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I’ve been running the Pcom tren A and it’s really good quality. I haven’t ever tried the Tren E but I bough a couple to try next cycle. This cycle was:
TEST P-100mg ED
NPP 100mg (50mg ED)
Tren A 100 (50mg ED)
Primo 100mg ED
Used Anavar (70mg) for the first 6 weeks and waited two weeks then switched to Tbol 50mg daily. Didn’t start the tren till week 8 either. I’ve put on 37lbs in 14 weeks so far. This is to be a 16 week cycle. I started GH as well but not till about a month ago. All my gear is primo except my growth. Pcom has some quality gear! Once I started the tren A I noticed that I wasn’t sleeping as well and I sweat in my sleep pretty bad on good tren. That’s just the sides that get me the worst. Had those immediately. Most of that stopped when I started the GH though!
Damn 37 lbs its damn good, keep the gains coming bro. I’ll try PCOM in the near future
Damn 37 lbs its damn good, keep the gains coming bro. I’ll try PCOM in the near future

This is a long cycle for me usually I’m at 8-12 weeks but I got this weird pneumonia and was in ICU for like a month and they wouldn’t give me my TRT shots so my test was way low and I kept getting sicker.. in total I lost 30 lbs or so from that and because I’m only about 8-1/2 % Body Fat all I lost was muscle I worked my ass off for so this is the first cycle since I was cleared from the hospital as healthy to work out heavy.. this is just my old weight back plus some but it feels good to be almost back to the old me!!! I have Pcom to thank for that on the AAS side. Out of respect for them I’ll just say I ordered their GH but it hasn’t showed up yet so the GH I’m using isn’t theirs. Thanks though bud! Much appreciated!!
I’ve been running the Pcom tren A and it’s really good quality. I haven’t ever tried the Tren E but I bough a couple to try next cycle. This cycle was:
TEST P-100mg ED
NPP 100mg (50mg ED)
Tren A 100 (50mg ED)
Primo 100mg ED
Used Anavar (70mg) for the first 6 weeks and waited two weeks then switched to Tbol 50mg daily. Didn’t start the tren till week 8 either. I’ve put on 37lbs in 14 weeks so far. This is to be a 16 week cycle. I started GH as well but not till about a month ago. All my gear is pcom except my growth. Pcom has some quality gear! Once I started the tren A I noticed that I wasn’t sleeping as well and I sweat in my sleep pretty bad on good tren. That’s just the sides that get me the worst. Had those immediately. Most of that stopped when I started the GH though!

Have you ran any of their A.I or PCT ?
Yes I have. I’ve ran their aromason(arimidex) and their clomid both and they are great. Haven’t had any issues by staying ahead of the curve with their “PCT orals” as a protectant on cycle.

Cool I have their aromasin, letro & clomid just wanted to see what you thought of yours. Everything on my end looks good just have to wait to actually try it. They also sell HCG but haven’t seen to much feedback on the one they sell.
Cool I have their aromasin, letro & clomid just wanted to see what you thought of yours. Everything on my end looks good just have to wait to actually try it. They also sell HCG but haven’t seen to much feedback on the one they sell.

HCG is a waste of money unless your literally just wanting to keep your balls looking bigger. Save your money if your not on TRT and running a good PCT you’ll be just fine without any HCG. I can tell you I got some free as part of their promo items cause I had 30$ left to spend so I said why the hell not and used it and it did its job it’s just for looks cause you want your chick to see a set of big or normal balls. lol I even tested it on an old pregnancy test and yet came back positive in like 45 seconds so it’s legit. I just think it’s a waste on money and a gimmick just for looks. My TRT Dr prescribed it and his legit reason was to keep my balls from shrinking from not producing their own test. That’s it. Hope everything works out good for you on your cycle though! You’ll have to keep us posted...
HCG is a waste of money unless your literally just wanting to keep your balls looking bigger. Save your money if your not on TRT and running a good PCT you’ll be just fine without any HCG. I can tell you I got some free as part of their promo items cause I had 30$ left to spend so I said why the hell not and used it and it did its job it’s just for looks cause you want your chick to see a set of big or normal balls. lol I even tested it on an old pregnancy test and yet came back positive in like 45 seconds so it’s legit. I just think it’s a waste on money and a gimmick just for looks. My TRT Dr prescribed it and his legit reason was to keep my balls from shrinking from not producing their own test. That’s it. Hope everything works out good for you on your cycle though! You’ll have to keep us posted...

