MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

In Russian team they have guy who wrote a book which called " andrology with basis of sport pharmacology" this is second volume. First volume called "introduction in neuroendocrinology" now as I know he working on third volume which called "thyroid gland" and he on the way to find some one who can translate books to English.

I still have all my books from grad school and still find interesting things which, at the time I was in school, were not interesting to me, but now are very interesting because of the relevance to our supplements. Also, I try to continue to read current research and have a folder full of some many studies (I do some consulting work and product development with major legal/OTC supplement brands as well).

@Pharmacom Helper my friend, I always want to learn more and be exposed to different perspectives; please, you must get me a copy of the books when they become available in English! :D
Since you’d run fare or nolva for a 19nor like deca or npp
What would you run along a 17beta like mast or primo ?
And is there anything that you’d have to run along side Eq ?
Long-time customer who was recently "scammed" by this company. International pack. 4 weeks later, still no tracking. Sales/support responded to my first email saying I live in a difficult country for customs (USA) and that they would check with the warehouse to see about my pack. More than a week later, all subsequent emails are ignored and I never received the tracking number. It goes without saying I haven't gotten my pack either.

I told them I'd be posting on the boards if they didn't make this right and it appears that they didn't care about someone hurting their reputation on this board.

Just sharing my experience.

Live and learn. I’ve been in this game a long time, probably 17-18 years. I’ve had packages seized, it happens. These people aren’t Amazon. Hell I once had a source send me gear in dirty shampoo bottles, lol.
Got my order @BigNattyDaddy plus double it... very satisfied. Shipping time was slow as hell the first time around but it was honestly worth the wait/headache for how much extra stuff I got. Would recommend this source-you might wait awhile but you’ll get your shit..always have so far with them thought this order was gonna be a first but it ended up being well worth it.
@Bob Sanders take the advice others have offered and try to get hold of @Pharmacom Helper to at least look into your situation and see if the pack was shipped out and has tracking info (then we can determine if it was seized or lost etc).

Basicstero is not some small operation and has no interest in scamming anyone -- with thousands of customers, many thousands of dollars spent on testing and donating to others' testing etc -- they are not looking to save the little bit off of not sending a pack.
Just sharing this. I live on the east coast. Made an entirely legal purchase from overseas.

Most of the time it lands in NY from its country of origin. I had tracking. Watched it go to a regional facility 30 minutes from where I live, then back to the regional center in NY, now it's in Las Vegas, Nevada over 2,000 miles away and has been sitting there for 2 weeks.

The post office can and will mess up. How a source handles the inevitable is what's important.
Unfortunately the postal service is a excuse my french .... a mind fuck

yes, everyone, every business, everywhere all have frustration with the postal service.

Just packs in general, not talking about AAS (these are OTC supps from, get lost or get put on wrong truck and drive all over the nation.

I am waiting for a couple things now and one tracked directly from it origin to my home city ; but, the other, from the same place, tracked across the country, then to another major city, and now starting back to my closest major city... WTF!!! how bad is the system when two packs leave from the same point just a couple days apart but one is here in 2 days and the pother takes 2 weeks???

It sucks because I waited to time things, ordered during the cooler week (weather has been HOT), to avoid the supplements getting ruined in extreme heat sitting in a truck all day.
My fish oil etc will likely be rancid... Ubiquinol etc should be kept cool (or at least not blazing HEAT).. etc.
I watched the weather prediction as saw a cool week coming then ordered... but somehow the postal service makes one of my legal domestic packs take two weeks to get here.

I have another pack, from Enhanced Athlete (legal) in Sacramento CA, that is now at about the two week mark...

Sometime, I try to watch tracking to make sure someone is how so such packs to not sit outside all day in teh heat or rain etc.
tracking will show it far away and then I get home and its sitting on my step (of course in the blazing sub even though there is a shady spot just two feet away).
TO contrast with my previous post, I have placed an order in the past with literally right before going to bed, and, I do not know how, the pack arrived the very next day!
I have no way to predict or estimate transit times... its frustrating.
I’m also dealing with the waiting game right now.
Have my tracking number but package has not moved from it’s location for about 2 weeks.
All I can say is and this is for me too, be patient. I know it’s hard but unfortunately it’s the name of the game. I hope With me and With you as well these issues get resolved and everyone gets everything they ordered.
They are good people and they stand by their customers and will help.
I agree 100%. I’ve been a Pharmacom customer for years and they have always done the right thing.
First of all thank you very much for your detailed feedback.
It was never my intention to have a store credit for testing or a replacement of gear i received from you guys or something like that.
My goal was to show guys who always doubt the quality of gear based just on the way they feel.. i had the same issue like many other that was the reason to order a lab test. Just to Show these guys that they need to get vald data instead of spend to much trust in their feeling.

This just shows that you guys sell legit Gear. I am a Happy customer since my first order and are happy to continue business with you Guys.

