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I got my international order two days ago. I was surprised because I did ask for the discrete shipping.. and it was not discrete (I don’t need to explain, because you all know). I am glad it made it through customs. Also I had to sign for it at my post office. ( due to it being registered mail). I like that the domestic packages don’t make me sign.. is there a way the international basicstero can make that happen?
I got my international order two days ago. I was surprised because I did ask for the discrete shipping.. and it was not discrete (I don’t need to explain, because you all know). I am glad it made it through customs. Also I had to sign for it at my post office. ( due to it being registered mail). I like that the domestic packages don’t make me sign.. is there a way the international basicstero can make that happen?

I normally don't have to sign for mine...
Well, hypothetically, if a test showed an overdosed oil like in your case, but sample had been already taken, oil already in vials. Say straightforward, it does not strictly correspond to the concentration 300 mg/ml stated on the label and it is 380 mg/ml instead, but vials had been already filled... what would you do with it? I say it, no one manufacturer, to be more precise, no one UGL will dump these vials and restart a new batch. Its true. Probably no one UGL will admit this in public, but the fact is pretty obvious.
I ask not to understand this like our goal is just to produce as much as possible and no matter what quality is it of. Absolutely not. We had many times situations, where we could use cheaper components and produce final products. As example, many ask for cabergoline. We have access to raws, but our reports show those raws are not of sufficient quality for human use. The compound is very expensive at this, we could grab a great income with it. But we still did not launch its production, because we are still looking for sufficient purity.
We are doing our best to control as many aspects as possible. We invested huge funds into the facility and improving it. We also have some not very successfully batches. We had NPP, which was quickly crashing up, we had oil-based stanos, which was also crashing up. We all the time have some call it production wastes. These are blisters or vials/amps, which were for some reason damaged during production and do not have a market view, but contents is ok. We put such pills/vials into orders for free as small bonuses. I mentioned this a few times on all boards, also here. Those, who ordered from us, can confirm this. So, even if we get some products not suitable for sale due to different reasons, we don`t sell them and mostly give away for free if they are safe to use.
I don`t say we are a perfect lab. There are really complicated things. Like HGH, e.g. Its a hormone with crazy complicated chemical structure and its analysis requires exceptional professionalism,knowledge and equipment. We currently can not test it regularly within our facility. But, we are working on establishing a new completely our own facility producing HGH only. When saying "producing" I mean not just filling amps with raw powder; I mean entirely full production process under our control. It will be HGH expression from scratch based on e.coli cultivation with further multi-stage purification and so on. All our profit is going into this. Several month ago we were looking for a scientist with respective bio-tech background and experience, if you remember. We found such an expert. Hopefully within 2019 we start full production cycle with full control over the process and own lab reports available. So, we are going our best to enhance and develop our production, but some moments still stay beyond our possibilities yet.
And, just to summarize it I say, raws is not something what we are trying to save our money with. More expenses are related to the transportation and other aspects. We`d rather put a bit more raws to be sure then we let out under-dosed products. We`d rather fill vials for 10.5 ml then we get thousands of complains, why a customer got less oil.
Thank you again for taking time and respond to my posting. I got your point and have to add that the sample i sent out for analysis was out of a bonus / resend of an Order. Things becomming clear now.
I got my international order two days ago. I was surprised because I did ask for the discrete shipping.. and it was not discrete (I don’t need to explain, because you all know). I am glad it made it through customs. Also I had to sign for it at my post office. ( due to it being registered mail). I like that the domestic packages don’t make me sign.. is there a way the international basicstero can make that happen?
Why was it at the post office?
I think you have more plausible deniability with it sent to your home as opposed to a PO Box. With the Box you have to go into the building and take possession (I would feel nervous to go into a government building and claim these item).

At home, you can accept it but not open it and let it sit many days (if they were doing a controlled delivery then they would act upon it asap NOT days later), or have someone else accept it and bring it in and then have it sit many days etc without opening to give you some plausible deniability and room for your lawyer to work. After all, if it were only a matter of a pack going to a home in order to get charged then anyone could send anyone else drugs to frame him.

Of course, this is all just for conversation's sake. With personal usage amounts of AAS, LE is not even interested in setting up a bust etc -- not worth thier time and resources.
They, are after narcotics and other hard drugs.

