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Thanks bro!!!

anytime :)

and hey, about the cortisone shot, I was not at all picking on you -- not trying to single anyone out (that is why I did not tag or quote anyone). My goal was just to share info in general and help.
If you get cortisone shots just take it slow afterwards -- just because pain is relived does not mean the structure is healed.
Find out what is causing the problem and do not return to doing whatever caused the issue or you most likely will re-aggravate the issue. Work on rehab and reestablishing structural integrity.
That is my point -- to look out for guys and prevent further set-backs.
Best wishes brother
anytime :)

and hey, about the cortisone shot, I was not at all picking on you -- not trying to single anyone out (that is why I did not tag or quote anyone). My goal was just to share info in general and help.
If you get cortisone shots just take it slow afterwards -- just because pain is relived does not mean the structure is healed.
Find out what is causing the problem and do not return to doing whatever caused the issue or you most likely will re-aggravate the issue. Work on rehab and reestablishing structural integrity.
That is my point -- to look out for guys and prevent further set-backs.
Best wishes brother

No I actually completely agree. I was only getting it so I could enjoy my Mexico trip like I said but turns out due to my schedule and the drs I have to get it three weeks early before I go and wanted to lift still so that’s where my question came into play. I wanted to know if I should just stick to maybe arms core and legs and just leave anything shoulders related out or if it was ok to go light and high reps to maintain and you answered my question with the first post. I understand the reason for he last one when you have to prove your reasoning and source to others I didn’t take any offense brother! No worries. You answered my question exact and I actually learned about some peptides I need to order..
Finally pulled the trigger and made a purchase, test e 300 and deca 300. Still trying to get used to this Bitcoin thing, but excited for them gains.
This is my 3rd cycle.
1st test cyp 250 .5cc twice wk for 10 wks
2nd test cyp 250 1cc twice wk for 12 wks
3rd test e 300 1cc twice wk for 18 wks
deca 300 .5cc twice wk for 16 wks

This is my 1st time using deca and I have caber and AI on hand. Would most recommend I use both from the beginning of cycle or just keep them on hand and use if needed? I'll be getting blood work done before cycle and mid cycle as well.
If I read your plan correctly, you are going to do:
600mg Test-E : weeks 1-18
300mg Deca : weeks 1-16
per week, split into 2 shots (I assume every 3.5 days such as Sunday morning/Weds evening).

I would maybe skip the first few days and go without an AI because it will take a few days for even the first shot to start to dissipate.
Then, start with an AI right from the beginning of the second pin (still in week 1).
You will know how much AI to use for you personally from your experience in previous cycles -- I would start at the lower end of how much AI you think you need unless you suffer greatly from E2 sides.
A little higher E2 for those that can handle it will be synergistic and more anabolic (sadly, some of us such as myself can not handle any rise in E2).
Get bloods around 5 weeks into the cycle and adjust accordingly.

As for Caber, I would just have it on hand and use it if you need to -- Caber is strong and it does not take much to lower prolactin. For most people prolactin will not be an issue as long as E2 is controlled.
In the rare event you do run into the need for caber, I would start with 0.25mg (250mcg) E3.5D (if you pin twice a week, every 3.5 days, just do the caber when you pin). Caber has a long half life and many people will take it much less frequent. I just cut the small 1mg pill into fourths and take 0.25mg at a time (only 0.5mg a week).
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If I read your plan correctly, you are going to do:
600mg Test-E : weeks 1-18
300mg Deca : weeks 1-16
per week, split into 2 shots (I assume every 3.5 days such as Sunday morning/Weds evening).

I would maybe skip the first few days and go without an AI because it will take a few days for even the first shot to start to dissipate.
Then, start with an AI right from the beginning of the second pin (still in week 1).
You will know how much AI to use for you personally from your experience in previous cycles -- I would start at the lower end of how much AI you think you need unless you suffer greatly from E2 sides.
A little higher E2 for those that can handle it will be synergistic and more anabolic (sadly, some of us such as myself can not handle any rise in E2).
Get bloods around 5 weeks into the cycle and adjust accordingly.

As for Caber, I would just have it on hand and use it if you need to -- Caber is strong and it does not take much to lower prolactin. For most people prolactin will not be an issue as long as E2 is controlled.
In the rare event you do run into the need for caber, I would start with 0.25mg (250mcg) E3.5D (if you pin twice a week, every 3.5 days, just do the caber when you pin). Caber has a long half life and many people will take it much less frequent. I just cut the small 1mg pill into fourths and take 0.25mg at a time (only 0.5mg a week).

