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Everyone reacts differently to different compounds.
I run PCOM Primo and have ZERO PIP.

But Mast and Prop give me a little bit of PIP at first (then, after a couple pins my body was used to it and no more PIP), and some Bold-cyp from a VERY respected domestic source gave me a little PIP (however, all of these were from very reputable brands -- its not the brand or a problem with brewing, it was my own personal reaction to specific compounds or carrier/solvent formulae).

So far nothing else has given me any PIP.
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I don't know if I posted in the right section, but because I will use all the Pcom gear maybe it's ok.
I want to run a cut cycle and want to lay out what I want to do, hope you guys will give me a positive feed back on this .

6 days on 1 day off.
Day 1 to 60 : every other day_ npp - 100, test pop - 100, every day _anavar - 50, proviron - 50, hgh - 3 IU, 3 times a week 150 hcg.
Every other day 12.5 exemestane.
PCT can be nolva and clomid or exemestane and nolva
I don't know if I posted in the right section, but because I will use all the Pcom gear maybe it's ok.
I want to run a cut cycle and want to lay out what I want to do, hope you guys will give me a positive feed back on this .

6 days on 1 day off.
Day 1 to 60 : every other day_ npp - 100, test pop - 100, every day _anavar - 50, proviron - 50, hgh - 3 IU, 3 times a week 150 hcg.
Every other day 12.5 exemestane.
PCT can be nolva and clomid or exemestane and nolva

For a cut you may wanna swap the Anavar to winstrol for the 60 days, should be ok if you’re running bloods too, but everything else looked good. HCG is kinda a waste of money and time unless your worried about your ball size. lol
I’m assuming the HGH and orals are ED as well?
For a cut you may wanna swap the Anavar to winstrol for the 60 days, should be ok if you’re running bloods too, but everything else looked good. HCG is kinda a waste of money and time unless your worried about your ball size. lol
I’m assuming the HGH and orals are ED as well?

Yes , hgh and all orals are every day. I want to use winstrol but I made a mistake and got 2 packs of Var. May be I will use it later on some other cycle.
About hcg, I don't worry about the size but I thought that to keep the boys working cause npp will shot the tests down.
Yes , hgh and all orals are every day. I want to use winstrol but I made a mistake and got 2 packs of Var. May be I will use it later on some other cycle.

What you’re running with the NPP, Test Prop, and Anavar with HGH and Arimidex is my favorite stack. That’s gonna work out pretty good for you but personally I’ve always worked my way up from 40mg to 80mg slowly towards the end of my cycle. The HCG you may wanna read up on some more. It’s kinda useless in my opinion but @dylangemelli has some good videos on it that should help. Also a few threads you can read up on. Aside from that everything looks good in my opinion. I’d try running some Clen at the last 4 weeks possibly since your not running as strong of a cutting agent like winstrol. Hope you have a good cycle though bro!
I don't know if I posted in the right section, but because I will use all the Pcom gear maybe it's ok.
I want to run a cut cycle and want to lay out what I want to do, hope you guys will give me a positive feed back on this .

6 days on 1 day off.
Day 1 to 60 : every other day_ npp - 100, test pop - 100, every day _anavar - 50, proviron - 50, hgh - 3 IU, 3 times a week 150 hcg.
Every other day 12.5 exemestane.
PCT can be nolva and clomid or exemestane and nolva

Drop the HCG...when you use test the balls don't work! haha
Use the HCG in place of PCT if you want to use it.
Yes , hgh and all orals are every day. I want to use winstrol but I made a mistake and got 2 packs of Var. May be I will use it later on some other cycle.
About hcg, I don't worry about the size but I thought that to keep the boys working cause npp will shot the tests down.

Are you running Pcom HGH? If so you’ll have to give some feedback as I’ve never used theirs before. Keep us posted on your gains too..
Are you running Pcom HGH? If so you’ll have to give some feedback as I’ve never used theirs before. Keep us posted on your gains too..

