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For all new members, BE AWARE of shills/snakes like @TRTvegan. He is ALWAYS in this thread heaping praise on Basic. You can check his profile too and it will show how often he posts here. Other members have called him out as well.

I’ve seen this guy in other threads. GH threads, the pharmacomstore thread a lot, and some other small ones.. Just cause you don’t like someone, and it’s obvious you two hate each other, doesn’t call for a thread notification without proof to backup a claim like that. No offense but have you ever bought any pcom gear before yourself? I’ve heard you hadn’t from what I’ve read but I’ll keep an open mind about it if you say you have. Just curious..
I am not very experienced only 2 cycles so far...First one was test e 300. I had pip not sure what would be considered major pip and minor pip..The pain stayed around for about 4-5 days..I was injecting shoulders with 25g 1in needle..The area was hard-no lump, it was very sore but not hot or cycle i did was test e 200 which had zero pip
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I am not very experienced only 2 cycles so far...First one was test e 300. I had pip not sure what would be considered major pip and minor pip..The pain stayed around for about 4-5 days..I was injecting shoulders with 25g 1in needle..The area was hard-no lump, it was very sore but not hot or cycle i did was test e 200 which had zero pip

I don’t get PIP with Test 300 or Test at all for that matter but Primo.. HOLY SHiT! lol the Primo 200 gave me a knot in my muscle the size of a golf ball and the primo 100 was just as sore just not for as long or as big. Haven’t had anything give me PIP except Primo and some people don’t get bothered by it and get bothered by Test E 300 bad. It varies from person to person.. glad to hear your not getting problems with your test anymore though!
Yes i was curious as to why it had so much pip...dont think it had any eo(not sure if im allergic to it). The test e was 2%/20% with mct....The test 200 was .8%/20% with cotton seed...I now realize it may have been crashing or falling out of suspension as there where a few white streaks thay would appear after sitting. Though it would go away with a few swirls of the bottle. Could it have been crashing in the muscle after injection??
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At that time I tried to search for any reviews about that lab but came up with very little.

I am wanting to pull the trigger on pharmacoms test e 300 or 500..I just want to make sure that my pip i had was from the gear not from my weak body....I mean the pip was bad but i just stuck it out
I am not very experienced only 2 cycles so far...First one was test e 300. I had pip not sure what would be considered major pip and minor pip..The pain stayed around for about 4-5 days..I was injecting shoulders with 25g 1in needle..The area was hard-no lump, it was very sore but not hot or cycle i did was test e 200 which had zero pip

Yes i was curious as to why it had so much pip...dont think it had any eo(not sure if im allergic to it). The test e was 2%/20% with mct....The test 200 was .8%/20% with cotton seed...I now realize it may have been crashing or falling out of suspension as there where a few white streaks thay would appear after sitting. Though it would go away with a few swirls of the bottle. Could it have been crashing in the muscle after injection??

At that time I tried to search for any reviews about that lab but came up with very little.

I am wanting to pull the trigger on pharmacoms test e 300 or 500..I just want to make sure that my pip i had was from the gear not from my weak body....I mean the pip was bad but i just stuck it out

Just to clarify -- these cycles were NOT Pharmacom products, correct?
So, a friend of mine from the gym ordered from you guys and you sent it [internationaly] in 16 days. Pretty solid if you ask me. He said that he will do bloodwork in 6-8 weeks and I will share them here.
So, a friend of mine from the gym ordered from you guys and you sent it [internationaly] in 16 days. Pretty solid if you ask me. He said that he will do bloodwork in 6-8 weeks and I will share them here.
A friend..right. My dad uses Pcom also (wink).. maybe I will post his review for him. You gotta love when people say “their buddy.” Damn there are a lot of good friends out there who share their blood work.. shit my wife doesn’t even see my blood work.
Pharma Test-E500 experiment.

First pin PIP is completely gone (4 days from pin and there was zero discomfort left at the site).
Second pin PIP kicked in at about the 24 hours mark, but was not as strong as the first one. Nonetheless, it is NOT something a newbie would handle, that is for sure (notice my theme? haha just hoping newer guys do not get excited and jump inot something over their head -- they will be disappointed).
So far less test-flu as well.

Just to be clear to anyone that reads this -- the normal conc gear such as Test-E300, EQ300, and Deca300 etc are no problem at all and give me ZERO PIP ever.

I can't wait for the 3rd pin to see if the second go at the rotation is any easier (based on #2, I am predicting that I am already getting used to the compounds and there is a chance I can run a 12 to 14 week! -- time will tell).

Second pin PIP is already subsiding.
This is good news and has me optimistic that I am already getting used to the compounds systemically.
Next pin (3rd) tomorrow evening.