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Hat would be a killer mix if you can pull that off!!!

Big IF

Going 50/50 EO/MCT split and going to heat up the BB and some of the carrier first. Add the raws slowly until it dissolves, add the preheated BA, and then the rest of the carrier and pray for the best.

my boy just brewer npp 150 with mig810 just for your information
That's definitely promising to hear. I just brewed some TnE at 50mg and 100mg. The 50mg is perfect. The 100mg crashes a little every 12 hours but each time I heat it up and it cools it's crashing less. Only like 3 crystals this time, hoping one more time and it's good.
Big IF

Going 50/50 EO/MCT split and going to heat up the BB and some of the carrier first. Add the raws slowly until it dissolves, add the preheated BA, and then the rest of the carrier and pray for the best.

That's definitely promising to hear. I just brewed some TnE at 50mg and 100mg. The 50mg is perfect. The 100mg crashes a little every 12 hours but each time I heat it up and it cools it's crashing less. Only like 3 crystals this time, hoping one more time and it's good.

what oil did you use
I haven’t had much Primo PIP going on about two weeks now. Seems like there’s a body adjustment curve just like your T-E 500mg had..

yes, I agree -- the body just need to get used to some new things.
This was the first product from Basicstero that I ever experienced PIP, but I expected it since it is 500mg/mL (a lot of mg for the muscle to try to absorb). I was a little worried the first week that maybe I would need to adjust my plan. But now, two week in, and I am liking the product very much -- I will most likely stock up and use it as the base for future cycles as well.

With a different source (a very good one that is now gone) I got bold-cyp and it took about 4 weeks to for my body to accept it -- the first 4 weeks I had a lot of PIP and a fever (again, this was a good source and very clean gear). I read on some other boards that people do experience this the first time they tried bold-cyp as well. So even if gear is clean, some people just react differently to a new compound of concentration.

With all that said, the Pharma Test-E500 is great.
However, I strongly suggest only very advanced and experienced guys use the high concentration products.
It is a good product and has its place, but that place is NOT for a new guy or the inexperienced.
Do not use the high conc gear unless you are experienced, understand how it all works (including PIP), and truly feel ready and a need for such high concentrations.

I have decent experience and that first week was still very rough for me -- someone newer will not enjoy or be able to deal with such a product.
yes, I agree -- the body just need to get used to some new things.
This was the first product from Basicstero that I ever experienced PIP, but I expected it since it is 500mg/mL (a lot of mg for the muscle to try to absorb). I was a little worried the first week that maybe I would need to adjust my plan. But now, two week in, and I am liking the product very much -- I will most likely stock up and use it as the base for future cycles as well.

With a different source (a very good one that is now gone) I got bold-cyp and it took about 4 weeks to for my body to accept it -- the first 4 weeks I had a lot of PIP and a fever (again, this was a good source and very clean gear). I read on some other boards that people do experience this the first time they tried bold-cyp as well. So even if gear is clean, some people just react differently to a new compound of concentration.

With all that said, the Pharma Test-E500 is great.
However, I strongly suggest only very advanced and experienced guys use the high concentration products.
It is a good product and has its place, but that place is NOT for a new guy or the inexperienced.
Do not use the high conc gear unless you are experienced, understand how it all works (including PIP), and truly feel ready and a need for such high concentrations.

I have decent experience and that first week was still very rough for me -- someone newer will not enjoy or be able to deal with such a product.

How long does the pcom bold vs bold cyp stay in your system? How much is an average weekly dose of pcom EQ?
Not to sound like a little heeeeeemoooo , but I rather enjoy how everyone is getting along and just talking like how this community should haha.
I really like this . We should definitely all be behind one another.

So on that positive note , happy Monday all
Not to sound like a little heeeeeemoooo , but I rather enjoy how everyone is getting along and just talking like how this community should haha.
I really like this . We should definitely all be behind one another.

So on that positive note , happy Monday all

Kinda sounding like a hippie man! Haha kidding. Ya I feel like this thread is actually teaching me something today! lmao funny post though bro!
How long does the pcom bold vs bold cyp stay in your system? How much is an average weekly dose of pcom EQ?