I get you 100% , the only thing is my recovery is quicker when I run HCG vs when I do not hence why I decided to stick with it. I've tried both methods. I was going to add the HCG into my offer, but I decided to add some other stuff. Thanks for the info on you testing it tho! Might pick some up soon
Pharma Test-E500 experiment.

3rd pin was last night. Had a little muscle spasm (happens sometimes -- I am sure some of you have experienced it when the muscle twitches) which made the pin physically move more than I like and may contribute to some soreness.

Some PIP today, but MUCH less than the first week.
I just trained legs and was able to squat and do anything else I wanted to do -- the PIP was not enough to interfere at all with the workout.

The only thing that held me back from hitting it hard was the previous injury -- glute strain and low back pain (not even on the side I just pinned).
So I kept the squats at 315 and did 4 sets of 10 without locking out and tried to just keep tension on the quads.
After that, some very light 135 strait leg deads , then hit leg press super set with leg curls, some DB lunges, and finishes with pistol squats (bodyweight) and calf work.

Overall, feeling pretty optimistic about the cycle in regards to PIP and the compounds. I am sitting around 210lb @5'8" and look pretty much the same as in my profile pic (I did not lose much muscle nor gain fat while cruising -- I kept the diet strict and the test/primo cruise combo is golden for holding gains). Now if only my beat up body can cooperate I think I can put on some big mass in 12 to 14 weeks. I am wanting to hit 230 - 240! wish me luck :D
This is a long cycle for me usually I’m at 8-12 weeks but I got this weird pneumonia and was in ICU for like a month and they wouldn’t give me my TRT shots so my test was way low and I kept getting sicker.. in total I lost 30 lbs or so from that and because I’m only about 8-1/2 % Body Fat all I lost was muscle I worked my ass off for so this is the first cycle since I was cleared from the hospital as healthy to work out heavy.. this is just my old weight back plus some but it feels good to be almost back to the old me!!! I have Pcom to thank for that on the AAS side. Out of respect for them I’ll just say I ordered their GH but it hasn’t showed up yet so the GH I’m using isn’t theirs. Thanks though bud! Much appreciated!!

Dude that is so fucked up. Do they not realize not allowing you to continue your TRT is crucial ?!? I would of made a huge stink! It’s your literal lively hood and I highly doubt it would of effected anything if anything it would of probably helped
Pharma Test-E500 experiment.

3rd pin was last night. Had a little muscle spasm (happens sometimes -- I am sure some of you have experienced it when the muscle twitches) which made the pin physically move more than I like and may contribute to some soreness.

Some PIP today, but MUCH less than the first week.
I just trained legs and was able to squat and do anything else I wanted to do -- the PIP was not enough to interfere at all with the workout.

The only thing that held me back from hitting it hard was the previous injury -- glute strain and low back pain (not even on the side I just pinned).
So I kept the squats at 315 and did 4 sets of 10 without locking out and tried to just keep tension on the quads.
After that, some very light 135 strait leg deads , then hit leg press super set with leg curls, some DB lunges, and finishes with pistol squats (bodyweight) and calf work.