Here, I posted this earlier -- it is some advice about this topic; check out the link it has some interesting ideas:
Pharmacom Mix 5... awesome preworkout mix. Probably the best I've used to date. I just wish it didn't feel like I got nailed with a baseball bat and then hit with a lead pipe wherever I inject it. Seriously damn near cripples me, but the workouts on it are amazing.
I placed an order on 5/17 and received a dispatch confirmation on 5/18.

I have emailed a couple of times now to try and get a tracking number and was most recently told on 5/29 that the order would be shipping that evening from a specific warehouse and my tracking number would be updated very soon.

So I have received 2 shipping confirmations but no tracking number...can you help me figure this out here?

Normally I ordered from but they were out of stock so I tried Basic international for the first time on this one. It was a small order.

The customer service email rep did give me a store credit for the inconvenience.
@eerb you should keep exact dates and detail to private communications. Anyone can see you public posts including Law Enforcement. Just friendly advice to prevent you from posting anything more specific.

Use the "contact us" page on the site:

But in your case it sounds like you are/were already in contact with customer service (you mentioned they gave you a store credit as a gift because they recognized the delay and your inconvenience).
That is who you want to be talking to to "help you figure this out."
Random guys and other customers on boards online have zero access to your account or order details.
The customer service rep that gave you store credit actually works at the company and is able to look into such details.

If, for some odd reason, you can not come to a resolution with the customer service rep in which you are already in communication.
Again, it sounds like he did reply ; hence, the store credit to apologize for the delay -- talk to him again if you need more info. Try to private message @Pharmacom Helper so you can discusses your details in provate and not post sensitive info such as your order dates, order number, address, tracking etc , publicly.

Hope that helps :)
I placed an order on 5/17 and received a dispatch confirmation on 5/18.

I have emailed a couple of times now to try and get a tracking number and was most recently told on 5/29 that the order would be shipping that evening from a specific warehouse and my tracking number would be updated very soon.

So I have received 2 shipping confirmations but no tracking number...can you help me figure this out here?

Normally I ordered from but they were out of stock so I tried Basic international for the first time on this one. It was a small order.

The customer service email rep did give me a store credit for the inconvenience.

Think about it like this man ... spring and summer time is basically like Christmas. It’s a very busy time of year for this liftstyle so patience has to be put into place.
It’s the name of the game esp with things from over seas. Take what RT is saying as good Info and speak to the pcom rep.
Basic is very good With communication and qualty products so you aren’t going to be steered the wrong way.
Just be patient.
I placed an order on 5/17 and received a dispatch confirmation on 5/18.

I have emailed a couple of times now to try and get a tracking number and was most recently told on 5/29 that the order would be shipping that evening from a specific warehouse and my tracking number would be updated very soon.

So I have received 2 shipping confirmations but no tracking number...can you help me figure this out here?

Normally I ordered from but they were out of stock so I tried Basic international for the first time on this one. It was a small order.

The customer service email rep did give me a store credit for the inconvenience.
That sucks man. Mine took a month. I will Be ordering during the winter next time
just to say i have command 2x turinabol and i have received them in 15days and i got a table of x50 dianabol in gift i dont know why but thank you .
Thank you basictero!
Hope my pack comes with some freebies. Shipped out quick, just hope it doesn't sit in customs for three weeks before it passes thru.
Fuck outta here with that bullshit

Do you have anything at all to contribute to this thread other then your dumb ass remakes and questions that can be easily answered if you just READ ?
The real question is have you even ordered from basic or are you just going to troll because it’s plain childish.
Hope my pack comes with some freebies. Shipped out quick, just hope it doesn't sit in customs for three weeks before it passes thru.

It’s always nice but don’t expect it , especially something for free. I know basic does right by it’s customers but that’s just a tip in life. You will never be disappointed when you expect something from anyone.
Do you have anything at all to contribute to this thread other then your dumb ass remakes and questions that can be easily answered if you just READ ?
The real question is have you even ordered from basic or are you just going to troll because it’s plain childish.
That must be your new account. I knew it! Next time don't review a source for your 1st post, shill.