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first cycle -- all your pin locations are virgin muscle -- its normal to have PIP when you are new. I promise in comparison with many other brands, this is some of the smoothest and among the best gear available. You would likely have some PIP from any of the good sources simply because you are new and its the first cycle.
Of cource, even pin technique plays a role as well -- you will get better at pinning with practice (like with anything).

I don’t and never have gotten PIP from any of the test -E or C that Pcom sells. Now I haven’t tried the 500mg so that’s not complete on my end as for all of them but I’ve only gotten PIP from their primo and that’s cause I’d never used it before. I’m actually pretty used to the primo now and he PIP is only about 12-24hrs at the most.
first cycle -- all your pin locations are virgin muscle -- its normal to have PIP when you are new. I promise in comparison with many other brands, this is some of the smoothest and among the best gear available. You would likely have some PIP from any of the good sources simply because you are new and its the first cycle.
Of cource, even pin technique plays a role as well -- you will get better at pinning with practice (like with anything).

Been pinning twice a week for about a year now for my TRT ( diagnosed with low t ) but I guess my body isn’t used to this much liquid hitting ... but the pip is already wearing away so I must say pcom products are smooth most definitely.
Anyone on here ever had a cortisone shot in their shoulder or major joint before? If so how long did you wait before lifting in that region? My Dr says I’ll be ok right away but to me it sounds like I’m masking a more serious problem and to go straight into training on it wouldn’t be a good idea.. anyone have experience with this type of thing?
Anyone on here ever had a cortisone shot in their shoulder or major joint before? If so how long did you wait before lifting in that region? My Dr says I’ll be ok right away but to me it sounds like I’m masking a more serious problem and to go straight into training on it wouldn’t be a good idea.. anyone have experience with this type of thing?

Got the shot 2 days after my shoulder surgery and I can tell you that the pain is gone so far but I can’t lift for a whole month
So I wonder if with just the shot and no surgery if a week would be plenty of time off....thanks bud!

You can try and see but is didn’t work for me that is the reason why I got mine but in my case they have to rebuild all the tissue in my shoulder was really back I couldn’t move my arm know I can’t lift for a whole month but I can my my arm to 80% after 3 weeks
You can try and see but is didn’t work for me that is the reason why I got mine but in my case they have to rebuild all the tissue in my shoulder was really back I couldn’t move my arm know I can’t lift for a whole month but I can my my arm to 80% after 3 weeks

I’ll have to give it a week then just go light and slow and stretch a lot just in case. Thanks bro!
@Lean_N_Mean take things very slow.
I do not like Cortisone shots -- I advise against them for my clients.
They are a cover-up -- a temporary solution. They prevent inflammation which gives temporary relief but they do not heal any tissue. Actually the opposite of healing, they are catabolic and degrade connective tissue.

If you must get one for the temporary relief keep in mind that you are not structurally any stronger at all -- you just do not have the inflammation causing pain -- but you may be structurally weak or even weaker than before.

Therefore, while you may feel better, train with cation so you do not cause more injury.

I prefer TB500 + BPC157 on top of a solid GH protocol for injuries.
2 weeks into TB500 and my should impingement was relived. Prior to the peptides and GH I could not even lift my arm without weight above my head or shave etc. doctors could NOT help after months of cat scans and appointments...
I took matters into my own hands and got some good peptides and GH -- actually healed tissue and relived all pains; full mobility was restored after 4 weeks and I could lift heavy.

I used the BEST peptide source but he is no longer available. I do not have any leads or recommendations (I am looking for a new source myself). but if you have a good trusted source of legit high quality peptides then TB500 + BPC157 and Gh may be a much better option.

Either way, take it slow even if you feel relief do not push things for a long time -- let whatever is injured heal (I wish I followed my own advice lol).
@Lean_N_Mean take things very slow.
I do not like Cortisone shots -- I advise against them for my clients.
They are a cover-up -- a temporary solution. They prevent inflammation which gives temporary relief but they do not heal any tissue. Actually the opposite of healing, they are catabolic and degrade connective tissue.

If you must get one for the temporary relief keep in mind that you are not structurally any stronger at all -- you just do not have the inflammation causing pain -- but you may be structurally weak or even weaker than before.

Therefore, while you may feel better, train with cation so you do not cause more injury.

I prefer TB500 + BPC157 on top of a solid GH protocol for injuries.
2 weeks into TB500 and my should impingement was relived. Prior to the peptides and GH I could not even lift my arm without weight above my head or shave etc. doctors could NOT help after months of cat scans and appointments...
I took matters into my own hands and got some good peptides and GH -- actually healed tissue and relived all pains; full mobility was restored after 4 weeks and I could lift heavy.