How would you think you should feel?
I've been running Pharmatropin for the last 2.5 weeks. First 2 weeks at 8-9IU's a day split AM/PM 7pm/7am.
Now down to 4IU's day 7AM for the next 90IU's.

I had surgery...umbilical hernia. I pretty much healed in 2 weeks and I have a slow imune system. I've been eating shitty but watching my daily calories.
Losing fat a lot. Arms and legs have been leaning out nicely.
I've never ran HGH so i'm not exactly sure how i'm supposed to feel....

My sleep and mental issues have pretty much disappeared. I'm finally sleeping a lot better. And mentally I feel amazing. Anxiety has gone away, depression feelings and all around I feel amazing.
Are you running Pcom HGH? If so you’ll have to give some feedback as I’ve never used theirs before. Keep us posted on your gains too..

No HGH I will run is a GETRIPIN , I got 18 - 10 IU each
How would you think you should feel?
I've been running Pharmatropin for the last 2.5 weeks. First 2 weeks at 8-9IU's a day split AM/PM 7pm/7am.
Now down to 4IU's day 7AM for the next 90IU's.

I had surgery...umbilical hernia. I pretty much healed in 2 weeks and I have a slow imune system. I've been eating shitty but watching my daily calories.
Losing fat a lot. Arms and legs have been leaning out nicely.
I've never ran HGH so i'm not exactly sure how i'm supposed to feel....

My sleep and mental issues have pretty much disappeared. I'm finally sleeping a lot better. And mentally I feel amazing. Anxiety has gone away, depression feelings and all around I feel amazing.
What you’re running with the NPP, Test Prop, and Anavar with HGH and Arimidex is my favorite stack. That’s gonna work out pretty good for you but personally I’ve always worked my way up from 40mg to 80mg slowly towards the end of my cycle. The HCG you may wanna read up on some more. It’s kinda useless in my opinion but @dylangemelli has some good videos on it that should help. Also a few threads you can read up on. Aside from that everything looks good in my opinion. I’d try running some Clen at the last 4 weeks possibly since your not running as strong of a cutting agent like winstrol. Hope you have a good cycle though bro!

Thanks for info. I have one pack of winstrol and two anavars , that's 200 pills of var 10 mg each and 100 pills of winnis 10 mg each, which should I run first 40 days of var and 20 days of winnis or other way around ?
Thanks for info. I have one pack of winstrol and two anavars , which should I run first 40 days of var and 20 days of winnis or other way around ?

That’s all based on whether your liver tests show you can at the 50 day mark. Run bloods with orals for sure. Oils I don’t always cause you can somewhat go off how you’re feeling on smaller stacks but with your liver just not worth messing around without bloods. If your bloods look good you could try it but I don’t know if three weeks on winstrol will do much for you.. might wanna just wait twenty days and start the var at day 20 to day 60.. up to you on that one..
How would you think you should feel?
I've been running Pharmatropin for the last 2.5 weeks. First 2 weeks at 8-9IU's a day split AM/PM 7pm/7am.
Now down to 4IU's day 7AM for the next 90IU's.

I had surgery...umbilical hernia. I pretty much healed in 2 weeks and I have a slow imune system. I've been eating shitty but watching my daily calories.
Losing fat a lot. Arms and legs have been leaning out nicely.
I've never ran HGH so i'm not exactly sure how i'm supposed to feel....

My sleep and mental issues have pretty much disappeared. I'm finally sleeping a lot better. And mentally I feel amazing. Anxiety has gone away, depression feelings and all around I feel amazing.

To me I’m thinking your running a better dose at 4IUs than 8-9IUs cause that’s high. I have heard of people running high doses to start but I just started lower and went up. I’m only running 3IUs and I sleep better and heal faster and feel better euphorically and just overall notice a difference. I had bad shoulders and it made a difference in my workouts for sure.. Sounds like you got good stuff so for what you’re using it for you’re gonna be up and at em in no time!
That’s all based on whether your liver tests show you can at the 50 day mark. Run bloods with orals for sure. Oils I don’t always cause you can somewhat go off how you’re feeling on smaller stacks but with your liver just not worth messing around without bloods. If your bloods look good you could try it but I don’t know if three weeks on winstrol will do much for you.. might wanna just wait twenty days and start the var at day 20 to day 60.. up to you on that one..

