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I am the same as you. If you don’t know, law enforcement needs a warrant to open domestic packages. And international packages can be seized and searched without one. Don’t worry, I know a lot about the 4th amendment and what LE can and cannot do. Take for example, where I live (big city/state) only has 15 postal inspectors for the state. There is no way they care about a couple vials. Now with that being said, the minute you start talking to your friends, coworkers, or sometimes family about how “huge” your getting,and one of them dime you out, then they could be interested in you (it’s funny how you can not trust anyone..even your mother will turn on you to save her ass.. I have seen it happen). So keep it to yourself and you’ll be fine.

Second and most important!!! Do not sell a drop to anyone. That is where it becomes a felony for distribution. Then you will get dimed out by the person you sold it to. Besides that bro, I love Basicstero’s shipping option. These guys know how to make it happen. But domestic is your best option and the safest. No cop want to write a warrant for two vials.. in my state it’s a misdemeanor.. and not worth the time. It’s the distributors that they want.

Take the plunge with basic.. you won’t be disappointed!!
Thanks for that bro
This is some good advice regarding how to receive a package safely:

No agency is interested in, nor can they afford, stings operations on personal use (small order under a couple thousand dollars) AAS customers.
They are looking for req drugs -- narcotics etc.
And, BIG dealers.
But this is still all good advice to be as informed and careful as possible and I hope the link can help.
Thanks man
I do...
I pip from primo 100/200 the worst. And the Test E 500.

Relatively I'm pip free from Prop, tren, deca, EQ sometimes my first batch of bold 500 was smooth but i got pip on the bold 300. Was weird.
I even ran the sus 500 1cc with 1-2 cc's tri tren and was fine every 3 days. (my biggest blast by far)

Now I at least think I know what’s been causing me the PIP cause I haven’t had any issues with the stuff I take and then when I started the Primo swapped from test E 300 to Cyp 250 at the same time and thought there’s no way the test was doing it. That’s why I asked. The 200 Primo was bad and I found if I split it up into 4 ea of 1/2cc shots I don’t have that much of a problem cause it’s less oil than the 100 Primo and spread out it still has pain but not as bad. I do t run Test 500 for just that reason cause I hate PIP although everyone does! lol
Now I at least think I know what’s been causing me the PIP cause I haven’t had any issues with the stuff I take and then when I started the Primo swapped from test E 300 to Cyp 250 at the same time and thought there’s no way the test was doing it. That’s why I asked. The 200 Primo was bad and I found if I split it up into 4 ea of 1/2cc shots I don’t have that much of a problem cause it’s less oil than the 100 Primo and spread out it still has pain but not as bad. I do t run Test 500 for just that reason cause I hate PIP although everyone does! lol

Is the Test Cyp giving you any pip ?
Seriously fck you all!!!!
You made me rethink primo...
Did like 1/2 cc primo 200, 1/2 cc primo 100, 1/2cc test e.
This shit kills me, how you guys get up to 800-1000/week amazes me.
Hahaha if I add in a 3rd, it's gonna be tren.
Tren has a good synergy with... we'll everything :p hahahahaha
Sure you can but Bolde has some good "health benefits" in regards to your joints and collagen synthesis with very, very Low Sides applied Low dosed.
Tren is a complete other story regarding Sides and to spend much more attention to your estrogen
Sure you can but Bolde has some good "health benefits" in regards to your joints and collagen synthesis with very, very Low Sides applied Low dosed.
Tren is a complete other story regarding Sides and to spend much more attention to your estrogen

Hahaha you are either off or on. I don't cruise with low dose shit. Break with only test low low and then blast.
Not a big fan of bold...
Seriously fck you all!!!!
You made me rethink primo...
Did like 1/2 cc primo 200, 1/2 cc primo 100, 1/2cc test e.
This shit kills me, how you guys get up to 800-1000/week amazes me.
I'm doing about 1.5 cc PC Primo 200 twice a week, and mixing with about .5 cc pharma grade test 250, in quads. Have very minor PIP a day or so after, that lasts a few days - but it's not very bad, more I can just feel where the shot was for a few days
I'm doing about 1.5 cc PC Primo 200 twice a week, and mixing with about .5 cc pharma grade test 250, in quads. Have very minor PIP a day or so after, that lasts a few days - but it's not very bad, more I can just feel where the shot was for a few days

Seriously jealous! I don't know why primo hits me soo hard. My leg is swelled up and hurts lol
Only when I do primo... as bad as if I did 1cc of test 500 lol
Just keep rubbing my leg and massaging it.
Seriously jealous! I don't know why primo hits me soo hard. My leg is swelled up and hurts lol
Only when I do primo... as bad as if I did 1cc of test 500 lol
Just keep rubbing my leg and massaging it.
Damn that sucks, have you tried mixing it with any other oils/lower strength products ? I originally mixed with 100mg/ml cyp (Dr prescribed) in case PIP was bad, but it turned out ok