Overall, feeling pretty optimistic about the cycle in regards to PIP and the compounds. I am sitting around 210lb @5'8" and look pretty much the same as in my profile pic (I did not lose much muscle nor gain fat while cruising -- I kept the diet strict and the test/primo cruise combo is golden for holding gains). Now if only my beat up body can cooperate I think I can put on some big mass in 12 to 14 weeks. I am wanting to hit 230 - 240! wish me luck :D

What do you think about adding mast e to a TRT protocol to increased free t ?
Dude that is so fucked up. Do they not realize not allowing you to continue your TRT is crucial ?!? I would of made a huge stink! It’s your literal lively hood and I highly doubt it would of effected anything if anything it would of probably helped

i agree.
i mean its a medical need -- a hormone deficiency.
Would they deny a diabetic the hormone he is deficient?
What do you think about adding mast e to a TRT protocol to increased free t ?

I am running mast right out the gate to balance DHT with the 19-nor etc.

If just for SHBG then it depends upon cycle length but about the half way point. Purely for SHBG and free test I would use proviron though
Dude that is so fucked up. Do they not realize not allowing you to continue your TRT is crucial ?!? I would of made a huge stink! It’s your literal lively hood and I highly doubt it would of effected anything if anything it would of probably helped

I was so sick I couldn’t hardly breath cause it was called legionnaires pneumonia and I was one of only 500 people last year to get it. I was so sick I didn’t even realize for about three weeks I hadn’t take a shot at all. I ran out of shots and my TRT Dr said if that ever happened again he would personally come down and give me a shot and tell the attending to take a hike! He said I would’ve healed so much faster if my testosterone was at a healthy level.
The infection from whatever fungus I got in my lungs when I went to Mexico a month before spread to my heart and I had to get my heart shocked back into rhythm and all kinds a stuff. It was bad! I was so far out of it and had a tube down my throat and all kinda crap. Sucked!
I am running mast right out the gate to balance DHT with the 19-nor etc.

If just for SHBG then it depends upon cycle length but about the half way point. Purely for SHBG and free test I would use proviron though

Thanks RT , appreciate it

I was so sick I couldn’t hardly breath cause it was called legionnaires pneumonia and I was one of only 500 people last year to get it. I was so sick I didn’t even realize for about three weeks I hadn’t take a shot at all. I ran out of shots and my TRT Dr said if that ever happened again he would personally come down and give me a shot and tell the attending to take a hike! He said I would’ve healed so much faster if my testosterone was at a healthy level.
The infection from whatever fungus I got in my lungs when I went to Mexico a month before spread to my heart and I had to get my heart shocked back into rhythm and all kinds a stuff. It was bad! I was so far out of it and had a tube down my throat and all kinda crap. Sucked!

Ughh... well I’m glad
You’re okay man. Even your TRT dr. Wanted to slap them up. So unprofessional. Like RT said , like would they deny a diabetic the hormones they need? How naive can you be...
US Domestic Store Restock Announcement (26 July 2017):

Hi, Basicstero restocked some test-e and test-cyp in the domestic warehouse!

Folks, there were reports about email updates from us not getting out to customers. Our tech support changed the service we use and rewrote a part of code. Status reports as well as tracking numbers should now come without issues. Don`t hesitate to report if something is still now working.
—Basicstero team.

A short reminder: if you are waiting for some items that are currently out of stock, such items have a "notify" instead of "buy" button; Click on “notify” and enter your e-mail -- Once this item is restocked, you will be immediately notified!
100mg Test-cyp and 120 to 200mg Primo-E (I upper the primo over time)
Thanks, were you doing one shot a week or split in 2 ? How does it compare to cruising Test/mast ?

I'm coming off my blast soon, and was thinking of low dose primo or mast with my TRT dose
New batch of tracking numbers has been uploaded today. Every customer should get tracking number to his/her email. Please check your spam folders. If you have not received it, please check your account - dashboard -my orders and click on your order to see its details. Tracking number is available there as well.
If you have not received it to your email please let us know. Mailing system should have been fixed by now, but we need reports, how it works.
No plain pharmacom mast e? The only mast e I see is in the special mix #6. And when are you gonna be stocked up again on everything??
we have pharmadro e (masteron enanthate). Available in our international warehouse only right now.