MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

That is not accurate.
Basicstero ( a store) never worked together with another store.
That is like saying Nike outlet store used to work with Footlocker.
The outlet store never did but Footlocker may have carried Nike shoes at one time (or still does).

The accurate difference is this:
Basicstero (a store) is the direct from Pharmacom (a brand) dealer.
PharmaComStore (a store) is a retailer (reseller) store that used to carry Pharmacom (a brand) products.
*note: there are multiple re-sellers over time but only one direct from manufacture store.
**note: official re-sellers do not purchase via Basicstero; instead, they most likely make large whole-sale bulk purchases directly from Pharmacom.

Therefore, in summary:
Pharmacom is a brand -- a manufacturer.
Basicstero is a store that sell Pharmacom products (happens to be the direct from manufacturer store).
PharmaComStore is a store that does not currently carry Pharmacom brand products.
There are other stores not listed here that have carried (and maybe still do carry) Pharmacom brand products -- but I only work with Bascistero myself.
TLDR. But like I was saying @JonIrenicus, they used to work together but Basic cut them off. Word on the street is that Pcomstore didn't "pay up".
TLDR. But like I was saying @JonIrenicus, they used to work together but Basic cut them off. Word on the street is that Pcomstore didn't "pay up".

Again, Not accurate.
But BigNattyDaddy even admits he did not read the info so it is expected that he is not informed.
Read and you will be informed.
Basic NEVER cut anyone off.
No one has to "pay up".
@BigNattyDaddy i do not know you or have any experience with you so I do not know if someone else misinformed you or if you are making these things up yourself.
My posts will clarify for you and you can check with Frank or @Pharmacom Helper to verify that I work for Basicstero so you are getting real facts from me -- not some conspiracy theories your gym bros made up lol
You can also ask @IronJulius or others from PharmaComStore to verify my info.
Again, Not accurate.
But you even admit you do not read.
Read and you will be informed.
Basic NEVER cut anyone off.
No one has to "pay up".
@BigNattyDaddy i do not know you or have any experience with you so I do not know if someone else misinformed you or if you are making these things up yourself.
My posts will clarify for you and you can check with Frank or @Pharmacom Helper to verify that I work for Basicstero so you are getting real facts from me -- not some conspiracy theories your gym bros made up lol
Again, accurate. And as you said yourself, you work for Basic. So you're going to do your best to make them look good. Hopefully I cleared everything up for you. Please pm me if you have any questions, @RThoads.
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Does anyone know who this BigNattyDaddy guy is?
Only a member here since April of this year -- I do not know him.
Is he just a troll or should I take time to try to help/inform him?
Genuine question because I care to help legit members but I do not want to waste time if he is just goofing around and trolling.
Does anyone know who this BigNattyDaddy guy is?
Only a member here since April of this year -- I do not know him.
Is he just a troll or should I take time to try to help/inform him?
Genuine question because I care to help legit members but I do not want to waste time if he is just goofing around and trolling.
You responded to my op when I answered the other guy. Also, everyone here knows me. :D
You responded to my op when I answered the other guy. Also, everyone here knows me. :D

Its cool man. We may not agree and that is ok. I feel I cited my references to show credibility and prove that I have valid insight into the topic; but even if we do not agree I have no hard feelings.
I am happy to help you or anyone but just did not want to waste time if you were just messing with me.
No disrespect intended.
Does anyone know who this BigNattyDaddy guy is?
Only a member here since April of this year -- I do not know him.
Is he just a troll or should I take time to try to help/inform him?
Genuine question because I care to help legit members but I do not want to waste time if he is just goofing around and trolling.

Its cool man. We may not agree and that is ok. I feel I cited my references to show credibility and prove that I have valid insight into the topic; but even if we do not agree I have no hard feelings.
I am happy to help you or anyone but just did not want to waste time if you were just messing with me.
No disrespect intended.
I don't have any skin in the game so it doesn't make a difference either way for me. Glad there are no hard feelings on either side. I'm sure there's a lot going on behind the scenes that neither of us know about.
I thought we were bros Steve :(
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Does anyone know who this BigNattyDaddy guy is?
Only a member here since April of this year -- I do not know him.
Is he just a troll or should I take time to try to help/inform him?
Genuine question because I care to help legit members but I do not want to waste time if he is just goofing around and trolling.

