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Guys does any one tried Pharmacom EXOS ( exemestane) and D- ball ? Can anyone tell me if they are gtg or not.
I've used both. Exemestane could be arimidex for all I know but it's definitely some type of AI because it worked. I think my dbol is underdosed but can't prove that since I don't have access to any labs.
You want people to work out for you too ?

Stop trolling the boards, grow up and do research and stop complaining about your gear being under.
You probably don’t even know what dbol does lol
Is the Test Cyp giving you any pip ?

No turns out Its the Primo but I started em at the same time when I switched from Test -E 300 and couldn’t figure it out cause I’d never had a problem with either. Turns out the Primo 200 is what was doing it cause it’s strong dosed and I just had to use less at a time more often and it’s fine now. A little soreness but much better in lower CC’s.
For real! I can barely get up to 400mg without serious pain! Haha
So this is still the best lab out there? Whose products are g2g and are superior to all others? That's weird I'm running primo from a domestic source tgat was lab tested by Analyzer with no pip at all.
So keep telling me how great PCOM is.
So this is still the best lab out there? Whose products are g2g and are superior to all others? That's weird I'm running primo from a domestic source tgat was lab tested by Analyzer with no pip at all.
So keep telling me how great PCOM is.

I have primo 100 domestic and it's still the same thing. Some people pip from something others don't. I barely pip from test 500, and others it cripples.
If you read up a few posts you'd see lots saying no pip.
I have primo 100 domestic and it's still the same thing. Some people pip from something others don't. I barely pip from test 500, and others it cripples.
If you read up a few posts you'd see lots saying no pip.
That's weird unless you are allergic to the carrier oil, if it is brewed properly you won't get crippling pip. Sorry to burst your bubble with your beloved source. Cheer up butter cup, you are very sensitive, maybe that's the problem.
That's weird unless you are allergic to the carrier oil, if it is brewed properly you won't get crippling pip. Sorry to burst your bubble with your beloved source. Cheer up butter cup, you are very sensitive, maybe that's the problem.

Again nope... I run all their other oils.

It's primo, something about it doesn't like me.
So I'd love to hear your justification is why I get no pip from prop and others do?
By everything you said everyone else's source is shit and pcom is god.
Again nope... I run all their other oils.

It's primo, something about it doesn't like me.
So I'd love to hear your justification is why I get no pip from prop and others do?
By everything you said everyone else's source is shit and pcom is god.
That's one way to spin words huh? You are taking this very personal. My first post wasn't directed at you. So your defense makes no sense. That's great primo is the only compound to give you pip. Do you want a pat on the back. What the hell are you even talking about?
That's one way to spin words huh? You are taking this very personal. My first post wasn't directed at you. So your defense makes no sense. That's great primo is the only compound to give you pip. Do you want a pat on the back. What the hell are you even talking about?

Oh I'm just reading your words exactly as you say them.
All the posts were about pip and primo. As stated above again if you would read... I've cut with domestic primo. It's just primo for me.
Sometimes threads are a few people using the same source talking.

So if you are going to spin words and make comments like you are I feel it's only fair to treat you the same way....
And how was your first post not directed at me? I'm one of the 2 that said I get bad pip from primo. Other said they don't.
If you just look to walk into a thread and bash instead of posting something helpful/useful or not bashing a source. How do you expect to get treated?
Nothing against you, it's just only fair.

This was personal, as it was nothing about the source at all...
It all started cuz everyone said how good primo was so I decided to do a .5cc primo 200, .5 primo 100 with .5 test 300. And fucking crippled my leg. So I called everyone fckers for telling me how good it was.
So this is still the best lab out there? Whose products are g2g and are superior to all others? That's weird I'm running primo from a domestic source tgat was lab tested by Analyzer with no pip at all.
So keep telling me how great PCOM is.
Oh I'm just reading your words exactly as you say them.
All the posts were about pip and primo. As stated above again if you would read... I've cut with domestic primo. It's just primo for me.
Sometimes threads are a few people using the same source talking.

So if you are going to spin words and make comments like you are I feel it's only fair to treat you the same way....
And how was your first post not directed at me? I'm one of the 2 that said I get bad pip from primo. Other said they don't.
If you just look to walk into a thread and bash instead of posting something helpful/useful or not bashing a source. How do you expect to get treated?
Nothing against you, it's just only fair.

This was personal, as it was nothing about the source at all...
It all started cuz everyone said how good primo was so I decided to do a .5cc primo 200, .5 primo 100 with .5 test 300. And fucking crippled my leg. So I called everyone fckers for telling me how good it was.
Please clarify this for me because you are rambling like a 16 year old PCOM cheerleader. You have to cut PCOM primo with a domestic non PCOM source to cut the pip? Slowdown, take a deep breath and.explain yourself versus rambling on.
Please clarify this for me because you are rambling like a 16 year old PCOM cheerleader. You have to cut PCOM primo with a domestic non PCOM source to cut the pip? Slowdown, take a deep breath and.explain yourself versus rambling on.

Exactly where it all started....
If you go back on the thread, someone commented primo may be the best product around. I disagreed.
No matter what I do with primo I get pip. I even feel primo 100.
I can't ever get my dosage high enough to really truly run primo due too the huge pip I get.
I've tried cutting it with another source, I've tried using the other source 2cc's primo 100. It always is the same for me. Once I get into that 400-600mg/week dosage I can only get 2 shots in and by the 3rd my leg is too fucked for the shot.
So I disagreed about primo being one of the best products (in my opinion).

Which lead to someone having the same problem as I'm facing. Which lead to the comments about primo and pip. Which lead to me doing a shot of primo. Which lead to me saying everyone is fckers cuz I knew what would happen but did it anyways because I've always wanted to run a good dose of primo (joke). Which lead to the current post.
Nothing really ever about the source.