If I read your plan correctly, you are going to do:
600mg Test-E : weeks 1-18
300mg Deca : weeks 1-16
per week, split into 2 shots (I assume every 3.5 days such as Sunday morning/Weds evening).
I would maybe skip the first few days and go without an AI because it will take a few days for even the first shot to start to dissipate.
Then, start with an AI right from the beginning of the second pin (still in week 1).
You will know how much AI to use for you personally from your experience in previous cycles -- I would start at the lower end of how much AI you think you need unless you suffer greatly from E2 sides.
A little higher E2 for those that can handle it will be synergistic and more anabolic (sadly, some of us such as myself can not handle any rise in E2).
Get bloods around 5 weeks into the cycle and adjust accordingly.
As for Caber, I would just have it on hand and use it if you need to -- Caber is strong and it does not take much to lower prolactin. For most people prolactin will not be an issue as long as E2 is controlled.
In the rare event you do run into the need for caber, I would start with 0.25mg (250mcg) E3.5D (if you pin twice a week, every 3.5 days, just do the caber when you pin). Caber has a long half life and many people will take it much less frequent. I just cut the small 1mg pill into fourths and take 0.25mg at a time (only 0.5mg a week).