basicstero is different in that while it is a store also, it is the direct from manufacturer store (like the Nike outlet in our shoes store analogy).
So Basicstero will for sure continue to carry the Pharmacom brand moving forward.

No that is not the case at all. No one was "Cut off"and there is no problems nor affiliation between the two independent businesses/stores.
Basicstero has no control over another independent business. Different owners, different staff, totally separate stores.
PharmaComStore made a business decision to expand into new areas as I mentioned and as that store's owner explains in this quote:

That would not be possible because that re-seller, like many others, existed before Basicstero.
Basicstero has ZERO authority or power to make someone else choose a specific name or not -- anyone can make any website and pick an available name. Also, anyone can pick any name on a forum if its available.

The lab has no control over what a re-seller/dealer chooses as a name.
PharmaComStore is and always has been a completely independent business with different ownership, employees, website etc than the manufacturer -- it is simply a re-seller but from very early on and chose that name when they made their store and internet forums' account name.
I can see how the name has caused some people to confuse that re-seller with the actual lab.

But hopefully any customer that is going to put a product into his or her body would do enough research on prospective sources to understand this difference.
One should completely understand and research the entire history of any source that he or she is considering including reading entire threads.

And, some general advice NOT directed at anyone specific:
I or anyone else can say anything, please do more research than just reading the last couple pages for your own safety (and be honest, many do not even do that or these question would not keep coming up when the answers are only a page or two back).

What he said ... I tried explaining it to natty like 5 times to natty in goo goo ga ga terms , apparently that didn’t work out so well so thank you for explaining it to him. ( no sarcasm )

Now natty respectfully.... stfu. Thank you
What he said ... I tried explaining it to natty like 5 times to natty in goo goo ga ga terms , apparently that didn’t work out so well so thank you for explaining it to him. ( no sarcasm )

Now natty respectfully.... stfu. Thank you
Shill - "A person engaged in covert advertising. The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretenseof sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services." by strangedaze April 27, 2005
Urban Dictionary
Shill - "A person engaged in covert advertising. The shill attempts to spread buzz by personally endorsing the product in public forums with the pretenseof sincerity, when in fact he is being paid for his services." by strangedaze April 27, 2005
Urban Dictionary

If I was a shill , I’d be all over this site spreading word of pharmacom products... I have stated only facts in the pcom basic threads.
You still think before speaking, seriously. Just quit while you are ahead.

Allow me to explain to you on a level that’s suitabke for your brain.

You asked a question, I answered with a fact, you instead kept creating false knowledge for then for me to tell you to read through the thread to better understand with you then calling me a shill.

Either you are plan fucking dumb or smart but choose to be dumb. I’ll go with the second the sake of having some faith in humans for a day :).

Good day to you sir
If I was a shill , I’d be all over this site spreading word of pharmacom products... I have stated only facts in the pcom basic threads.
You still think before speaking, seriously. Just quit while you are ahead.

Allow me to explain to you on a level that’s suitabke for your brain.

You asked a question, I answered with a fact, you instead kept creating false knowledge for then for me to tell you to read through the thread to better understand with you then calling me a shill.

Either you are plan fucking dumb or smart but choose to be dumb. I’ll go with the second the sake of having some faith in humans for a day :).

Good day to you sir
Definitely sounds like something a shill would say :p
I bet there's a ton of people in this thread paid for them to blow this thread up with good reviews. Members who have a couple hundred posts and only in here as well.
I bet there's a ton of people in this thread paid for them to blow this thread up with good reviews. Members who have a couple hundred posts and only in here as well.

So what's my excuse then???

I haven't been paid... I have lots of posts...

Do you ever think maybe they have good products, good customer service and that maybe they just do a good job?
I've randomly tested them, and they were on the dot accurate.
I've had the best results running them.
Any problems they go over and above for customer service to me.

All around the only problem they have is custom's which is out of their control.
So what's my excuse then???

I haven't been paid... I have lots of posts...

Do you ever think maybe they have good products, good customer service and that maybe they just do a good job?
I've randomly tested them, and they were on the dot accurate.
I've had the best results running them.
Any problems they go over and above for customer service to me.

All around the only problem they have is custom's which is out of their control.

Being a good source (in terms of gear, communication, and t/a) and hiring shills aren't mutually exclusive.

You're a active member for 2+ years. Most likely you did have many good experiences with them. But when new members or members who only post in a source's thread give glowing lip service and vehemently defend the source from not just it's mishaps but any and all questioning of the source, well it just doesn't look good.