Last time I ran 40 days of winstrol and I could feel physically that my liver was hurting. So if I will spark it up with winnis and then go into var cause it's more mellow , I will try it . Can'tbe worse then 6o days of straight winstrol.
To me I’m thinking your running a better dose at 4IUs than 8-9IUs cause that’s high. I have heard of people running high doses to start but I just started lower and went up. I’m only running 3IUs and I sleep better and heal faster and feel better euphorically and just overall notice a difference. I had bad shoulders and it made a difference in my workouts for sure.. Sounds like you got good stuff so for what you’re using it for you’re gonna be up and at em in no time!

From surgery they say about 10iu's for 2 weeks is a good kick.
I pretty much am up and ready to go now! Gonna start cardio next week. Just don't want to push it too soon too hard.
Last time I ran 40 days of winstrol and I could feel physically that my liver was hurting. So if I will spark it up with winnis and then go into var cause it's more mellow , I will try it . Can'tbe worse then 6o days of straight winstrol.

Like I always say bro, You know your body better than anyone so you do you! Hope it works for you!
From surgery they say about 10iu's for 2 weeks is a good kick.
I pretty much am up and ready to go now! Gonna start cardio next week. Just don't want to push it too soon too hard.

I’ve heard that too. Glad that’s working out for you cause two week heeling time from a hernia is awesome!
Last time I ran 40 days of winstrol and I could feel physically that my liver was hurting. So if I will spark it up with winnis and then go into var cause it's more mellow , I will try it . Can'tbe worse then 6o days of straight winstrol.

Honestly, If 40 days was rough on your liver though with winny I’d probably just stick to 40 days of Var and leave the winny out.. that’s just me cause that’s gonna be harder on you to try to use both and swap and I wouldn’t do that to your liver or receptors and so on if I were you but like I said bro you do you! [emoji106] keep us posted though..
Everyone reacts differently to different compounds.
I run PCOM Primo and have ZERO PIP.

But Mast and Prop give me a little bit of PIP at first (then, after a couple pins my body was used to it and no more PIP), and some Bold-cyp from a VERY respected domestic source gave me a little PIP (however, all of these were from very reputable brands -- its not the brand or a problem with brewing, it was my own personal reaction to specific compounds or carrier/solvent formulae).

So far nothing else has given me any PIP.
I totally agree with RThoads, that postinjections pain is every individual thing. What options we have to deal with it - 1) mix with other AAS like pharma bol, bold 300 and so on. 2)Our russian team add oil vitamins. 3) Add NSAID after injections 4) Change injections place, it's really work in some cases.
I don't know if I posted in the right section, but because I will use all the Pcom gear maybe it's ok.
I want to run a cut cycle and want to lay out what I want to do, hope you guys will give me a positive feed back on this .

6 days on 1 day off.
Day 1 to 60 : every other day_ npp - 100, test pop - 100, every day _anavar - 50, proviron - 50, hgh - 3 IU, 3 times a week 150 hcg.
Every other day 12.5 exemestane.
PCT can be nolva and clomid or exemestane and nolva
Sir, if you don't mind I will write for you how I see cycle with gear which you have.

1)Testo P 100mg EOD
2)NNP 100mg EOD
3)Proviron 50 ED
1)anavar 30mg ED

HGH 5IU ED 5/2 1-9wk

HCG 500IU E4D 4-8wk

Ex 12.5 EOD

Caber 1 tab E14D

9-13 wk
1wk - Clomid 100mg + farestos 40mg
2wk - Clomid 100mg + farestos 40mg
3wk blood test (FSH/LH/testo total/e2/prolactin)
3wk - clomid 50mg + farestos 20mg
4wk clomid 50mg + farestos 20mg

But this is not best one cut cycle, just based on what you got.