MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

WTF you talking about ? I'm a real account and i was just there to say thank you to basic stero calm down bro or eat back bio vegetables because roro arent for you.
just to say i have command 2x turinabol and i have received them in 15days and i got a table of x50 dianabol in gift i dont know why but thank you .
Thank you basictero!

Just out of curiosity were any of the blister packs missing a few tabs? Basic was really cool and sent me a few blister packs of winstrol with my two orders that took almost a month and the other two months cause of a seizure on one and hold times for shipping on the other. I think they give away their packs that have a blemish like one or two tabs missing cause they won’t sell. Like machine error packages. Worked out great for me. I gave em to my chick and she was stoked & it Saved me some future cash!
What other company does that? And I’m not even trying to hype them but yo , this shit ain’t cheap haha.
Got to love this company for that.

I always hated when supermarkets throw away perfectly good produce rather then just giving it to people who need it.
What other company does that? And I’m not even trying to hype them but yo , this shit ain’t cheap haha.
Got to love this company for that.

I always hated when supermarkets throw away perfectly good produce rather then just giving it to people who need it.

That’s what I’m saying. I’ll take the excess stuff they can’t sell if it’s not bad. Send it on over! lol cool on their part for sure. The other UGLs I’ve bought from haven’t done that or sent an extra bottle for long shipping times or anything for that matter. Good stuff! [emoji106]
Just out of curiosity were any of the blister packs missing a few tabs? Basic was really cool and sent me a few blister packs of winstrol with my two orders that took almost a month and the other two months cause of a seizure on one and hold times for shipping on the other. I think they give away their packs that have a blemish like one or two tabs missing cause they won’t sell. Like machine error packages. Worked out great for me. I gave em to my chick and she was stoked & it Saved me some future cash!

Hello ! Not even a Taps is missing that why iam surprise. thank you still to basicstero.
Btw who is this guys mad this morning saying i was a fake account please ?
Hello ! Not even a Taps is missing that why iam surprise. thank you still to basicstero.
Btw who is this guys mad this morning saying i was a fake account please ?

That’s “natty” whatever his name is . Don’t even pay any attention to him. He literally has nothing useful to say and to be honest, I don’t even think he has ever even ordered any pcom products. He just comes here asking questions that are at a basic level when all he has to do is read a few sentences. He’s one of those guys who likes to be spoon fed.
Like I said enjoy your stuff man don’t let this twat ruin your excitement.
@Pharmacom Helper . I really want to pull the trigger and buy from you but the no reship policy for international orders really kills it for me. I know that I have asked this multiple times in this thread but I was wondering if you have any updates regarding your EU warehouse. Also, anyone that opted for international order, how was your experience?

Lastly, generally speaking, how many seized products do you have so far from international orders? Specifically in EU?
Just got my order and yoooo, I’m fucking pumped. I ordered a lot and they still sent me some free stuff ... one blister is dbol.

Customer for life guys. Your service and products are just 110%
The T/A could be better but it’s expected due to the traffic and where it’s coming from .

Basic ... THANK YOU! And anyone who helped me ... thanks a ton brothers !
@Pharmacom Helper . I really want to pull the trigger and buy from you but the no reship policy for international orders really kills it for me. I know that I have asked this multiple times in this thread but I was wondering if you have any updates regarding your EU warehouse. Also, anyone that opted for international order, how was your experience?

Lastly, generally speaking, how many seized products do you have so far from international orders? Specifically in EU?

0 seizures in 5 orders to EU. But its just my case....
Just got my order and yoooo, I’m fucking pumped. I ordered a lot and they still sent me some free stuff ... one blister is dbol.

Customer for life guys. Your service and products are just 110%
The T/A could be better but it’s expected due to the traffic and where it’s coming from .

Basic ... THANK YOU! And anyone who helped me ... thanks a ton brothers !

As long as it’s to your door right! lol glad it showed bud [emoji106]
TD! here too :D

My Pharma Test-E500 landed.
Currently planning on stacking it with Pharma Nan-D300 (Deca 300) and Pharma MIX-M (300mg Masteron Mix).

Unfortunately, I am dealing with multiple injuries right now so I am holding off until I will be able to train at 100% (or at least 90%) and get the most out of a cycle.
As soon as I feel healed up, I will give this 500mg/mL TEST-E a try.
Would be interested to see it you have any pip with such a high concentration.

Also, what injuries if I may ask?

I have a pec strain (up were the tendon connects t near the arm pit) that is just nagging pain for a couple months now.
Glute and hamstring pain on the right side.

And seem to have hurt something in my back -- Not spinal not spinal erectors but off to the side -- almost all the way to the side near the rear of the obliques.

Oh, and my neck, I can't turn my head without pain (I have had this occur multiple times over the year) -- maybe traps or a little next muscle; just hurt to try to turn my head, but does not hurt to lift weights.

so yeah, I am a little beat up.
I still can put up decent lifts, 315 bench for 5 to 8 reps, 405 squat for 5-6, 405 deadlift for 3-5 etc... but not able to really push it or add beyond that.
I am just going to take it easy for this week and see if I feel better.

The only one that worries me is the pec.
Everything else is just typical stuff that comes and goes -- no big deal -- and will be fine with a week or two of lighter work.
But the pec is just not feeling any better.

Once I am confident I am not going to do more damage, then I will start teh cycle and push for some new gains and big lifts :D
The test 500 and Primo are the two worst from what I’ve heard but for me the Primo is my only bad one. Personally never tried the test 500.. not against it just happy with the Test E 300..

Yeah, you can add sterile oil to dilute it, or you could add another smoother compound. Personally I never used Test E/C that was concentrated higher than 300

I just wanted to avoid more pins.
Also, I get asked a lot about it and I can not comment without actually trying it myself.
So its an experiment.
But it will let me run a gram of test a week with room for 2cc per pin of other stuff -- that has me excited to try.
It will be diluted across the Deca and Mast so I think PIP won't be bad -- but I will let everyone know once I start.

1cc TEST-E500
1cc DECA300
1cc Mast MixM300
2x per week, glutes.

that's the plan for now