But to be perfectly honest i cannot fully understand why it is not possible to Pick several samples for testing out of your production process in order to improve the mixture based on oil and related raw. Some kind of dynamic mixture process based on these specific parameters in order to ensure a correct dosage of your products measured at room temperature.
I mean you Guys own a multi million dollar business by producing and globally selling drugs and you advertise your company as high end company with great production, test and measure equipment.
Well, hypothetically, if a test showed an overdosed oil like in your case, but sample had been already taken, oil already in vials. Say straightforward, it does not strictly correspond to the concentration 300 mg/ml stated on the label and it is 380 mg/ml instead, but vials had been already filled... what would you do with it? I say it, no one manufacturer, to be more precise, no one UGL will dump these vials and restart a new batch. Its true. Probably no one UGL will admit this in public, but the fact is pretty obvious.
I ask not to understand this like our goal is just to produce as much as possible and no matter what quality is it of. Absolutely not. We had many times situations, where we could use cheaper components and produce final products. As example, many ask for cabergoline. We have access to raws, but our reports show those raws are not of sufficient quality for human use. The compound is very expensive at this, we could grab a great income with it. But we still did not launch its production, because we are still looking for sufficient purity.
We are doing our best to control as many aspects as possible. We invested huge funds into the facility and improving it. We also have some not very successfully batches. We had NPP, which was quickly crashing up, we had oil-based stanos, which was also crashing up. We all the time have some call it production wastes. These are blisters or vials/amps, which were for some reason damaged during production and do not have a market view, but contents is ok. We put such pills/vials into orders for free as small bonuses. I mentioned this a few times on all boards, also here. Those, who ordered from us, can confirm this. So, even if we get some products not suitable for sale due to different reasons, we don`t sell them and mostly give away for free if they are safe to use.
I don`t say we are a perfect lab. There are really complicated things. Like HGH, e.g. Its a hormone with crazy complicated chemical structure and its analysis requires exceptional professionalism,knowledge and equipment. We currently can not test it regularly within our facility. But, we are working on establishing a new completely our own facility producing HGH only. When saying "producing" I mean not just filling amps with raw powder; I mean entirely full production process under our control. It will be HGH expression from scratch based on e.coli cultivation with further multi-stage purification and so on. All our profit is going into this. Several month ago we were looking for a scientist with respective bio-tech background and experience, if you remember. We found such an expert. Hopefully within 2019 we start full production cycle with full control over the process and own lab reports available. So, we are going our best to enhance and develop our production, but some moments still stay beyond our possibilities yet.
And, just to summarize it I say, raws is not something what we are trying to save our money with. More expenses are related to the transportation and other aspects. We`d rather put a bit more raws to be sure then we let out under-dosed products. We`d rather fill vials for 10.5 ml then we get thousands of complains, why a customer got less oil.
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TO contrast with my previous post, I have placed an order in the past with literally right before going to bed, and, I do not know how, the pack arrived the very next day!
I have no way to predict or estimate transit times... its frustrating.

I’ve had the same thing happen with As well . Some take a week some I’ve gotten the day after
Well, hypothetically, if a test showed an overdosed oil like in your case, but sample had been already taken, oil already in vials. Say straightforward, it does not strictly correspond to the concentration 300 mg/ml stated on the label and it is 380 mg/ml instead, but vials had been already filled... what would you do with it? I say it, no one manufacturer, to be more precise, no one UGL will dump these vials and restart a new batch. Its true. Probably no one UGL will admit this in public, but the fact is pretty obvious.
I ask not to understand this like our goal is just to produce as much as possible and no matter what quality is it of. Absolutely not. We had many times situations, where we could use cheaper components and produce final products. As example, many ask for cabergoline. We have access to raws, but our reports show those raws are not of sufficient quality for human use. The compound is very expensive at this, we could grab a great income with it. But we still did not launch its production, because we are still looking for sufficient purity.
We are doing our best to control as many aspects as possible. We invested huge funds into the facility and improving it. We also have some not very successfully batches. We had NPP, which was quickly crashing up, we had oil-based stanos, which was also crashing up. We all the time have some call it production wastes. These are blisters or vials/amps, which were for some reason damaged during production and do not have a market view, but contents is ok. We put such pills/vials into orders for free as small bonuses. I mentioned this a few times on all boards, also here. Those, who ordered from us, can confirm this. So, even if we get some products not suitable for sale due to different reasons, we don`t sell them and mostly give away for free if they are safe to use.
I don`t say we are a perfect lab. There are really complicated things. Like HGH, e.g. Its a hormone with crazy complicated chemical structure and its analysis requires exceptional professionalism,knowledge and equipment. We currently can not test it regularly within our facility. But, we are working on establishing a new completely our own facility producing HGH only. When saying "producing" I mean not just filling amps with raw powder; I mean entirely full production process under our control. It will be HGH expression from scratch based on e.coli cultivation with further multi-stage purification and so on. All our profit is going into this. Several month ago we were looking for a scientist with respective bio-tech background and experience, if you remember. We found such an expert. Hopefully within 2019 we start full production cycle with full control over the process and own lab reports available. So, we are going our best to enhance and develop our production, but some moments still stay beyond our possibilities yet.
And, just to summarize it I say, raws is not something what we are trying to save our money with. More expenses are related to the transportation and other aspects. We`d rather put a bit more raws to be sure then we let out under-dosed products. We`d rather fill vials for 10.5 ml then we get thousands of complains, why a customer got less oil.

I can confirm this, in the last order i made you gave me an Halotestin blister for free, it has 2 pills less than expected. i mean, the blister is perfectly closed but it has 48 pills instead of 50...

So it was a big deal!
I can confirm this, in the last order i made you gave me an Halotestin blister for free, it has 2 pills less than expected. i mean, the blister is perfectly closed but it has 48 pills instead of 50...

So it was a big deal!

Wow! a free Halotestin (48 pills) in addition to what you ordered. :)
That is very nice! congrats on a cool bonus
Just sharing this. I live on the east coast. Made an entirely legal purchase from overseas.

Most of the time it lands in NY from its country of origin. I had tracking. Watched it go to a regional facility 30 minutes from where I live, then back to the regional center in NY, now it's in Las Vegas, Nevada over 2,000 miles away and has been sitting there for 2 weeks.

The post office can and will mess up. How a source handles the inevitable is what's important.

Hate shit like that dude.
I get more anxiety tracking my packages then I do with my bills hahah