MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

* Test Prop at 150mg EOD gives you 450-600 mg/wk and A LOT of people run test higher than NPP or other 19-nors.

----You know why they do this? I think - no. This is common misconception. Like you need to run higher testo dosages than nandrolones to avoid libido problem or stuff like that. In our practice with athlets in most cases we don't respect this misconceptions, and we see progress in blood tests, appearance and so on.

I agree that we are all different... But cycles like - testo P(PH) 100 (50)mg + NNP 100mg definitely shows better results than cycles where testo is more than nadrolones.

* Where did you get this gem from? - Dark secret, Sir :)

2.) To run PCT after NPP he would need the NPP to clear first, so you discontinue the NPP 2 weeks prior to Test Prop, run just the Test for 2 more weeks, then a week after last Test injection you can begin PCT. If he wanted to run NPP for 8 weeks then 2 more of just test for 10, if he wanted to run it 10 weeks then 2 more for 12. Again, pretty standard.

---Sir, no matter which AAS will come out from body first (all AAS have anabolic and androgenic effects. Sure you know that possible to do cycle without testo at all) in our case we speak about testo P and NNP, of course testo P will come out from body first - If we do 100mg testo P, so after about 5-7 days of last injection testo level nearle 0, so with NNP after 6-9 days of last injections nandrolones level will be nearle 0. This is no big deal. You can start PCT without problem.

3.) Smaller doses of Anavar on NPP and Test would produce negligble effects, you also put it on the back end to finish strong as you plateu and your body strives for homeostatis. I agree with kickstarting is pointless. And you said athletes in this one, but yet above you just said "If you are not a pro" yes 50mg ED for 4-6 weeks is a WAY better protocal -

--Sir, I agree with you, but in some cases some pro athletes have protocols where they can use 2-3 orals in the same time.

Question is about of usefulness of all of this. pro athlete want to be a mr. O, but we speak about guy who want cut cycle :) I and our medical team have many blood test from our athletes and respectively got some experiense. Therefore I recommend small doses long time for amateurs. I can say more, in 80% cases for amateurs.. guys who use AAS can make cycles without orals at all. You just need to know your goal.

Also working with our pro athletes we do all we can to keep liver (also other system to) in good conditions even they use orals (I.V./hepatoprotective drugs and so on). And we have good results in this regard.

4.) The reason is to use the Nolva once the NPP clears the system - agree you can do this.

5.) Fareston has MORE side effects than Nolva - Here I can argue a long time :) because our clinical experience say otherwise. I can give you advice - instead of reading pubmed and stuff like that, just ask some doctor or pharcacologist about what better in medical practis nolva or fareston - answer will be pretty clearly.

Won't keep argue with you Sir.

I gave him some advice and he will decide listen to them or not.

I will preface this with I am not arguing with you, debating and discussing different schools of thought, yes. But there is nothing wrong with healthy discussion.

So that being said

1.) Where you said
Large part of your cycle must be created by other AAS.

Is what I am asking, where did you get this information from? Honestly, not being sarcastic. Would love to read that literature.

2.) I would agree upon your last injection of NPP after 10-14 days yes, you could begin PCT, but like I said, after stopping Test Prop you could begin PCT after 5-7 days. Saves a pretty big amount of time stopping the NPP before the Test.

3.) In agreement with you regarding the Orals

4.) I will do more research regarding Fareston vs Nolva but from my undertanding Nolva is still the superior SERM. If you could post some of those Japanese studies or others you have, again would love to read them.

No arguements, just discussing, hope we can continue to do so in a civil manner.
Folks I'm sorry, if I annoy someone, my goal was to give health advice, nothing more. If someone think that my goal is to sell more expensive drug, sorry, but it's not :)

I know that all my advices work and show good results on our team athletes and on our customers.

That your choice guys, listen them or not.

Let's start from, that guy decide to use not best AAS for cutting cycle.

I think one of the best option to cutting cycles can be mix 6 as a whole or separately. This is more than enough for most off amateur guys. Of course most part of final effect based on diet. But we can add some more gear like anavar/wins/halo, or HGH/ T4/T3 and so on, again question based on feasibility and usefulness of drug set.
Folks I'm sorry, if I annoy someone, my goal was to give health advice, nothing more. If someone think that my goal is to sell more expensive drug, sorry, but it's not :)

I know that all my advices work and show good results on our team athletes and on our customers.

That your choice guys, listen them or not.

Let's start from, that guy decide to use not best AAS for cutting cycle.

I think one of the best option to cutting cycles can be mix 6 as a whole or separately. This is more than enough for most off amateur guys. Of course most part of final effect based on diet. But we can add some more gear like anavar/wins/halo, or HGH/ T4/T3 and so on, again question based on feasibility and usefulness of drug set.