I used the BEST peptide source but he is no longer available. I do not have any leads or recommendations (I am looking for a new source myself). but if you have a good trusted source of legit high quality peptides then TB500 + BPC157 and Gh may be a much better option.

Either way, take it slow even if you feel relief do not push things for a long time -- let whatever is injured heal (I wish I followed my own advice lol).

I appreciate that. I upped my GH from 3 to 4IU’s and I will definitely look into the peptides. I have a pretty good domestic source for peptides. I am going on a two week vacation to Mexico in a few weeks and my cycles done in 1-1/2 weeks or so. I just wanted the relief from this shot to feel better after running that long cycle. I wish I could’ve put it off further right before my trip but there was no openings. I’ll get on the peptides now though so thanks for that info!
@Lean_N_Mean take things very slow.
I do not like Cortisone shots -- I advise against them for my clients.
They are a cover-up -- a temporary solution. They prevent inflammation which gives temporary relief but they do not heal any tissue. Actually the opposite of healing, they are catabolic and degrade connective tissue.

If you must get one for the temporary relief keep in mind that you are not structurally any stronger at all -- you just do not have the inflammation causing pain -- but you may be structurally weak or even weaker than before.

Therefore, while you may feel better, train with cation so you do not cause more injury.

I prefer TB500 + BPC157 on top of a solid GH protocol for injuries.
2 weeks into TB500 and my should impingement was relived. Prior to the peptides and GH I could not even lift my arm without weight above my head or shave etc. doctors could NOT help after months of cat scans and appointments...
I took matters into my own hands and got some good peptides and GH -- actually healed tissue and relived all pains; full mobility was restored after 4 weeks and I could lift heavy.

I used the BEST peptide source but he is no longer available. I do not have any leads or recommendations (I am looking for a new source myself). but if you have a good trusted source of legit high quality peptides then TB500 + BPC157 and Gh may be a much better option.

Either way, take it slow even if you feel relief do not push things for a long time -- let whatever is injured heal (I wish I followed my own advice lol).

Kinda bullshit. Cortisone does have a theraputic effect and is especially useful where old scar tissue is a cause of pain.

I guess if it's the only tool in your box, I would agree with you, but saying it only masks pain is not clinically correct.
Kinda bullshit. Cortisone does have a theraputic effect and is especially useful where old scar tissue is a cause of pain.

I guess if it's the only tool in your box, I would agree with you, but saying it only masks pain is not clinically correct.

What do you think pro athletes use of there hurt. They get a nice little “shot” and off they go... it basically numbs the pain. It’s no treatment. Like RT said , it doesn’t really rid inflammation. It’s a very powerful substance but by no means a productive treatment for healing.
That requires therapy and time away from putting tons of tension on it.
What do you think pro athletes use of there hurt. They get a nice little “shot” and off they go... it basically numbs the pain. It’s no treatment. Like RT said , it doesn’t really rid inflammation. It’s a very powerful substance but by no means a productive treatment for healing.
That requires therapy and time away from putting tons of tension on it.

Agree with you
@Lean_N_Mean take things very slow.
I do not like Cortisone shots -- I advise against them for my clients.
They are a cover-up -- a temporary solution. They prevent inflammation which gives temporary relief but they do not heal any tissue. Actually the opposite of healing, they are catabolic and degrade connective tissue.

If you must get one for the temporary relief keep in mind that you are not structurally any stronger at all -- you just do not have the inflammation causing pain -- but you may be structurally weak or even weaker than before.

Therefore, while you may feel better, train with cation so you do not cause more injury.

I prefer TB500 + BPC157 on top of a solid GH protocol for injuries.
2 weeks into TB500 and my should impingement was relived. Prior to the peptides and GH I could not even lift my arm without weight above my head or shave etc. doctors could NOT help after months of cat scans and appointments...
I took matters into my own hands and got some good peptides and GH -- actually healed tissue and relived all pains; full mobility was restored after 4 weeks and I could lift heavy.

I used the BEST peptide source but he is no longer available. I do not have any leads or recommendations (I am looking for a new source myself). but if you have a good trusted source of legit high quality peptides then TB500 + BPC157 and Gh may be a much better option.

Either way, take it slow even if you feel relief do not push things for a long time -- let whatever is injured heal (I wish I followed my own advice lol).