There's tons of products I love, and some really good sources I've interacted with. But I can't think of any scenario, save monetary influence, where I spend my time hyping up the source.
So what's my excuse then???

I haven't been paid... I have lots of posts...

Do you ever think maybe they have good products, good customer service and that maybe they just do a good job?
I've randomly tested them, and they were on the dot accurate.
I've had the best results running them.
Any problems they go over and above for customer service to me.

All around the only problem they have is custom's which is out of their control.
Wasn't pointing fingers.
I still stand by what I said.
Being a good source (in terms of gear, communication, and t/a) and hiring shills aren't mutually exclusive.

You're a active member for 2+ years. Most likely you did have many good experiences with them. But when new members or members who only post in a source's thread give glowing lip service and vehemently defend the source from not just it's mishaps but any and all questioning of the source, well it just doesn't look good.

There's tons of products I love, and some really good sources I've interacted with. But I can't think of any scenario, save monetary influence, where I spend my time hyping up the source.

So I guess that's where I kinda disagree...

When I came to Meso I didn't know where to start.
I tried Newport which was good... Mission which was shit. (Canadian)
And the 3rd I ended up with Basic/Pcom.
I've been following this and pharmacomstores thread for maybe 3 years now.

They've always been consistent and not without problems (every source has this). But they've been good fixing things. Their testing policy is great.

Once I got stuck spending like 2 hours a day fighting with this guy defending pcom for a week. It was ridiculous. My only reasoning is he lacked evidence or proof of his claims. (Came off shady).

It's always a fine line between being new and reviews. But you also have to start somewhere.
And to @TRT comment about being paid reviews maybe.
But I can also say... Pcom provides a credit for reviews. Did I cash in on it... hells yes!!!
But I also think being new and finding a good source and glowing about them goes hand in hand.
We all get excited when we buy something that turns out to not be a scam.

Maybe I'm just bias as I've had luck with them. As a new member I felt the safest with them as they were getting Anabolic lab tested a lot. (Which was my reasoning to try them).

I see both sides of the story.
So I guess that's where I kinda disagree...

When I came to Meso I didn't know where to start.
I tried Newport which was good... Mission which was shit. (Canadian)
And the 3rd I ended up with Basic/Pcom.
I've been following this and pharmacomstores thread for maybe 3 years now.

They've always been consistent and not without problems (every source has this). But they've been good fixing things. Their testing policy is great.

Once I got stuck spending like 2 hours a day fighting with this guy defending pcom for a week. It was ridiculous. My only reasoning is he lacked evidence or proof of his claims. (Came off shady).

It's always a fine line between being new and reviews. But you also have to start somewhere.
And to @TRT comment about being paid reviews maybe.
But I can also say... Pcom provides a credit for reviews. Did I cash in on it... hells yes!!!
But I also think being new and finding a good source and glowing about them goes hand in hand.
We all get excited when we buy something that turns out to not be a scam.

Maybe I'm just bias as I've had luck with them. As a new member I felt the safest with them as they were getting Anabolic lab tested a lot. (Which was my reasoning to try them).

I see both sides of the story.

A few of these guys can’t stand when someone has a good experience with a source regardless of how new you are on here. I’ve been on Meso for years and don’t have access to my old work email to get a new password so I had to start over with a new account. “Must be a shill” lol whenever people post their positive experiences with the Pcom gear and service they’re automatically a “shill”.
I’ve been called a “shill” and “stooge” and all kinds of BS by some idiots on here. Funny thing is I’ve bought my HGH from, not Pcom, posted on their threads about it, and even had positive posts even for PSL too and there’s one douche that specifically likes to call people a “shill” on the Pcom threads and has NEVER bought Pcom gear admittedly.. lol dude probably gets paid by another lab or works for some UGL and comes on here just to start crap cause there’s never a positive or useful thing to come from his posts so I just blocked the cry baby..

I’ve bought eight orders from Pcom just since April and only had one issue they fixed immediately. I posted that experience and all the sudden “I must be paid by Pcom” [emoji38] not worth arguing with these people cause they’ll just keep going to try and get you to keep replying..
We all know both paid bashers and shills exist.

But its getting to the point that everyone is accused.
If you complain about a source you are basher.
If you are happy and defend the source you are a shill.