Not annoyed at all!

Yes, while again diet is the biggest factor, NPP is not the ideal AAS for a cut.
@picholas I understand and support discussion -- this is how we all learn more. I did not at all mean you should not question.
To be clear, I recommend people to question things, do research, and always continue to learn. That is what I try to do for myself.

My post was simply to make it clear that "Pharmacom Helper" is a great source of a lot of information (it was in reply to the comment, good advice, about typical reps); "Pharmacom Helper" is NOT a typical board rep like we see with many small sources. My only point was to make it clear he has a lot of knowledge and experience. I am not at all trying to discourage discussion.

Of course we all know I, or anyone, can post anything; therefore, anyone reading please feel free to go read "Pharmacom Helper's" and my own posts on the many boards etc. and you will see that neither he nor I are sales-men (yes, I want the business I work for to do well -- or else there is no job -- but my focus is more of technical things and I even have spoken highly of other sources/competitors, even posted another source TD pic recently, etc -- NOT at all a sales man or typical rep).

I have to take off and get other work done, and also go to the gym tonight :). again, I meant no disrespect or anything negative towards anyone -- best wishes everyone. I hope you all enjoy a good day!
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I will preface this with I am not arguing with you, debating and discussing different schools of thought, yes. But there is nothing wrong with healthy discussion.

So that being said

1.) Where you said

Is what I am asking, where did you get this information from? Honestly, not being sarcastic. Would love to read that literature.

2.) I would agree upon your last injection of NPP after 10-14 days yes, you could begin PCT, but like I said, after stopping Test Prop you could begin PCT after 5-7 days. Saves a pretty big amount of time stopping the NPP before the Test.

3.) In agreement with you regarding the Orals

4.) I will do more research regarding Fareston vs Nolva but from my undertanding Nolva is still the superior SERM. If you could post some of those Japanese studies or others you have, again would love to read them.

No arguements, just discussing, hope we can continue to do so in a civil manner.

Is what I am asking, where did you get this information from? Honestly, not being sarcastic. Would love to read that literature.
In Russian team they have guy who wrote a book which called " andrology with basis of sport pharmacology" this is second volume. First volume called "introduction in neuroendocrinology" now as I know he working on third volume which called "thyroid gland" and he on the way to find some one who can translate books to English. I hope it will take not so long time.

2.) I would agree upon your last injection of NPP after 10-14 days yes, you could begin PCT, but like I said, after stopping Test Prop you could begin PCT after 5-7 days. Saves a pretty big amount of time stopping the NPP before the Test. - persuaded:D

4.) I will do more research regarding Fareston vs Nolva but from my undertanding Nolva is still the superior SERM. If you could post some of those Japanese studies or others you have, again would love to read them. - agree

No arguements, just discussing, hope we can continue to do so in a civil manner. - will be happy to;)
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I love these types of discussions as I am learning more and more everyday so thank you guys for speaking on this...
pic, I do appreciate you bringing your views as well being it brings more things to be spoken upon
I've ran people on Var 40 new to aas and they get great results at that dose. Start low and work your way up.

Amen bro! I just haven’t seen results myself at anything lower than that and have to work up. Everyone’s body is different was all my point was I suppose..
Long-time customer who was recently "scammed" by this company. International pack. 4 weeks later, still no tracking. Sales/support responded to my first email saying I live in a difficult country for customs (USA) and that they would check with the warehouse to see about my pack. More than a week later, all subsequent emails are ignored and I never received the tracking number. It goes without saying I haven't gotten my pack either.

I told them I'd be posting on the boards if they didn't make this right and it appears that they didn't care about someone hurting their reputation on this board.

Just sharing my experience.
Long-time customer who was recently "scammed" by this company. International pack. 4 weeks later, still no tracking. Sales/support responded to my first email saying I live in a difficult country for customs (USA) and that they would check with the warehouse to see about my pack. More than a week later, all subsequent emails are ignored and I never received the tracking number. It goes without saying I haven't gotten my pack either.

I told them I'd be posting on the boards if they didn't make this right and it appears that they didn't care about someone hurting their reputation on this board.

Just sharing my experience.

You got the right idea... but the wrong message.
You didn't get scammed.
First, send a PM with your order number to @Pharmacom Helper
He's been on lately... he'll help you.