My mother actually got a sterile abscess in her knee from Cortisone shots and ended up causing more damage than the initial injury. Not a fan either. I've heard great things about TB500 for injuries and I think PPL international has raws for peptides if you're looking for a place still. Was going to grab some of their MK677 myself.
Cortisone shots are good, but only last for a little while. I know so many guys who rely on those shot. If they skip a shot, they walk like 90 yo men.
Cortisone shots are good, but only last for a little while. I know so many guys who rely on those shot. If they skip a shot, they walk like 90 yo men.

Well it’s like I said, it was supposed to originally be right before I went to Mexico for two weeks so I didn’t just spend the time down there rehabbing but I had to go in a few weeks early due to scheduling but I figured it was only gonna mask things the way I’ve always heard anyhow. I’ve had three foot surgeries and numerous shots in my foot and all it did was numb it for a few weeks and slowly creep back to full pain. I haven’t been able to do a proper chest workout in weeks cause of this shoulder and for now I’m ok with that but I’m excited to try the peptides and I’ve upped my GH in hopes it will help a little more. I have been running really low GH like 2-3IUs daily at most but I’ve upped it to 4-IUs and I’ll see how that sits. Thanks for all the feedback guys!

Finally got my week 11 to week 12 progress pic to load. Promised it yesterday but couldn’t load any pics.. getting more leaned up and finally cutting my BF.. finished week 4 and going on to week 5 of my tren-A and starting to finally feel and see the results. The hardest part for me has been rebuilding my legs. That’s where I think I lost the most weight.
Not the the best pics cause I had to use a selfie stick tripod on my counter.. lol feeling and looking better though!

Thanks for the support guys!!!
(Good to feel and look healthy again)
Hello Folks, so what interesting debates we have on board?[emoji50]

Was just talking about the great quality of the Pcom gear. It’s helped me get healthy again from 168lbs to 205lbs after being really sick and getting out of the hospitol. I ordered your GH but haven’t tried it yet but I have been using GH with your gear and have gained all 32lbs I lost in the hospital back plus some!
Guys, I gave you my advice about cortisone to help you.

Most medical doctors are very behind in terms of understanding and simply give a cut-and-paste approach to treatment without truly thinking about you the individual or the most current information.

Pain being gone is not evidence of healing or we could treat all issue with morphine -- just because after a shot you no longer feel pain does not mean healing occurred (and in some cases the lack of pain may contribute to an individual doing further damage).
For example, one could sprain his ankle and if we instantly administer enough pain killers there will be no pain; however, would you advise they go right back to putting strain and impact on the ankle as if it were healed?

To those of you that believe you know better regarding cortisone, go for it, you are free to do what you like.
I am just trying to help because I know most guys out there are very mislead -- for example, some of you that think cortisone is "good," please elaborate upon why it is good, what you mean by good, and where did you get you information?

Again, I am just trying to help and obviously any one of you is completely free to do whatever you want anyway (Guys that say I am bullshitting, what do I gain from you NOT getting a shot??? other than trying to help inform you, what could be my motive???).

A quick google search (after all like with anything else, I am sure you would do research about something before you go injecting into your body) will confirm what I am saying.

"people who received cortisone shots had a much lower rate of full recovery than those who did nothing or who underwent physical therapy. They also had a 63 percent higher risk of relapse than people who adopted the time-honored wait-and-see approach. The evidence for cortisone as a treatment for other aching tendons, like sore shoulders and Achilles-tendon pain, was slight and conflicting, the review found. But in terms of tennis elbow, the shots seemed to actually be counterproductive."
--( Phys Ed: Do Cortisone Shots Actually Make Things Worse? )

"It is not accurate to think of cortisone shots as perfectly safe, and there are numerous studies that show that over time people who receive regular injections may sustain more accelerated long-term damage to their joints."
( What You Should Know About Repeated Cortisone Shots )

Similarly, NSAIDs do more hard than good long term:
"non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs seem to inhibit the healing process of connective tissue and the stimulating effect of exercise on connective tissue protein synthesis"
-- ( Muscle and tendon connective tissue adaptation to unloading, exercise and NSAID. - PubMed - NCBI )

I strongly suggest people completely avoid any use of cortisone and/or NSAIDs.

Instead, I would focus upon root cause of the issue, eliminate the cause of further damage, and focus on structural repair.

There are plenty of healthy ways to reduce inflammation and/or actually promote healing, anti-aging, and general health:
LEF super bio curcumin
LEF 5-LOX inhibitor
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