Fuck it -- each of you just be true to yourselves and don't let someone else get to you (and I am talking about both sides -- ya'all let some stranger on the net waste your time and its just not worth it to let it get to you).

It is interesting that people who like their source are called a shill.
But this is a community centered on AAS/PED usage (we all share that interest).
Therefore, most people here likely have a source.
Follow my logic; if they have a source then they must like that source (After all why would one use a source they do NOT like???).
Also, why would anyone follow closely, daily, a source that they have no interest in??? that would not make sense.
So most of the guys here ALL like some source(s) and trust some source(s) enough to inject the products into their own bodies.
But if someone admits to liking a source they are called a shill.
Then I ask, what source do these people use?
What source do the people that do not like any source use lol?
OR they just hangout in a AAS/PED community because they are an anthropologist studying the sub-culture? :p
Because in any source thread, if you like the source, you risk being called a shill.
So everyone likes sources; everyone uses the products, everyone we see is online here following things almost daily, but no one can admit to liking sources lol.

I was once accused (later I received an apology) of being a shill for PoG because I posted positive things, pics excited about TDS/stash, and was very happy with his products.
Funny thing is that the only guys following him that closely were very likely also customers of his or wanted to be customers (why else would they even be following his business?)... So they liked him too! they use his products! or wanted to use his products!
but I was called a shill for being happy about my source....

Now I work with Basicstero in a couple capacities and projects.
So I am immune to being a shill here since I am open and honest about my affiliation and employment.
But I am always a member of the community first, and always will be even if I choose to go a with a difference source; I try to post to help the business, customers, and members communicate and get facts.

I also still use and like other good sources.
Obviously, I am free to do that and I have my own personal preferences for some items.
Out of respect for Basicstero I will not name other sources (PoG is now gone so I named him earlier) but it is not hard to figure out who I trust and do business with because I post positive feedback and defend a source I use against unfounded claims (I have become friends with some of my sources after years of communication and good business -- of course I defend them if I see bullshit accusations).

Just know there are just as many reverse scammers and paid bashers etc as there are shills -- maybe more!
Same formula to spot the easy ones -- very new, not known, no intro, no participation, but posts right away in a source thread with a claim/issue/complaint.
But some are good at earning their pay as a basher and may be established members -- kinda like an "anti-rep" or "reverse-shill" that was hired by competition to cause negativity and deter business.

Again, same solution to avoid being manipulated either way:
My advice is simply do a LOT of RESEARCH on sources to be immune to bashers and shills. Read back as far as possible; check multiple sites, and most of all look for verifiable testing results.
Anyone can post anything -- I can claim that my last pack had 10x $100 bills bonus gift inside just as easily as I can claim a vial is missing -- a post and a claim, positive or negative, does not prove shit and is meaningless on its own.
Look for long-term patterns and information.

Remember, this is an underground game in many countries -- its a tough game -- its not Amazon or Walmart.

Be safe and do your research
On that note -- I am tired and dealing with a couple injuries so I am calling it a night.
have a goodnight everyone and I hope you all enjoy a good start to the new week ahead!
Got all my shit plus some. Decent source- had a delay in time but eventually got everything. Everything seems good to me. Poor communication though.
Stupid pharmacom doesn’t carry the pharmacom brand anymore . Not gonna spend more for alpha pharma and not going to get dragon pharma that ships from china wasting my time . Goodbye to pharmacom until they stock pharmacom gear one day again .

Excellent right ups from all 3 of you. All three who I've seen in other threads and regardless of the positive posting rewards I didn't think you guys were lying about your experience.
Steve84, you admitted they rewarded and you cashed in and that was humble on your part. I appreciate that cause I didn't know that.
I've almost stayed away from this thread completely since they've gotten here based on the fact that before they were here and I was here, I was ripped off $1800 worth of gear from them. Bought Test, Deca and Tren and after 6 weeks of feeling nothing I started running 1000mg of each compound in desperation hoping it was just really underdosed and ended up getting nothing.

At that time I didn't have a lot of money and maybe I shouldn't have spent all that money on it but I did. Ever since then this place has put a bad tast in my mouth in regards to how they do business. So I see members specially new members speak up saying their shit was bunk and it pisses me off.

Oh and they also have failed testing. Someone posted a list on another thread.