Just play a little waiting game now, and I'm sure he'll get it fixed for you.
I’m also dealing with the waiting game right now.
Have my tracking number but package has not moved from it’s location for about 2 weeks.
All I can say is and this is for me too, be patient. I know it’s hard but unfortunately it’s the name of the game. I hope With me and With you as well these issues get resolved and everyone gets everything they ordered.
They are good people and they stand by their customers and will help.
Long-time customer who was recently "scammed" by this company. International pack. 4 weeks later, still no tracking. Sales/support responded to my first email saying I live in a difficult country for customs (USA) and that they would check with the warehouse to see about my pack. More than a week later, all subsequent emails are ignored and I never received the tracking number. It goes without saying I haven't gotten my pack either.

I told them I'd be posting on the boards if they didn't make this right and it appears that they didn't care about someone hurting their reputation on this board.

Just sharing my experience.

I had a package seized that I ordered on 5/17 and I had to wait for them to re-mail it and didn’t get it till 7/2. They don’t control the mail but they’ve always made it right. Even if it takes two months to get to your door you gotta remember, it made it to your door. lol patients is the name of the game for Int orders. You can always buy domestic if your worried about customs or long mail times. Good luck getting this fixed though man I hope it works out for you!
Have yet to recieve the other half of my order and its been about THREE MONTHS...this is getting ridiculous....I would wait on ordering from this source. Seems like a selective scammer at this point when its been months. @Pharmacom Helper @Pharmacom Labs

-Also they claim to send you a tracking number and what not, but I've never received one of those either even after getting half of my order.

Did you get your order yet?
A source can not control the postal service.

Just like if you send something in the mail, once you hand it over it is in the postal service's hands and there is nothing you can do to influence the outcome.

Think about it -- if you brought a pack to the post office to send to me, and then I want it to come faster -- how could you make it come any faster?
Or if in the rare event the mail you sent to me was lost (we all know mail can get lost -- it not that uncommon) or seized, would it be your fault?

I understand your concerns if you do not yet have tracking info (because in that case you are not sure if it was handed over to the postal service).
But I do not believe tracking is even sent until it leaves the origin post (for security seasons -- but you will have to ask "Pharmacom Helper" or Frank for clarification on that).

IF you do not yet have tracking info and you have given things ample time (remember, at times they need to take pause to space out packs for security reasons as was posted in the recent announcement), then contact "Pharmacom Helper" or use the "contact us" page on the website and seek a resolution.

But some of you do have tracking and still ask sources about the status of packs (NOT unique to this source -- I see it happen with MANY source and I just can not understand) -- its crazy... the source can only see the same tracking info that you can see.
IF you have tracking that has a status update (even original post is preparing shipment) then you know for sure that the package was sent (it is not in the hands of the postal service).

What on Earth can the sender do or see at that point??? HE has done his part and mailed it off to you. If you are frustrated, it is with the postal service not the source.
The source and you both want packs to make it, and you both can only see the same tracking info -- you and the source are in the same boat at the mercy of the postal service.

Again, let me make it clear, this is not directed at anyone specific AND I see it happen with most sources and on most boards.

I like the old cliche that people say: "this aint amazon Prime..."
After all, you are buying drugs in the underground economy.
But even that is not an accurate saying because amazon has zero control over a package once they hand it over to the shipping service.

IF you do have tracking info, then your pack has three possible outcomes:
the most likely case is that the pack makes it to you.
2) it gets lost in the mail -- tracking will show it was never delivered and some sources will take the loss and make things right for you (although it is NOT the sources' fault).
3) you will get a letter stating it was seized (if you get such a letter , do not respond and you will not face any legal issues; but, keep the letter as proof to show to the source because many sources, such as Basicstero, will offer a re-ship with proof of seizure).
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Is what I am asking, where did you get this information from? Honestly, not being sarcastic. Would love to read that literature.
In Russian team they have guy who wrote a book which called " andrology with basis of sport pharmacology" this is second volume. First volume called "introduction in neuroendocrinology" now as I know he working on third volume which called "thyroid gland" and he on the way to find some one who can translate books to English. I hope it will take not so long time.

2.) I would agree upon your last injection of NPP after 10-14 days yes, you could begin PCT, but like I said, after stopping Test Prop you could begin PCT after 5-7 days. Saves a pretty big amount of time stopping the NPP before the Test. - persuaded:D

4.) I will do more research regarding Fareston vs Nolva but from my undertanding Nolva is still the superior SERM. If you could post some of those Japanese studies or others you have, again would love to read them. - agree

No arguements, just discussing, hope we can continue to do so in a civil manner. - will be happy to;)

Most of what I know comes from my Endocrinologist. I'm pretty sure in my intro I mention I have Hashimoto's disease which I've been receiving treatment for the last 5+ years. So I know a decent amount about the thyroid gland as I've been living with a broken one for years.

I can see if my doctor can provide case studies if you'd like to read them.