RT, your dosing assumptions were correct. Thanks for the feed, much appreciated, and very thorough. My first two cycles didn't require any AI, but I'm always sure to have it on hand just incase. I'll keep you all posted for sure. Oooohhhh just got confirmation that my order was confirmed, like a kid in a candy store.....haha
RT, your dosing assumptions were correct. Thanks for the feed, much appreciated, and very thorough. My first two cycles didn't require any AI, but I'm always sure to have it on hand just incase. I'll keep you all posted for sure. Oooohhhh just got confirmation that my order was confirmed, like a kid in a candy store.....haha

your welcome brother.
And, I am jealous that you do not an AI! I struggle with estrogen.
This upcoming cycle is a little bigger though for you so you may need the AI at some point.
Here is a graph of you cycle. The peaks are just after the shots every 3.5 days. Then, I left two extra weeks past week 18 at the end so you may see the time it takes for levels to drop off.
Best wishes man , hope you enjoy the cycle and get those gains!
If you read the whole thread you’d have seen where I was in ICU for legionaries pneumonia and lost 32lbs in a month in the hospital. They put me on chemo meds cause they couldn’t identify the type of mold I got in my lungs to kill. They used some heavy duty stuff and it ate a lot of the muscle tissue I had. The side by side is just after the hospital and last weeks before and after. The single pic is what I looked like before the hospital. I’ll post a 12 week pic Sunday cause that’s when I take my weekly progress pics. I’ve gained about two more lbs this last week that put me to 37lbs like I said. Not making up bro! Great gear..
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Go you dude!! I caught hand, foot, and mouth disease ( which is strange as it's a small childrens disease) this past Christmas and lost 14 lbs and my ego. But I've gained from then to now about 22 pounds, which is pretty conservative with a rebound cycle. Like the late rich piana once said, it's always a hell of a lot easier to regain size you've had, than to build completely new tissue. I almost didn't pick the weights back up but I'll be damned if that retransformation didn't reinspire me to reach my goals.

It was almost as good as my first cycle.
Stop flaming pricks. It's a whole different ball game when you lose a shit ton of muscle fast due to sicknesssickn regain it.

That type of comeback it easily possible because the muscle is already matured at that size and it basically a deflated balloon.
Go you dude!! I caught hand, foot, and mouth disease ( which is strange as it's a small childrens disease) this past Christmas and lost 14 lbs and my ego. But I've gained from then to now about 22 pounds, which is pretty conservative with a rebound cycle. Like the late rich piana once said, it's always a hell of a lot easier to regain size you've had, than to build completely new tissue. I almost didn't pick the weights back up but I'll be damned if that retransformation didn't reinspire me to reach my goals.

It was almost as good as my first cycle.
It’s crappy when your hard earned muscle is just gone after about a month in the hospital then one day after looking in the mirror and nothing.
Good for you for gaining your muscle back bro! Like others were saying on here, it’s easy to give up after an illness or injury and the ones that bounce back and don’t give up are inspirational. Good for you and good luck on your gains bro!

Thank god for muscle memory though too right!
I've always gone through Labcore, private agency for blood work when on cycle
your welcome brother.
And, I am jealous that you do not an AI! I struggle with estrogen.
This upcoming cycle is a little bigger though for you so you may need the AI at some point.
Here is a graph of you cycle. The peaks are just after the shots every 3.5 days. Then, I left two extra weeks past week 18 at the end so you may see the time it takes for levels to drop off.
Best wishes man , hope you enjoy the cycle and get those gains!

You're the man RT, glad to have you as a resource brother
Touchdown on my second to last order.

Can’t wait to try this GW1516.. Tbol showed just in time too! [emoji106] still have my last order and they’re fixing my previous one to this that accidentally got half left behind. It was just a dumb error they’re making right and said they’re throwing me a bonus for the extra wait. Sounds good to me!
Touchdown on my second to last order.

Can’t wait to try this GW1516.. Tbol showed just in time too! [emoji106] still have my last order and they’re fixing my previous one to this that accidentally got half left behind. It was just a dumb error they’re making right and said they’re throwing me a bonus for the extra wait. Sounds good to me!
Approximately how many days we looking at? 14? I’m thinking of rolling the dice with international but I’m not trying to wait 3+ weeks
Approximately how many days we looking at? 14? I’m thinking of rolling the dice with international but I’m not trying to wait 3+ weeks

Don’t wanna say exactly how long but it took a week longer than it used to back in April. Hope that helps.. This order was somewhat special cause the mail took a few days longer cause I think they put it on the wrong truck or plane if you were to see my tracking info.. I don’t think it had anything to do with pcom ship times..
Don’t wanna say exactly how long but it took a week longer than it used to back in April. Hope that helps.. This order was somewhat special cause the mail took a few days longer cause I think they put it on the wrong truck or plane if you were to see my tracking info.. I don’t think it had anything to do with pcom ship times..
I made an international order on Sunday.. got the notification that it was shipped yesterday.. smooth!!! I’ll keep u boys updated