Boldenone Cypionate ~8 to 10 days
Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) ~3 to 4 weeks

Big difference, I'm actually using 600mg/wk EQ on this cycle and am thinking about switching to Bold Cyp rather than dropping the EQ 2 weeks before the Test E/C because it's such a long wait otherwise and would make waiting for PCT take forever if you ran it all the way through.
Everyone that’s using this source just wants feedback and to know that they aren’t the only one with problems with a shipment or gear or PIP and so on. That’s why these threads are here. To hold Pcom accountable and keep things smooth and assure people they’re using a quality product. [emoji106]
Boldenone Cypionate ~8 to 10 days
Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) ~3 to 4 weeks

Big difference, I'm actually using 600mg/wk EQ on this cycle and am thinking about switching to Bold Cyp rather than dropping the EQ 2 weeks before the Test E/C because it's such a long wait otherwise and would make waiting for PCT take forever if you ran it all the way through.

Answers my question thanks bro!
I’m definitely getting pip from the Test Cyp ... this is my first cycle so maybe that’s the reason

Yeah I am getting 0 pip, about how many injections have you done so far and where are you pinning?

Answers my question thanks bro!

No problem, ideally I don't react poorly to the Bold Cyp and then I can taper the off the EQ in future cycles because that 3-4 weeks is awful and it takes at least 12-16 weeks of EQ to be worthwhile.
How long does the pcom bold vs bold cyp stay in your system? How much is an average weekly dose of pcom EQ?

Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) half life is approximately 14 days.
Boldenone Cypionate half life is approximately 8 days.

As for dosages, like with anything it will vary greatly for individual to individual relative to goals, preferences, and personal experience.

It is usually used in a stack with other compounds and according that article 400mg is a decent addition to most cycles.

I personally have used it at 600mg a week most of the time simply because of the convenience of drawing 1cc of the 300mg/mL product.
It is a nice addition to both mass gain phases as well as phases of improving body composition. Very slow mild but steady and solid gains from Bold. I have used it is most cycles but this time around I am actually not using any because I am already at a pretty big cycle (2g of gear a week is plenty for me) with the test500 etc -- no room for bold this time around but maybe I will use it during my next cut if I get too cheap for a big Primo dosage.
Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) half life is approximately 14 days.
Boldenone Cypionate half life is approximately 8 days.

As for dosages, like with anything it will vary greatly for individual to individual relative to goals, preferences, and personal experience.

It is usually used in a stack with other compounds and according that article 400mg is a decent addition to most cycles.

I personally have used it at 600mg a week most of the time simply because of the convenience of drawing 1cc of the 300mg/mL product.
It is a nice addition to both mass gain phases as well as phases of improving body composition. Very slow mild but steady and solid gains from Bold. I have used it is most cycles but this time around I am actually not using any because I am already at a pretty big cycle (2g of gear a week is plenty for me) with the test500 etc -- no room for bold this time around but maybe I will use it during my next cut if I get too cheap for a big Primo dosage.

Thanks man! Perfect explanation!!! I bought some to “possibly” add to my next cycle.. thanks again!
Boldenone Cypionate ~8 to 10 days
Boldenone Undecylenate (EQ) ~3 to 4 weeks

Big difference, I'm actually using 600mg/wk EQ on this cycle and am thinking about switching to Bold Cyp rather than dropping the EQ 2 weeks before the Test E/C because it's such a long wait otherwise and would make waiting for PCT take forever if you ran it all the way through.

yeah, EQ and PCT would be a headache. I cruise so I do not worry about the long EQ half life. But for someone that PCT, I would prefer Bold-cyp
I’m definitely getting pip from the Test Cyp ... this is my first cycle so maybe that’s the reason

first cycle -- all your pin locations are virgin muscle -- its normal to have PIP when you are new. I promise in comparison with many other brands, this is some of the smoothest and among the best gear available. You would likely have some PIP from any of the good sources simply because you are new and its the first cycle.
Of cource, even pin technique plays a role as well -- you will get better at pinning with practice (like with anything).