Excellent right ups from all 3 of you. All three who I've seen in other threads and regardless of the positive posting rewards I didn't think you guys were lying about your experience.
Steve84, you admitted they rewarded and you cashed in and that was humble on your part. I appreciate that cause I didn't know that.
I've almost stayed away from this thread completely since they've gotten here based on the fact that before they were here and I was here, I was ripped off $1800 worth of gear from them. Bought Test, Deca and Tren and after 6 weeks of feeling nothing I started running 1000mg of each compound in desperation hoping it was just really underdosed and ended up getting nothing.

At that time I didn't have a lot of money and maybe I shouldn't have spent all that money on it but I did. Ever since then this place has put a bad tast in my mouth in regards to how they do business. So I see members specially new members speak up saying their shit was bunk and it pisses me off.

Oh and they also have failed testing. Someone posted a list on another thread.

Thanks @TRT !
Got all my shit plus some. Decent source- had a delay in time but eventually got everything. Everything seems good to me. Poor communication though.

I’m stoked to hear that cause I’ve been waiting for two orders due to shipments holds that finally got tracking numbers and started moving early last week. Glad to know they’re making it through. Thanks for posting!
first your question regarding seizure rates (these posts are just from the last few pages.

Secondly, your question about PharmaComStore:
PharmaComStore is not associated with the Basicstero store.

Pharmacom Labs is the manufacturer -- the lab that creates the products.

Then there are stores and dealers etc.
PharmaComStore was not the only re-seller , I have seen Naps, Domestic-supply, local in persona dealers etc all re-sell Pharmacom products.
PharmaComStore was one (and I think the oldest) re-seller that carried Pharmacom Labs products.

To help make it clear I will use the shoes store analogy others have been using.

Pharmacom Labs is like Nike -- a brand.
PharmaComStore is like Footlocker -- a retail store that carries brands but does not create the products.
Basicstero is like a Nike direct from factory outlet store or -- the direct from Nike store front but NOT the actual factory workers (it is a store).

The retailers such as Footlocker do not go to or Nike outlet in the mall and buy thousands of pairs of shoes; instead, they likely buy wholesale from the Manufacturer and may do so with multiple other brands.

In contrast, Nike outlet store or only sell Nike shoes.

To the best of my understanding Darius the owner of PharmaComStore has decided to expand his business and grow it into multiple new areas; that makes sense to me and I wish him great success; but part of his transition included the choice to go with some other brands at this time including many new products and real pharmacy grade products etc , instead of Pharmacom (and keep in mind that I am not affiliated with PharmaComStore, have no insider info about their business, so it based upon reading the posts here and on various other board -- some of you likely follow them more than I do and know more details of the recent discussions).

Will he re-stock in the future? what other brands he may or may not carry? what are his long-term business plans and goals etc...those would all be questions for him since the rest of us would just be guessing.

I can say this much, I have a lot of respect for Darius and his business has always been good so I am sure whatever direction he chooses to go will be a success. He cares about customer service, has good communication, has been around a long time, and I feel comfortable recommending his store to anyone.
If I did not already have a great source here in Basicstero, I would likely shop with Darius at his PharmaComStore.

Basicstero is different in that while it is a store also, it is the direct from manufacturer store (like the Nike outlet in our shoes store analogy).
So Basicstero will for sure continue to carry the Pharmacom brand moving forward.

No that is not the case at all. No one was "Cut off"and there is no problems nor affiliation between the two independent businesses/stores.
Basicstero has no control over another independent business. Different owners, different staff, totally separate stores.
PharmaComStore made a business decision to expand into new areas as I mentioned and as that store's owner explains in this quote:

That would not be possible because that re-seller, like many others, existed before Basicstero.
Basicstero has ZERO authority or power to make someone else choose a specific name or not -- anyone can make any website and pick an available name. Also, anyone can pick any name on a forum if its available.

The lab has no control over what a re-seller/dealer chooses as a name.
PharmaComStore is and always has been a completely independent business with different ownership, employees, website etc than the manufacturer -- it is simply a re-seller but from very early on and chose that name when they made their store and internet forums' account name.
I can see how the name has caused some people to confuse that re-seller with the actual lab.

But hopefully any customer that is going to put a product into his or her body would do enough research on prospective sources to understand this difference.
One should completely understand and research the entire history of any source that he or she is considering including reading entire threads.

And, some general advice NOT directed at anyone specific:
I or anyone else can say anything, please do more research than just reading the last couple pages for your own safety (and be honest, many do not even do that or these question would not keep coming up when the answers are only a page or two back).

Good post... all the questions answered.