He’s a fucking idiot . Don’t waste a mere second on his pathetic ass RT. He’s just mad because mommy would give him money to spend on gear.
Does anyone know who this BigNattyDaddy guy is?
Only a member here since April of this year -- I do not know him.
Is he just a troll or should I take time to try to help/inform him?
Genuine question because I care to help legit members but I do not want to waste time if he is just goofing around and trolling.

He’s a troll . He doesn’t use pcom , he has never ordered pcom, he makes statements in regards to pcom ...yet he has a lot to say about the lab and everyone who uses it....

Makes a ton of sense !
He’s a fucking idiot . Don’t waste a mere second on his pathetic ass RT. He’s just mad because mommy would give him money to spend on gear.
Still haven't worked on your insults I see. Is RT your supervisor? I knew you would be back in the thread before long, shill.
For all new members, BE AWARE of shills/snakes like @TRTvegan. He is ALWAYS in this thread heaping praise on Basic. You can check his profile too and it will show how often he posts here. Other members have called him out as well.
I doubt it was a "pay up" thing but my understanding is basically what @RThoads shared PharmaComStore wanted to add more products which pcom labs preferred them not and contract wasn't agreed upon this happens with business. No real hard feeling and there is hope I think on both sides that one day they will sell products again.

I'm still going to buy pcom products I have a few friends that prefer them and i like that mix 5 and proviron. Hell my wife might still want to run pcom I need to ask her she is on 16mg of my script test e5d and liking it

Folks like drama on boards we get it but these 2 companies just want to supply yall with quality gear and there are enough gear heads to make both business happy.
Pack landed awhile ago. Discrete shippong was neat. Hope to get some more bc before the promo ends... Frustrating trying to buy them as my bank won't let me use my card.
Which compound has more pip the test e 500 or deca 600??..

I have just started the Pharma Test-E500 myself and it has some bite about 24 hours after the pin. I am experienced and it still gave me notable discomfort. PIP lasted a day or two.
However, it was not crippling and I still hit a leg day today (3.5 days after the first pin in the glute).
I am posting update on my personal experience.
Definitably , I can say already that these high conc product are only for experienced users -- but with said, I think someone with a lot of cycle experience and that understands PIP will not have a problem.

I can not comment on the Deca600 since I have not yet tried it myself.
However, with any high conc gear I would predict one should head the product warning regarding PIP and potential Test-Flu symptoms and only very experienced users should try such products.
@Steve84 and @RThoads...thanks guys ive heard high mg concentrations cause pip...just looking at my next cycle with deca and test...trying to decide which combo will cause less pip if possible. Deca 600 and cut it with test e 300 or test e 500 and cut it with deca 300. Trying to stay around 600 test and 400 deca 2x a week
Pharma Test-E500 experiment.

Second pin went smooth today.
Hit my L. Glute this time (the injured side -- glute strain about 3 weeks nagging me). PIP is completely a different feeling then the deep strain -- I will be able to distinguish.

I am expecting the same things I experience on the first pin in the R. Glute. Everything feels 100% normal tonight but I predict in a day or so the PIP will peak. Seems to come on at about teh 24 hours mark and peak at 48 hours then rapidly subside.
After all, it is still very new for me and only the second pin. I am happy that the Right side has recovered a lot and I hope it has no soreness remaining by tomorrow.

IF both sides are hurting at the same time, I will be a funny site -- people might start to ask questions -- picture the "Fred Sanford" walk lol ;)

Trained legs today in the gym. Did not squats but did do box step-ups, machine abductors/adductors, Lying leg curls, leg ext, unilateral standing leg curls, standing calf, donkey calf, and seated calf.

Feeling a lot better today overall, but still enough discomfort that I did not want to squat (I also have the nagging left glute strain).
PIP in the right side was there, but not bad anymore, just felt like DOMs.

Not my first rodeo so I knew the potential -- very similar PIP to my first cycle years ago (was test prop for my first run ever).

I never had PIP in the past couple years so this is nostalgic ;) haha

In all seriousness, it was painful that one day (about 24 hours after the pin to 48 hours) but now has significantly subsided -- just normal PIP to be expected with the high conc. gear.
Test flu symptoms have improved a little as well. I felt like this the first time I ran Bold-cyp -- same exact feelings so I know it is just my body being "shocked" by the new compounds.